
The ratings blowout of the Beijing Winter Olympics | international sharp review shows it all!

"The Beijing Winter Olympics is the highest-rated Winter Olympics so far!" On the 16th, the international Olympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee released this news, which caused heated discussion around the world. Timo Lum, CEO and managing director of the IOC's Television and Marketing Services, said the Beijing Winter Olympics was the most watched Winter Olympics on digital media platforms. Previously, the Olympic broadcast service company said that the Beijing Winter Olympics had attracted more than 2 billion people on global social media.

The ratings blowout of the Beijing Winter Olympics speaks for itself! This not only completely shattered the prediction of some Western media that the ratings of the Beijing Winter Olympics would be "deserted", but also fully demonstrated that the passion, joy and friendship brought by ice and snow sports were shared by people around the world, and the unity, cooperation and hope of the Beijing Winter Olympics injected confidence and strength into all countries in the world.

The ratings blowout of the Beijing Winter Olympics | international sharp review shows it all!

As the right broadcaster of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China Central Radio and Television Corporation has set a record for broadcast coverage. As of February 11, Chinese viewers had spent 2.05 billion hours watching the Beijing Winter Olympics on TELEVISION. That's 15 percent higher than the combined viewership of the two Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang and 2014 in Sochi. In the United States, more than 100 million viewers watched the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Washington Post said the Beijing Winter Olympics could become one of the most watched video programs in U.S. history. It is worth noting that the ratings of the Beijing Winter Olympics have not only doubled in some winter Olympic powers in Europe and the United States, but also received attention from countries that do not have the advantage of winter sports. For example, about 40% of Australia's population watched the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Compared with the Summer Olympics, the global attention of the Winter Olympics has always been low. Why did the Beijing Winter Olympics ignite the enthusiasm of audiences around the world? One of the most important reasons is that it reflects the common pursuit of the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger and more united" by all mankind, brings strength and beauty to the world in difficult times, and condenses the strength of the unity of all mankind.

People see that in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, there are too many such touching stories. Whether it is the German veteran Peshstein, who has played in the Winter Olympics eight times in his fifties, or Parrott, a Canadian athlete who has returned to the peak after defeating cancer; whether it is the American athlete Caldwell who hugs the Chinese athlete Xu Mengtao to congratulate him on winning the gold, or the Japanese athlete Yu Sheng yuxian and the Chinese athlete Jin Boyang "compare hearts" with each other... These stories, which represent human perseverance, endeavor and friendship, are transmitted to all parts of the world in real time through broadcasting, reaching the bottom of everyone's heart. An Australian sports media personality called the moments of the athletes' embraces "so beautiful"; a Canadian netizen said he was "moved to cry." "Olympic, that's good!" This is the voice of the world from the bottom of its heart.

The ratings blowout of the Beijing Winter Olympics | international sharp review shows it all!

Seeing that Xu Mengtao finally fulfilled her dream of being an Olympic champion, Caldwell sincerely hugged her long-time friend and congratulated her.

At the same time, the Beijing Winter Olympics have opened another window for the world to understand China. When people appreciate the opening ceremony that combines digital technology and aesthetic innovation; when athletes from all over the world see the perfect epidemic prevention measures in the venue, they admire the plate of the robot restaurant "falling from the sky"; when the American athletes are moved to tears by the enthusiasm of Chinese volunteers... The Beijing Winter Olympics presented a chinese image that was very different from that portrayed by some Western media in a real and concrete way.

Recently, American freestyle ski U-shaped pool athlete Aaron Bronck pointed out at the press conference that in the United States, people will hear all kinds of irresponsible reports, which are actually fake, "from the staff to the nucleic acid testers, to the accommodation conditions, this is the high level of the Winter Olympics we have participated in." This objective evaluation based on facts directly confronts those Western forces that politicize sports.

It is foreseeable that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which has a blowout in ratings, will certainly leave a strong mark in the history of the Olympic Games in the past century. Its shining spirit of unity will become a good memory for people, and it will become a driving force for the future, inspiring the world to move forward together!

(International Sharp Review Commentator)

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