
Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tibet series

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 18", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2014

Art needs to honor the feelings of the heart, which will be more convincing. The painter Tan Jianwu has been practicing the artistic concept he adheres to for many years: "In the authenticity, we can taste the good and feel the good". The spiritual pleasure brought about by this constant sense of beauty originated in the six hundred years after the Middle Ages, when Dante and Giotto opened the door of the Renaissance, calling for humanity, paying attention to emotions began to enter people's hearts, a warm light gave God more humanity, and raphael's construction of classical style beauty had a far-reaching impact.

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, Little Dolma and Her Sheep, 100×100cm Oil on canvas, 2010

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 8", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2011

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 22", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2015

Looking at Tan Jianwu's paintings, its spiritual level is subtly in line with it, in line with raphael's advocacy of "praising human nature", this sense of human nature is refined and sublimated by the artist, adhering to the humble and self-sustaining Confucianism, in artistic creation, Tan Jianwu has always adhered to the "true", in line with the artistic taste but self-sustaining does not involve the floating, not subject to the burden of dry emotions, dry thoughts, in its creative concept of "true" in the "real", sprinkled to the extreme, this kind of truth is restrained, not limited to "for the true and true" burden, Different from the depiction of a wisp of painting, but it feels like a heart, the so-called trade-off is roughly like this!

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 11", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2012

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 14", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2013

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Tibetan Children's Group Painting 3", 80×80cm Oil on canvas, 2010

"Goodwill" in Tan Jianwu's various vivid images, peaceful and introverted, people's hearts are brilliant, or hope is beautiful, the combination of movement and static, can be experienced is hope, quiet, serene, introverted, no violent atmosphere, like a cup of green tea, fresh and inactive. Calculating the picture relationship in every place in every inch, treating art with a kind of self-discipline or can be said to respect the heart, Tan Jianwu has been practicing the truth, goodness and beauty from the bottom of his heart for many years, which is a pure eternity, a simple introversion, silent speech, but the feeling is always lasting! ——Liu Kaijian

Portrait series

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Lonely Ballet", No. 4, 100×150cm Oil on canvas, 2011

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Lonely Beach Dream", 110×156cm Oil on canvas, 2021

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu,"Love Song", 65×110cm Oil on canvas, 2017

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "The Bells of Tuscany", 80×100cm Oil on canvas, 2021

Artist's Statement:

When I spend enough time observing the work, silently talking to the person or object in the painting, and repeatedly verifying a certain visualization, I began to find that the picture also became a mirror, reflecting my heart, showing the object and looking for myself, so that I could get a vague and full touch. I often wonder, what makes my inner devotion to art never stop? People who approach the painting are moved by the picture; when they enter the world of the painting, they are bound by the soul of the painter. If you point to one of my works and ask: What kind of ideological connotation does this painting express? I can honestly tell you that there is no thought, I am just deeply attracted to the thing I want to paint before I paint, and that's all.

For traditional realistic painting, I value her visual pleasure. It is true that painting can also carry ideas, but I prefer simple and natural expression, compared with literature and film, the amount of painting can transmit ideas is very limited, I do not want to overload painting itself because of excessive deliberate loading of ideas. Modern people not only over-consume and pollute, but also suffer from the problem of overthinking, and often easily ignore the ordinary and authenticity of things. I like simplicity, purity, which is in line with my character.

I was introverted and reticent in real life, so stopping and listening to it became a pleasure for me, like a soothing spring flowing through my heart. I receive a breath that comes from the breath of creation and bloom, and from the palette that perfectly mixes all things, I pour the most intimate heart, pouring pleasure into suffering, pouring out the most evil into the most good. This emotion is constantly tempered, and gradually control the state of my own emotions, which makes my heart become peaceful.

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, Jet Li, oil on canvas, 2008

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, "Faith - Liu Xiang", 100×120cm Oil on canvas, 2009

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, Pope Paul II, 72×90cm Oil on canvas, 2008

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, King of Thailand – Bhumibol, 170×237cm Oil on canvas, 2012

Introduction of Tan Jianwu

Portrait | Tan Jianwu: In the authenticity, he tastes the good and feels the good

Tan Jianwu, born in Leiyang, Hunan, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Hunan Normal University and now lives in Beijing.

He is a member of the Artist Committee of the Chinese Cultural Management Association of the Ministry of Culture, a signed member of the American Portrait Association, a member of the National Association of Oil Painting and Acrylic Painting, a member of the Spanish National Association of Painting and Sculpture, a member of the Beijing Oil Painting Society, a member of the New Figurative Oil Painting Salon, and a member of the Eighty-Zero School.

In 2017, he won the first prize in the 13th American Portrait Association Membership Grand Prix;

In 2019, he won the first place in the figurative category of the 14th ARC International Salon Grand Prix.

The works advocate the neoclassical style and specialize in the field of portraiture.

Main exhibitions

2021 The 6th "National Rhyme Classics - Chinese Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Masters Exhibition" Xi'an

"Borderless East and West- Exhibition of Outstanding Works by Young International Artists", Rodin International Artists Foundation, USA.

2020 "American Oil Painting Acrylic Painting Association Autumn Exhibition" Excellence Award

"92nd National Online Exhibition of the American Artists Union"

The 5th "National Rhyme Classic - Chinese Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Masterpiece Exhibition" Xi'an

"The Spirit of Sorrowful Hong- Invitation Exhibition of Figurative Oil Painting Masters" (Xu Beihong Art Foundation)

2019 "14th ARC International Salon Grand Prix" Figurative Category 1st Place MEAM European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona

"New Figurative Oil Painting Salon Fifth Anniversary Exhibition" China Millennium Monument World Art Museum

2018 "Aesthetic Spirit - The Second Chinese Contemporary Classic Realistic Figure Oil Painting Masterpieces Touring Exhibition" Xi'an, Qingzhou

The 4th "Classics and Inheritance - National Invitation Exhibition of Young and Middle-Aged Realistic Oil Painting Masters"

2017 American Portrait Association Membership Grand Prix "Love Song" won the first place

2015 "Chunhua Qiushi - Exhibition of Excellent Works of Artist Committee of China Cultural Management Association"

"History That Cannot Be Forgotten: A National Oil Painting Exhibition Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression"

2014 "Yu Yin" "Beijing Poly 2014 Autumn Auction Of Modern and Contemporary Art Special" Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Hall

"Reality and Vision- Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition" China Millennium Monument Art Museum

2013 Beijing Oil Painting Society "Integration and Prospects- Oil Painting Exhibition"

"E Jinghua 3 - Artron Artists Group Exhibition" Beijing Times Art Museum

2010 "Invitation Exhibition of Chinese and Italian Masters" Shanghai International Convention Center

2009 "60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition" Excellence Award (Highest Award) Shanghai Great Eastern Art Museum

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