
The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

Recently, the Chinese women's basketball team is competing in the World Cup qualifiers in the Belgrade division of Serbia, and the current women's basketball girls have defeated the Nigeria women's basketball team and the Mali women's basketball team, and have successfully obtained the ticket to the Australian women's basketball World Cup.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

But in fact, in our country, the teams in the WCBA league are still fully strengthening the team. Just recently, the Shanxi women's basketball team has made a big move, they invited out the Liaoning basketball star Chen Weidong, the new season Chen Weidong will serve as the head coach of the Shanxi women's basketball team, leading the team to compete in the WCBA League. The arrival of Chen Weidong undoubtedly declares that the Shanxi women's basketball team will carry out a drastic construction in the new season, and the pattern of the WCBA league may change again.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

Fans who pay attention to the WCBA Women's Basketball League know that Battle, chairman of the Inner Mongolia Basketball Association, packed and introduced Li Yueru, Huang Sijing and Yang Liwei of the Guangdong Women's Basketball Team in the 2020-2021 season, and even Zheng Wei, the head coach of the active Chinese Women's Basketball Team, was also dug into the Inner Mongolia Women's Basketball Team, and this operation of the Inner Mongolia Women's Basketball Team directly peaked the existing pattern of the WCBA League at that time, and the Inner Mongolia Women's Basketball Team defeated the Xinjiang Women's Basketball Team to get the first championship trophy in team history after the introduction of three national players.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

In the 2021-2022 season, Han Xu was defeated by the Inner Mongolia women's basketball team and left the Sichuan women's basketball team, and joined hands with Li Meng and Sun Mengran, forming the big three, and the league presented a situation of two dominant. But Battle is not idle, the offseason Inner Mongolia women's basketball team introduced Li Yifan, Pan Zhenqi and Zhang Ru three active national players, put together the luxury 6 giants, can send a set of Chinese women's basketball starting lineup. Sure enough, in the finals, the two teams met as desired, and the Inner Mongolia women's basketball team, which was more powerful overall, laughed to the end.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

The Dominance of the Sichuan Women's Basketball Team and the Inner Mongolia Women's Basketball Team has also made other teams in the league a little helpless, and if they want to do something in the playoffs, other teams must bring in reinforcements as soon as possible in the offseason. Therefore, Chen Weidong joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and served as the new head coach of the Shanxi women's basketball team. Although the Shanxi women's basketball team is a new army that only entered the WCBA family in 2012, this team set a record, winning the championship in the first year of entering the WCBA, and then achieving three consecutive championships.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

But it is such a champion team, in recent years, has entered a trough, especially last season, because the other teams in the league are relatively strong, the regular season Shanxi women's basketball team only ranked seventh in the league, and the playoffs were stopped in the quarterfinals, which also made the Shanxi women's basketball team make up its mind and hired Chen Weidong as the manager. Chen Weidong played in the Liaoning men's basketball team in his career, and after retiring, he also coached the Liaoning women's basketball team, and then was responsible for the echelon work of the Liaoning men's basketball team for a long time, such as He Tianju, Guo Allen, Zhao Jiwei, Gao Shiyan and other players who were discovered and trained by Chen Weidong.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

Last season, Chen Weidong's contract with the Liaoning men's basketball team ended, although many teams threw olive branches to Chen Weidong, but in the end Chen Weidong chose the Shanxi women's basketball team. In fact, the strength of the Shanxi women's basketball team is still there, there are national team players such as Wu Tongtong and Wang Xuehao in the team, and there are news reports that the Shanxi women's basketball team intends to introduce another national team player to form a 3-giant lineup, the purpose is to compete with the Inner Mongolia women's basketball team and the Sichuan women's basketball team.

The WCBA landscape has changed again! Liaoning Mingsu joined the Shanxi women's basketball team and wanted to introduce national players to create a champion team!

Liaoning celebrity Chen Weidong returned as the manager of the Shanxi women's basketball team, and intends to introduce another national player, it seems that the pattern of the new season of the WCBA League is bound to change again, Chen Weidong will once again build the Shanxi women's basketball team into a champion team.

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