
The 28-year spell has finally been broken! The 31-year-old veteran won the championship, the American player gave a hug, and Kong Fanyu fell heavily to the ground

The Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's aerial skills final competition was played this evening, the first to start was the first round of the final, China's Xu Mengtao and Kong Fanyu played very well, the first jump two jumped 103.89, 102.71 respectively, the second jump Kong Fanyu fell by mistake, Xu Mengtao gave up the second jump in order to save physical strength, and finally the two with the perfect play of the first jump, advanced to the second round of the final, and ashley Caldwell of the United States team was the first to advance with a score of 103.92.

The 28-year spell has finally been broken! The 31-year-old veteran won the championship, the American player gave a hug, and Kong Fanyu fell heavily to the ground

The second round of the final, a jump is set to life and death, 6 players advanced, Belarus's Huskova staged a perfect jump, she scored 107.95 points, after seeing the score, she was very excited, this jump also gave a lot of pressure to the players behind, Australia's Peel made a mistake, China's Kong Fanyu made a serious mistake, she landed on her head, fell heavily, hoping that she could be no big trouble.

The 28-year spell has finally been broken! The 31-year-old veteran won the championship, the American player gave a hug, and Kong Fanyu fell heavily to the ground

All the pressure came to Xu Mengtao's body, the opponent's super high score, the serious mistakes of his teammates, Xu Mengtao withstood the huge pressure, staged a super god jump, she got 108.61 points, the pressure was too great, Xu Mengtao after completing the game, roaring, crying to release his emotions, the last American player Caldwell was a bit broken, she only got 83.71 points, and finally Xu Mengtao won the gold.

The 28-year spell has finally been broken! The 31-year-old veteran won the championship, the American player gave a hug, and Kong Fanyu fell heavily to the ground

After the game was also staged a very touching scene, the American player Caldwell who did not win the medal, she hugged Xu Mengtao together to celebrate her winning the championship, Caldwell's approach won the applause of netizens, the project joined the Winter Olympics in 1994, as of 2018, the Chinese team won 5 silver and 2 bronze, four consecutive Olympic games won silver, 28 years of magic was finally broken.

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