
Fan consultation: Girlfriend is getting colder, I am very humble in the relationship what to do? My girlfriend was eight years younger than me, loved me very much, and had never been firmly chosen by anyone, when she chased me fiercely and cried

author:It's Teacher Leaf

Fan consultation: Girlfriend is getting colder, I am very humble in the relationship what to do?

My girlfriend was eight years younger than me, loved me very much, and had never been firmly chosen, when she chased me fiercely and cried and begged me to be together. After being together, I loved her more and more, took care of everything in her life, but ignored her psychology, out of the contradictory habits she asked me to apologize, I never took the initiative to find her to reconcile, every week she came to my house to find me.

Later she went to school and I went to work, feeling that she didn't care about me anymore, and ranked me behind her classmates, her brother. I couldn't accept her indifference, the quarrel was very serious, I proposed to break up, but she didn't look for me like before, it was I who found her to reconcile, she said never to be humble again, don't always apologize, I just knew that I ignored her heart, and then I begged for reconciliation.

As before, I was better to her than before, our relationship was the same as before, just in these three days, the first day of her internship work changed, suddenly at noon to bring her food, she was not as happy as usual. In the elevator, one of her three interns smiled awkwardly at one of her male classmates, and they smiled awkwardly at each other, and I also felt that she had some problems. After that, it became more and more cold, distant, deliberately did not see me, did not take the initiative to speak, I said not to reply or perfunctory, there was always something wrong with the phone, and the evening video also said that she was sleepy and did not say it, asked her if she did not love me or what, all said no.

Last night on I wrote a long word about the present and the future, and she only replied "Well, I love you too". At noon she did not return to me during the break, I gave her a video, she was outside to eat with three male interns did not tell me, before said to order takeaway, did not tell me intern male. With me a cold face, with them there is talk and laughter, how should I get her back now? Or how to end it? It felt like she was just waiting for me to break up in the cold and violent.

If you also have feelings of confusion, you can solve it in the home page [private message] I, Leaf for your detailed analysis...

Emotional Mentor Leaf Answer:

In view of the current situation, it is indeed more dangerous, lack of passion, mature people have a sense of equality and gentleness in love, and lack the passion of youth and madness, except for love. Get to know her more, treat her symptomatically, and find ways to understand the secrets that come out of her heart. Love is also an art, depending on whether you are willing to do better.

But I think you are jealous and too sensitive, after all, girls really don't like clingy boyfriends. It's important to be good and confident enough so that your girlfriend will also find you attractive. All you have to do is be patient, patient, and patient, and constantly use your sincerity to feel the "iceberg" in front of you. Of course, what the teacher here is not talking about kneeling and licking, so that it will only make your girlfriend look at you more and more, which will make you more and more humble in your feelings, so it will have the opposite effect.

At the same time, you don't need to focus on her all day. Reading more books, learning, and enriching yourself when you are usually fine is far more meaningful than sending dozens of text messages to your girlfriend.

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Fan consultation: Girlfriend is getting colder, I am very humble in the relationship what to do? My girlfriend was eight years younger than me, loved me very much, and had never been firmly chosen by anyone, when she chased me fiercely and cried

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