
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

author:Tianshan Net

Tianshan Net/Xinjiang Daily News (Reporter Kang Haoyan reports) At the close of trading on July 1, the Xinjiang plate index was 13624.77, an increase of 1.46%. On the same day, 49 stocks in the Xinjiang sector rose, 9 stocks fell, and 2 stocks were flat, with an increase rate of 81.67%, a total turnover rate of 0.83%, and a total turnover of 5.294 billion yuan.

1. Trend of index change:

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Trend of Shanghai Composite Index in the past 10 days (from Oriental Wealth).

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

ChiNext index trend in the past 10 days (from Oriental Wealth).

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Trend of Xinjiang Plate Index in the past 10 days (from Oriental Wealth).

2. Ranking of stock price increases:

On the same day, the top 5 stocks in the Xinjiang sector were: Dezhan Health (000813) daily limit, closing price of 2.29 yuan, Tiankang Biological (002100) closing price of 7.39 yuan, up 6.64%; Friendship Group (600778) closed at 4.07 yuan, up 4.63%; ST Zhongtai (002092) closed at 3.95 yuan, an increase of 3.95%; CITIC Niya (600084) closed at 4.82 yuan, up 3.66%.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

On July 1, the stock price increase ranking of the Xinjiang sector (from Oriental Wealth).

3. Turnover rate ranking:

On the same day, the top 5 stocks in the Xinjiang sector in terms of turnover rate were: Baihua Pharmaceutical (600721) 9.21%, Uni-President (600506) 5.72%, Li New Energy (001258) 5.48%, Chuanning Biotechnology (301301) 4.80%, and Xiyu Tourism (300859) 4.77%.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

On July 1, the turnover rate of the Xinjiang plate ranked (from Oriental Wealth).

Fourth, the ranking of transaction amount:

On the same day, the top stocks in the Xinjiang sector in terms of turnover were: Chuanning Biotechnology (301301) 385 million yuan, Guanghui Energy (600256) 355 million yuan, COFCO Sugar (600737) 298 million yuan, and Tiankang Biotechnology (002100) 295 million yuan.

Fifth, the main capital flow:

On the same day, the top 5 stocks with the net inflow of main funds in the Xinjiang sector were: Guanghui Energy (600256) 50.03 million yuan, Dezhan Health (000813) 21.43 million yuan, Chuanning Biotechnology (301301) 20.35 million yuan, Bohai Leasing (000415) 12.72 million yuan, and ST Zhongtai (002092) 9.76 million yuan.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

On July 1, the main capital flow of the Xinjiang plate (from Oriental Wealth).

VI. Disclosure of Important Information:

Dezhan Health (000813) announced on June 29 that it had received the "Letter on Proposing Dezhan Health Co., Ltd. to Repurchase the Company's Shares" issued by Xinjiang Kaidi Investment Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company. Kaidi Investment proposes that the company repurchase part of the company's issued RMB ordinary shares (A shares) through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange trading system through centralized bidding with its own funds. The total amount of funds proposed to repurchase shares shall not be less than 200 million yuan and not more than 300 million yuan. All the shares repurchased this time are used for cancellation. According to the company's previous announcement, this will be the third repurchase of Dezhan Health for the purpose of market value management. In 2022, the company completed a share repurchase of nearly 200 million yuan; In 2023, the company will complete a share repurchase of 180 million yuan. Buybacks by listed companies generally indicate that the value of the company is undervalued in the secondary market. Listed companies carry out market value management through share repurchase.

Baihua Pharmaceutical (600721) announced on June 29 that based on the development strategy and actual situation of the controlling shareholder of the issuance object, the company decided to terminate the issuance of shares to specific objects after careful study and consensus with the issuance object. According to the company's announcement on May 29, 2021, the total amount of funds to be raised through the proposed non-public issuance of shares will not exceed 339 million yuan. The target of the issuance is Hualing International Medical, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hualing Industry and Trading, the controlling shareholder of Hualing International Medical. It has been 3 years since the announcement of the proposed termination of the private placement.

Saurer Intelligent (600545) announced on July 1 that the company's subsidiary, Saurer Xinjiang Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd., signed a sales contract with Digital Intelligence World (Xinjiang) Textile Technology Co., Ltd. The designated subsidiary of Digital Intelligence World invested in a spinning mill project in Xinjiang, China, and purchased related spinning equipment from Saurer Xinjiang, with a contract amount of about 1.011 billion yuan. The contract amount of this transaction accounts for about 16.78% of the company's latest audited operating income, which is conducive to increasing the company's operating income and will have a positive impact on the company's profits.

Hongtong Gas (605169) issued an announcement on the progress of repurchasing the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions on July 1, saying that in June 2024, the company has repurchased a total of 270,000 shares through centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 0.10% of the company's total share capital, with the highest purchase price of 8.46 yuan / share and the lowest price of 8.10 yuan / share, and the amount paid is 2.2337 million yuan (excluding transaction fees such as transaction commissions). As of the end of June 2024, the company has repurchased a total of 2,373,400 shares, accounting for 0.84% of the company's total share capital, with the highest purchase price of 8.46 yuan/share and the lowest price of 6.46 yuan/share, and the total amount paid is 1,695.70 yuan (excluding transaction fees such as transaction commissions).

Xuefeng Technology (603227) announced on June 29 that it had received a notice from its controlling shareholder, Xinjiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., that Xinjiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Investment was planning a major event involving the transfer of the company's shares, which may lead to a change of control of the company, and the specific method has not yet been determined. According to the company, in view of the significant uncertainty of this major event, the company's shares will be suspended from the opening of the market on July 1, 2024 (Monday), and the suspension is expected to last no more than 2 trading days.

ST Tianshan (300313) announced on June 29 that on June 28, the company received a notice from its controlling shareholder, Huzhou Haohui Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., that the manager of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. applied to the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court for substantive merger and bankruptcy liquidation of 248 enterprises including Zhongzhi Group. As of the date of this announcement, Huzhou Haohui held 69,211,300 shares of the company, accounting for 22.11% of the company's total shares. If the application for substantive merger and bankruptcy liquidation of 248 enterprises including Zhongzhi Group is accepted by the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court, Huzhou Haohui enters the substantive merger bankruptcy liquidation procedure, which may have an impact on the company's equity structure. According to the announcement, the company and the controlling shareholder are independent of each other in terms of business, personnel, assets, institutions, finance, etc., and the controlling shareholder's application for substantial merger and bankruptcy liquidation will not have an impact on the company's daily production and operation. Up to now, the company's production and operation are normal.

VII. Policy Form:


@科创板日报: Four new lithium projects in Argentina are reportedly expected to come on stream in the coming weeks to months, which will significantly increase Argentina's annual lithium production capacity by 79% to 202,000 metric tons of equivalent. A number of Chinese companies are involved in the development of the new lithium project.

@第一财经: The European Union has preliminary information on China's anti-dumping investigation of erythritol, and the European Commission recently issued an announcement that it intends to impose temporary tariffs of 51.8% to 294% on erythritol products originating in China. According to Ternary Biotech (301206. SZ) news, it is not yet the final result, the official results of the preliminary ruling will be announced on July 20, and the actual impact on the market has yet to be assessed.

@财联社: Google has announced a stake in BlackRock funds' New Green Power, possibly buying up to 300 megawatts of renewable energy from the company to help Google and its suppliers reduce carbon emissions. Yongxin Energy is a solar energy developer and operator based in Taiwan, China. Google's stake in Yongxin Energy comes after Google announced last month a power deal with Berkshire Hathaway's utility NV Energy to provide advanced geothermal power to data centers in Nevada.


@界面新闻: Recently, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has carried out the optimization of the identity authentication method of individual investors in the Internet voting business of the shareholders' meeting of listed companies, and on the basis of the existing shareholder identity authentication method of trading offer, it has added two shareholder identity authentication methods, "mobile phone number reserved for shareholder account opening + face recognition" and "mobile phone number + face recognition reserved for UnionPay card opening" for individual investors, so as to provide more convenience for investors to exercise their shareholder rights.

@财联社: China Eastern Airlines and its subsidiary Shanghai Airlines have launched a direct "Shanghai-Marseille" regular route, with three round-trip flights per week. The first flight of the route will take off from Shanghai Pudong International Airport in the early morning of July 2, and the load factor of the first flight is close to full. This is the first time that a regular direct passenger route has been opened between China and the south of France. After the opening of this route, China Eastern Airlines will operate 19 routes and 244 flights (round-trip) per week in the European region.

@上海证券报: On June 30, with the 1 million kilowatts of Jinjie photovoltaic projects in northern Shaanxi Province and 1 million kilowatts of photovoltaic supporting DC supporting photovoltaic projects of Ningxia Electric Power Lingshao were connected to the grid one after another, the installed grid-connected scale of new energy of the National Energy Group exceeded 100 million kilowatts. In the first half of this year, the cumulative construction scale of new energy projects of the National Energy Group was 45.54 million kilowatts, an increase of 10.37 million kilowatts over the same period last year, and the installed capacity of new energy is expected to exceed 120 million kilowatts by the end of this year.


@石榴云: On June 30, the 8th China-Eurasia Expo, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, with the theme of "New Opportunities on the Silk Road, New Vitality of Asia and Europe", came to a successful conclusion. More than 360 cooperation projects were signed at the expo, with a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan, involving new energy and new materials, electronic information technology, coal chemical industry, textile and garment, trade and logistics and other fields.

@石榴云: On June 30, a major scientific research project in the field of cotton breeding in Xinjiang - "Analysis of Major Agronomic Traits of Cotton Varieties and Molecular Design Breeding" project was launched. The project is one of the unveiling projects released by the Department of Science and Technology of the Autonomous Region in 2024, aiming to improve cotton stress resistance and yield.

@石榴云: On July 1, China Southern Airlines officially launched a direct round-trip route from Kashgar to Hong Kong, which is the first direct flight from Kashgar to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The round-trip flight from Kashgar to Hong Kong is operated by a Boeing 737-8 aircraft, flight number CZ8107/8, which is carried out every Monday and takes about 6 hours.

8. Quick Facts of Global Stock Markets:

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Dow Jones Index trend of the last 10 days from Oriental Fortune.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Trend of NASDAQ index in the last 10 days (from Oriental Fortune).

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

S&P 500 Index trend of the last 10 days from Oriental Wealth.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Hang Seng Index trend in the last 10 days (from Oriental Wealth).

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Nikkei 225 Index Trend for the Day (from Oriental Fortune).

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Optimizes Individual Investor Identity Authentication The 8th China-Eurasia Expo signed a contract amount of more than 610 billion yuan

Trend of the day in the US dollar offshore yuan index (from Oriental Wealth).

——Looking at the global stock market, examining China's economy, and seizing opportunities in Xinjiang——

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