
The faction clashed into a final song, and the Warcraft Director said that there would be no other "Battle for Azeroth"

While world of warcraft set a benchmark for the two factions to become the benchmark for MMORPGs, more and more players are tired of the conflicts imposed on them. Since years of rumored cross-faction formations come true, World of Warcraft has become more and more peaceful. Recently, World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas said in an interview that there will be no more focused camp battles in the future, and there will be expansion packs like "Battle for Azeroth".

The faction clashed into a final song, and the Warcraft Director said that there would be no other "Battle for Azeroth"

After 20 years of the development of World of Warcraft, alliance and tribal players have finally joined forces and are about to form a joint team. In a recent interview, Ion Hazzikostas explained the reasons for this decision and the determination not to launch an expansion pack on the theme of alliance-tribal strife in the future.

The faction clashed into a final song, and the Warcraft Director said that there would be no other "Battle for Azeroth"

After the future 9.2.5 patch, the "End of Eternity" is implemented, alliance and tribal players will be able to team up together, Raid and PVP, regardless of faction loyalty. According to Hazekostas, cross-faction gameplay will be a daunting task due to the game's framework issues, including possible cross-faction guilds in the future.

"Battle for Azeroth" is the seventh expansion pack for World of Warcraft, and while it initially sold well, it quickly lost the favor of fans. Imposed faction wars exhaust players physically and mentally, and undermine the integrity of multiple characters in Warcraft history. In short, players are tired of such modes and are glad that there will never be any more in the future.

The faction clashed into a final song, and the Warcraft Director said that there would be no other "Battle for Azeroth"

"World of Warcraft" has developed to this day, either completely cut off, or boldly break through, the old camp conflict may no longer adapt to the development of the new era. Just like nostalgic suit players, there are not a few people who have dual faction accounts at the same time, and almost all servers have gradually become pure unilateral suits. Players unanimously want to get out of war, not indulge in old conflicts, they want to play with a variety of friends, regardless of each other's faction and race, and many hope that these changes will eliminate the long-standing racial hatred and attacks in the Warcraft community.

The faction clashed into a final song, and the Warcraft Director said that there would be no other "Battle for Azeroth"

Of course, a small number of players still oppose cross-faction gameplay, believing that faction confrontation is the essence of Warcraft, even if as early as Warcraft 3, the alliance and the tribe have actually cooperated once. Others have accumulated years of hatred and harbored grudges against certain players in opposing factions.

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