
#Year of the Tiger Entertainment #This is a real sketch that took place in the development zone of Guang'an City, Xiaoping's hometown, and was something I saw with my own eyes. That morning I went to the management committee of the development zone to run errands, and it was in the management committee

author:Fat Lion 333

#Year of the Tiger Entertainment #This is a real sketch that took place in the development zone of Guang'an City, Xiaoping's hometown, and was something I saw with my own eyes. That morning I went to the management committee of the development zone to run an errand, and there was an accident on the side of the road outside the management committee. The summer in Guang'an is too hot, the workers, the vegetable sellers, the vegetables are in time, a young man digging a temporary cable ditch on the side of the road, the action is too big, spilled a shovel of soil on a passing wife (the wife is carrying vegetables into the city with a back basket to sell, indeed too close to the roadside construction office), the wife shouted, "You made a fuss" "I, I, I didn't see you" The young man was very embarrassed to argue, the wife muttered a sentence "I didn't see it, ahem, didn't see it, if it was decades ago, when I was seventeen or eighteen years old." I'm still at the bend, you've seen it earlier", at this time, I think the boy is basically stupid. Looking at the woman again, as if she was not very angry, she had a proud face at that time, and I could see that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

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