
Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

As the baby grows up, it slowly reaches the teething period, and the corners of the mouth are hung with crystal clear saliva all day long, which looks strange and cute!

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

But now the winter is cold and dry, if the saliva is not cleaned in time, a small red rash will appear on the side of the mouth, which is what we often call the saliva rash.

Saliva rash not only looks ugly, but also appears flushing, swelling and pain when it is severe, so with saliva rash, you must pay attention to nursing Oh ~

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind


What is the saliva rash?

Saliva rash, also known as "perioral eczema", is mainly due to the skin is often stimulated by physical factors such as moisture and friction, resulting in damage to the stratum corneum of the skin.

Saliva rash is generally manifested as local skin flushing, pain, mild swelling, often occurring around the lips, generally in the 2 months to 1 year old baby is more common.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind


What kind of situation does love to get a saliva rash?

For babies aged 4 to 6 months, the eruption of deciduous teeth stimulates the gum nerves and makes the saliva flow non-stop, at this time, if you do not wipe it clean in time, it is easy to grow a rash of saliva.

There is also when the baby's swallowing function is not mature, saliva can not be swallowed normally and gathered in the mouth, and then accumulate too much drooling, which is also one of the reasons for stimulating the occurrence of saliva rash.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

In addition, when the baby enters the oral period around 2 months, he likes to "taste" various things with his mouth. During the nibbling process, the mouth is stimulated and more saliva is secreted.

In short, when too much saliva is smeared around the mouth, and then not wiped off in time, after a long time, there will be rough skin around the mouth, redness, cracking, coupled with untimely care, resulting in saliva rash.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

Daddy Tips:

Specific manifestations of saliva rash

• Inflammatory squamous skin around the lips;

Dry lips, flushing of the skin and erythema;

Itching or pain accompanied by mild swelling;

The skin is scaly or chapped, and there is a rough feeling of touch;

Erythema, papules, blisters, thick blisters, erosions, scab cycles appear;

Baby fidgeting, crying for no reason, frequent scratching of the periphery of the mouth, etc.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind


Precautions for care of saliva rash at home?

To care for saliva rash, the first thing is to clean it in time.

When you notice your baby drooling, immediately suck dry it with a soft, absorbent cotton saliva towel. Remember not to rub or rub hard, so as not to damage the skin and speed up the occurrence of saliva rash.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

After wiping cleansing, apply the baby's special skin cream or oily ointment in time.

However, when the saliva rash is relatively heavy, there is peeling, ulceration, etc., it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time, and you can use weak hormone ointment under the guidance of a doctor.

Baby salivate more beware of saliva rashes, keep these coping methods in mind

Finally, during the baby's drooling, you should also cut your baby's nails frequently, do a good job of hand cleaning, etc., so as to avoid itching and itching of the saliva rash and causing the baby to scratch and appear infected.

Usually, parents can also consciously train the baby to swallow the action, enhance the ability to swallow, reduce the accumulation of saliva around the mouth, and naturally avoid the appearance of saliva rash

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