
Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

I believe that buying a new car is a very happy thing for all car owners, many car owners in the 4S shop after the first thing is to drive the car away quickly, which is understandable, but many 4S shops for the owner of the new car will give a sense of ceremony, that is, the car ceremony.

Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

In fact, many car owners do not like this ceremony, but some 4S shops in order to enhance their popularity, so after the owner picked up the car, they took great pains to engage in this kind of ceremony, some 4S shops will give the owner a certain maintenance discount, and let the owner stay with them for the car pick-up ceremony.

Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

Mr. Wang from Hebei said bluntly after the car pick-up ceremony that he must return the car and could not stand this kind of ceremony. Mr. Wang booked a car in the 4S shop two weeks ago, today the 4S shop called Mr. Wang to say that the car arrived, Mr. Wang was full of excitement to come and pay, after paying the payment, the two sides signed some agreements, Mr. Wang was ready to drive the car away at noon, then the S shop proposed to hold a ceremony for Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang at first in the spirit of more than one thing is better than less, but the 4S shop decided to give Mr. Wang a maintenance card, Mr. Wang was a little moved, so he stayed.

Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

The room thought that the pick-up ceremony was a process, and it ended quickly, but I did not expect that the staff of the 4S shop just put on a big red flower for Mr. Wang, and knocked on the gong and shouted what slogans were next to it, and also let Mr. Wang cooperate to complete it. At first, Mr. Wang put up with it, only hoping to end it quickly, but he didn't expect that the next operation would directly make Mr. Wang shout that my face was not wanted?

The staff of the 4S shop actually stood directly next to the high place and threw down some cards, and shouted at Mr. Wang, asking Mr. Wang to bend down to pick it up, and after picking up the corresponding card, it was the maintenance card that was sent. Just like Mr. Wang is very faceless, Mr. Wang said that I don't want my face, let me kneel on the ground to pick up the card, and told the sales that they would not complete the project, and the staff of the 4S store and Dr. Wang said that if it could not be completed, they would not send maintenance cards.

Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

As a result, the side is to see the lively staff, Mr. Wang feels that he is being watched, and the people around him are coaxing, as if watching monkeys in the zoo, the gas directly dismantled the big red flowers on his body and threw it on the ground, directly angrily yelling at the staff of the 4S shop that I don't want to get the car, immediately give me a return, I lost face in you today.

Mr. Wang then spread this matter to the Internet, did not expect that there are many people on the Internet also have the same experience, some netizens said that these 4S shop staff do not consider the feelings of the owner at all, is to enhance their popularity through this way, and some netizens said that when they picked up the car, they were asked to complete some small games, are some very low-level games, but they really followed it for some gifts, and now think about it is really stupid.

Pay in the morning to pick up the car at noon and return the car in the afternoon, learn the reason crying and laughing, the owner: the face is gone

In fact, many car owners are not interested in this kind of ceremony at all, what they think is to quickly drive the car away, the car lifting ceremony was originally to celebrate the owner to pick up the car, but did not expect that because of some exaggerated behavior, the owner felt humiliated, if because of some exaggerated and excessive car lifting behavior and lead to the user to return the car will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, the pick-up ceremony is originally a very good thing, but some 4S shops use too much force, resulting in the original happy event becoming a bad thing. What do you think of this kind of pick-up ceremony?

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