
The 5th gold of the Chinese Legion! In the women's aerial skills final, Xu Mengtao won the gold medal with the highest difficulty in the world!

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics has entered the tenth competition day, the Chinese legion on this competition day the most promising gold medal event is the freestyle ski women's aerial skills, a total of three Chinese players participated in the qualification round, Xu Mengtao and Kong Fanyu successfully advanced to the final, according to the rules of the event, the twelve players who advanced to the final first have to play two rounds of duels, the six players with the best results enter the final showdown, and one action determines the final ranking, The two Chinese women's generals were very good in the first two rounds of the final, and they also entered the final one-jump victory and defeat link as they wished! The last jump Kong Fanyu made a mistake, and Xu Mengtao, who appeared in the penultimate stage, completed the highest difficulty coefficient of the project under great pressure, and finally won the championship of women's aerial skills with very high-quality actions, which was also the fifth gold medal of the Chinese Legion!

The 5th gold of the Chinese Legion! In the women's aerial skills final, Xu Mengtao won the gold medal with the highest difficulty in the world!

In the first round of the competition, Xu Mengtao, who has a very strong personal strength, let everyone see her strength, the first action won a high score of 109.89 points, and Kong Fanyu's performance was also eye-catching enough, scoring 102.71 points, after all the players completed the first jump, Xu Mengtao and Kong Fanyu ranked second and third after the American Caldwell.

In the next second round of the game, Kong Fanyu made a mistake. Only scored 62.24 points, but she still successfully entered the final duel with the high score of the first jump, while Xu Mengtao directly gave up the second jump because she had locked in a final spot, while the American Caldwell was more outstanding in the second jump, scoring a higher 105.60 points with difficult moves and high-quality completion, and successfully entered the final one-jump victory and defeat link with the first place, while Xu Mengtao and Kong Fanyu entered the final peak showdown with the second and third places.

The 5th gold of the Chinese Legion! In the women's aerial skills final, Xu Mengtao won the gold medal with the highest difficulty in the world!

In the final one-jump victory and defeat link, the order of appearance of the six players was determined by the previous ranking, Xu Mengtao and Kong Fanyu appeared in the penultimate and penultimate places respectively, after the first three players completed the action, Kong Fanyu chose the action with a difficulty coefficient of 4.293, kong Fanyu, who completed a good aerial posture, made a major mistake when landing on the ground, directly fell heavily on the snow, and only scored 59.67 points.

All the pressure also fell on the shoulders of Xu Mengtao, who appeared later, she also chose the action of the highest difficulty coefficient of 4.293 for the women in the project, in the cheers of the ice fans on the spot, Xu Mengtao completed her own actions very well, and after completing three consecutive 360 ° turns in the air, she landed steadily, and then Xu Mengtao also cheered herself up with a scream, and finally she also got a high score of 108.61 points, and had locked the top two before Caldwell debuted.

The 5th gold of the Chinese Legion! In the women's aerial skills final, Xu Mengtao won the gold medal with the highest difficulty in the world!

All the attention also came to the American player Caldwell's body, the first two jumps of the excellent state of Caldwell, in the last round of landing there was a clear snow touch action, in the end she only scored 83.71 points, Xu Mengtao won the championship of the event as desired, the Beijing Winter Olympics has been Xu Mengtao's fourth Olympic Games, Xu Mengtao, who has won the silver medal before, finally stood on the highest podium in front of his father and elder in his hometown this time, and twenty years of grinding a sword has become the best affirmation of ice fans for Xu Mengtao!

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