
Lei Jun asked Xiaomi mobile phones to be the first in high-end for 3 years, and home appliance manufacturers can only speed up the pace

Lei Jun asked Xiaomi mobile phones to be the first in high-end for 3 years, and home appliance manufacturers can only speed up the pace

When Xiaomi founder Lei Jun first bombarded the mobile phone business in 2022 and clearly proposed to win the goal of "the first domestic high-end mobile phone market share" within three years, for many Chinese home appliance manufacturers who have been seeking high-end transformation for many years, it is obvious that they can only speed up their pace.

Qiao Hua || Writes

Transformation is a public examination question in front of all home appliance people. As early as more than ten years ago, Haier took the lead in opening a round of transformation that lasted for many years, first with the successful detonation of the high-end brand Casarte, which triggered the home appliance peers to scramble to lay out high-end new brands, and then Haier once again opened the transformation curtain of the home appliance industry in the era of the Internet of Things with scenes and ecology, realizing the trio from high-end brand, high-end intelligent set, and whole house intelligent transformation.

Today, this tide of transformation and change has once again swept the mobile phone industry from the home appliance industry. At the first seminar at the beginning of 2022, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun proposed for the first time that the high-end road is the only way for Xiaomi to grow, and it is also the life and death battle for Xiaomi's development. Xiaomi has officially set up a high-end strategy working group, under the strategy of "three years of mobile phone sales world first", Millet products and experience should be fully benchmarked against the iPhone, and won the first place in the domestic high-end mobile phone market share within three years.

Although, all walks of life in the mobile phone industry have questioned the high-end road of Lei Jun and Xiaomi mobile phones, or they are not optimistic. For example, Xiaomi mobile phones have always given users the impression of cheap, low price, and good use; at the same time, in the high-end market, Xiaomi not only has two mountains, Apple and Huawei, but also faces its own pioneering design capabilities. However, in the view of Smart Home Appliances, for Lei Jun and Xiaomi mobile phones, it is not important whether they can do the first domestic high-end mobile phones. Because this high-end transformation is only one aspect and a belief that guides the development and change of Xiaomi mobile phones in the next 3 years, in order to better motivate and stimulate the morale of teams and businesses.

In fact, through the new goal of high-end millet mobile phones, many manufacturers in the home appliance industry have also put forward a round of new thinking for development. That is, the high-end, high-quality, and set-up road of the home appliance industry can only be accelerated, cannot be slowed down, can only increase investment, and cannot fish for three days and dry nets for two days. Because the demand and trend of the first-tier market have been fully detonated.

In the "2021 High-end Home Appliance Market White Paper", in the home appliance market, the retail sales of high-end TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines with more than 15,000 yuan accounted for 51%, 38%, 20% and 12% of the overall high-end market retail sales of their categories, respectively. In addition to Haier's Casarte, Midea launched COLMO, and Hisense also exerted its high-end set to shine, including Changhong, Gree, and TCL, which are also competing for the high-end consumer market through high-end sets.

Nowadays, many mainstream consumers, the demand for home appliances is changing from basic functional consumption to quality comfortable and healthy experiential consumption, in addition to basic functional satisfaction, consumers' attention to green health, intelligent wisdom and other aspects is increasing. Therefore, the high-end road of Xiaomi mobile phones cannot be understood as Xiaomi mobile phones will definitely become high-end, but it can be understood that Xiaomi mobile phones also need to get rid of the label of low-cost and low-end in the future, and grab the market in another way.


ijiadian : New media for home appliances in the era of smart Internet, focusing on the transformation process of the home appliance industry in the era of intelligent inflection point of the Internet.

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