
Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

The conflict between the tribes and the alliance in the World of Warcraft game for a long time is the main story line, and the vivid characters and the background story that impresses the player are all serving the main plot. Even in the 2016 Warcraft movie, the conflict between the two races is a core element.

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

However, all this changed on New Year's Day, when Activision Blizzard's World of Warcraft development team officially announced: "I'm excited to announce here that we are developing a new feature that enables Alliance and Tribal players to team up in advance to challenge dungeons, team quests and rating PvP." ”

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

Keep in mind that in the nearly 20-year history of World of Warcraft, teams can only be composed of players from a single faction. As soon as this new initiative was announced, it was closely watched by a large number of players. The World of Warcraft development team expects to test and roll out the feature in the 9.2.5 update, after which the tribes and alliances will be "like one family." ”

In addition to the cross-faction function, the introduction of cross-faction guilds is not ruled out in the future.

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

However, in order to reflect the "love and affection" between two different races and factions, but also to avoid the mismatch between the game's features and the game's plot setting, Warcraft Director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed in a recent interview that in the future, in addition to allowing alliance tribes to form teams across factions, new expansion packs focusing on faction conflicts will not be launched in the future world of Warcraft games.

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

World of Warcraft had previously launched expansion packs such as Shadowlands and Battle for Azeroth that emphasized faction struggles, but after the initial expansion pack hits, players quickly lost interest in them. Ion Hazzikostas mentioned in the interview:

"The construction and plot of the game world are interesting, but the faction wars after [Legion Re-Arrival] feel like they are forced, and in the process it destroys the integrity of many characters."

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

The world of Warcraft development team believes that "Battle for Azeroth" shows that players are tired of fighting between different factions and are determined to get rid of the strife and conflict of the past. In the eyes of the official staff, it is the general trend that friends from different camps can form teams freely. As an MMORPG online game, today's World of Warcraft development team pays more attention to social attributes.

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

Of course, the launch of cross-camp functions is also easy to produce some new hidden dangers, some netizens said: "Is it possible for the world to chat across camps in the future?" Will there be cross-camp swear wars after that? What wilds are killed, keys are hacked, cross-faction warnings are cross-factional, cross-faction gold coins are poured, mutual aid is achieved, and then cross-faction sister-in-law collection?"

Tribal Confederate Family Pro! Wow's creators determined that the conflict plot was over and did not develop related expansion packs

After the "World of Warcraft" development team announced this news, there were also many strong opponents. The existence of this group of players still makes the official jealous. It is for this reason that World of Warcraft will continue to consider maintaining the choice of cross-faction gameplay in the future. This is one of the few pieces of good news for players who are keen on lineup battles.

So do you support tribes and alliances in ending more than 20 years of camp conflict?

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