
DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

Near the 110th level online, "Yin Mingzhen" prepared an ultimate fried cold rice activity for the warriors, that is, "Soul • Otherworld", the name of which is to experience the "sense of action" and "blow feedback" of the 110-level copy in advance, but unfortunately, the national costume is unique, and it is all made into an architectural hegemony! "Melvin" even prepared a related game for the 800W Warriors, and in mid-February, the first batch of "Souls • Otherworldly Dungeons" rankings were officially announced, all professions have a share, I believe that everyone only has 1 feeling after watching, how does this clearance time do?

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open the G-like Soul Alien

For example, in the ranking of the "Goblin Kingdom", the red eye in the first place is only 44 seconds! More than 10 seconds ahead of the second place, note that this is a 13-dimensional difficulty, and civilians are even 10-dimensional gua sha, not to mention higher difficulty. And the 5 male ghost sword professions, only the sword soul is 1 minute away, but note that it is only the first ranking, 1 week refreshed, the final settlement is on April 21st, the rest of the time is still very early, the big god player has not yet exerted its strength.

You will definitely have 1 question, the current full attendance is also more than 30 soul level, SP points are not full, even if the whole body S level equipment can not be more than 40 seconds to pass ah.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

The core reason: Instead of calling it soul racing, it is better to call it "Medicine God Competition". Because the equipment of the full service players is the same, the mythical SS is effective, and the starting point of you and Asahi Baby is also the same, but the key is that the "consumables" can be used! You use a 12% damage-increasing Dou Shen Medicine, but what about the warriors on the list? There is no row of consumables that do not want to enter the final list, for example, the following figure is the number of consumables displayed by a great god in the cultivation field, and it is precisely because of the cultivation field that it is willing to eat all of them, and it is not consumed anyway.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

Why do ordinary players have gua sha? If you only hit 1 top elixir with 175 strength or intelligence, how can it be compared with the "Medicine God"! For example, the Void Ancestor Royal Energy Secret Potion increases strength and intelligence by 100 points, and 5 points are all strong. There is also "Yasna's Secret Sauce" that increases intelligence and strength by 100 points, and also comes with a 20% three-speed, and the strongest potion "Cake" is still quite a lot.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

How fierce was the "medicine god" in the early days? 13-dimensional is still 1 set of seconds!

Note that at present, everyone's Soul Alien Dimension rating has not yet reached 60, and the damage has not yet reached the highest! In addition, the leaderboard was also finalized in late April, so the "medicine gods" are just a small test, but some classes have been able to reach 1 set of seconds, such as the first place of Devil Cry, 1 set of skills to take away the 13-dimensional goblin boss, and finally pass the level in 43 seconds.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

And over time, the inner volume situation will intensify! After level 60, the Goblin Kingdom's time to complete the level is expected to be within 30 seconds, but the remaining 6 Soul Xenomorph quests are estimated to be much slower, because the Goblin Kingdom has 1 hidden pass, and swallowing more than 15 goblins once will unlock the map below and go all the way to the boss.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

As for what rewards can be awarded for the top 100? There are 2 kinds, one is the red protection ball aura, and the other is the limited aura corresponding to the map, there is no attribute bonus, and it is a "reputation reward". The standard of the racing god, but personally feel that it is more meaningful than the supreme title.

DNF: The "Medicine God Tournament" has begun! Open G-like soul alien world, 13 dimensions is still 1 set of seconds

【Summary】:The essence of the soul race of the national service is "medicine god competition", whether it is strong or not depends on 2 points, whether the technique is good or not is only one of them, and the other more important is that there are not many "out-of-print consumables"! Asahi Baby also does not have much advantage over civilians.

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