
Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about players building houses in-game

After the Dragon Age launch, Fanbyte participated in a group interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas about player housing.

Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about players building houses in-game

Player housing is what many players in the community require. Did you take this into account?

This is sure to get quite a bit of discussion in the design team. Players are interested in this, even if it used to be just small designs like Pandaria's Mid-Levels Farm. Players feel that there should be a part of the world that they can call themselves and that can be customized at will. It's something we're still excited about and still want to deliver at some point. I think every time we talk internally about what features make sense for the expansion and whether we really want to focus our art, resources, engineering, and everything else on it.

Player housing is something we always hope to achieve one day, but it's not part of the Age of Dragons. This does not mean that the dream has been shattered, and we will continue to explore this issue.

Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about players building houses in-game

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