
DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Hello warriors, everyone. After the DNF update on February 24, the monster health of the Soul Atlas has been reduced, which makes the Otherworldly quest much simpler. In order to make everyone brush to the unique equipment of the class faster, today I will introduce how to simply and quickly brush the unique equipment that is needed.

Goblin Kingdom, 2 unique equipment are the Golden Staff and the Golden Crown. This figure is recommended to brush 1, 2, 3 figures with trumpets.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Squirming, 2 unique pieces of equipment are the Pupil of Belisque and the Scales of Belisque. This image suggests that you use a character with S equipment to brush the full picture.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Eagle Dog, 2 unique outfits are, berets and wrenches. Because the explosion rate of a map is too low, it is still recommended to use a character equipped with S to brush the full map.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Black Earth, 2 unique pieces of equipment, the Horn of Ozma and the Ring of Chaos. This figure is recommended to brush 1, 2 figures with a trumpet.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Bacal's 2 unique pieces of equipment are the Goblet of Bacal and the Scorching Dragon Skin. This figure is recommended to brush 1 figure and 2 mobs with a trumpet.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

The two unique pieces of the Void are the Stone of Spatial Domination and the Nucleus of Gaunis. The small brainless brush 1 figure can be, the highest explosion rate of the chart.

DNF: Is it difficult to obtain the only equipment in the Soul Realm? Brush up the key diagrams easily!

Regarding the equipment matching problem, first choose the unique equipment that suits your class, and then the remaining ones can choose the Dark Heart and the Broken Horn. Bonus points are prioritized to fill up critical hits, followed by three attacks and attack speed.

The above is about the sharing of otherworldly equipment and extra points, I hope you like and pay attention to it!

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