
【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility





The Lantern Festival

New Year's Day 15

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

The Lantern Festival, also known as shangyuan festival, small new moon, new year's eve or lantern festival, is one of the traditional festivals in China, which is held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year. The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar, the ancients called "night" as "supper", and the fifteenth day of the first month is the first full moon night of the year, so the fifteenth day of the first month is called "Lantern Festival". According to the Taoist "Three Yuan", the fifteenth day of the first month is also called the "Shangyuan Festival". Since ancient times, the lantern festival customs have been dominated by the warm and festive lantern viewing customs.

Culture and Art Newspaper and Shaanxi Poetry Society jointly sponsored the "Poetry Sea Picking Pearls" activity, connecting poetry lovers across the country, meeting friends with poetry, and enjoying a poetic life. Now we select 20 excellent works to enjoy with you.

May the full moon be spent and all things be fulfilled! May we live up to the spring light and bravely pursue our dreams!


Poetry Appreciation


Wuling Spring The first night of the ancient city

Cheng Liangbao

The wild goose pagoda is bright and colorful, and the fire tree shines in Chang'an. Looking back at the purple smoke rising from the city towers, people dancing and staggering.

After all, the imperial capital dragon weather, warm but light cold. Looking up at the first circle, the first night was drunk and sleepless.

Partridge Day Look at the lanterns on New Year's Eve

Zhang Qiong

The long street of thin willows sold cold at night, and fireworks burst through the nine heavens. The flowing jade tree is warm and overflowing, and the magic bead lamp is hanging in the air.

Red dot sideburns, green cover shoulders, hustle and bustle to the point of more obscurity. A few flutes swim together, quietly holding the spring breeze hand in hand.

Qingyu case · New Year's Eve nostalgia

Li Yuehe

The white clouds fade into the sky. Leaning on the fence to look at the day. See also the good times thinking about the past. Willow branches are clear in the moon, and flower lights are lit. People on both sides of the strait are weaving.

Overhear the neighbor's flute under the tree. A touch of emotion strikes. Don't ask why this day is lonely. Plum fragrance as ever, snow and ice are nowhere to be found. This place is a memory.

New Year's Eve

Wang Xincheng

Flying branches dressed up as New Year's Eve, slanting and gently shaking drunk.

The puzzle of the bright moon is old, and the red light is also old and the yarn is new.

Last night I broke off my love dream, and tonight I sat alone in the dust.

Even if you look back happily, you can wait and watch the fireworks.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

New Year's Eve with feelings

Li Wenting

Shangyuan Festival drunken smoke wind, Yihu greeted the spring whistle dome.

The fragrance of cold rui is continuous, and the flow of flowers is common.

The shadows dance in the morning, and the night meditation melts with the warm rhythm.

And the common flowers are pleasantly drunk, and the Guanghan Palace is suddenly xin.

Partridge Day, New Year's Eve

Han Xili

This evening the tiger years are new round, and the guanzhong epidemic is scattered in Chang'an.

Three streets and six cities neon shooting, thousands of households and thousands of lights.

The golden dragon dances, the laughter is noisy, and the forest fire trees shine for a long time.

More pleased with Liu Fei Shiliang, Mei Duohua into the painting Yan.

Miao Xiaorong

Mei Xuan red makeup ice mirror cheeks, lights open thousands of trees for the wind to cut.

Colorful Wenhu Lantern Festival, everywhere rejoicing in the spring.

Lu Yaping

The night sky flashes with colorful flower lights, and the deep warmth of Wanxiang rises.

The wine glass was still in love, and the moonlight was pasted on several floors.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

Zhang Jian

The crescent moon breaks through the clouds, and the first circle reflects the ice.

Haruka Star Han Yi, for there are ten thousand lights.

Lu Huili

The studio is light, and Yin Yin recalls the old years.

Street lion dance, water swing lotus boat.

Yesterday's relatives are here, and tonight's people are not round.

Looking at the waterfront through the window, the lights are dimmed.

New Year's Eve Kunming Pool

Xu Jie

Flower lantern stream phantom, yuan night mirror lake flat.

The sky is wide, and the lonely heart looks at the moon.

Lantern Festival to view the city wall lantern festival

Li Meilin

The bees and butterflies danced wildly, and the sound and light and shadow e-sports were brilliant.

The city wall has several layers of people, and they all recognize Chang'an as their hometown.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

Ren Chunqing

On the night of the moon, the lanterns in Wanxiang are turned on.

The dragon dance on the field, the thunder in the air.

Tangyuan flutters with five flavors, and a thousand glasses of water and wine are toasted.

And smell the flower drum, greedy and indestructible.

Zhang Peilan

Lotus step light makeup, style and posture about cut clouds Xiang.

The dragon boat is embroidered with light and the face is fresh and elegant.

Fireworks flew in the sky and arrows flew in the sky, and flower seedlings were arranged in the lantern street.

The night of the Lantern Festival, like drunkenness and ecstasy.

Lantern Festival

Zhao Xin

The red light flickered drunken lantern, and the bright moon crossed the Willow Bridge.

Lively street fireworks, cheering men and women singing new songs.

Whoever writes the poems together, my generation talks by guessing riddles.

Joy is hard to stir, haunting the grand scenery in the dream of invitation.

Liu Yan

The noisy gongs and drums are noisy, and the fireworks spring lanterns are different.

Looking back at Shan Shan's old dreams, her heart will follow the bright moon to the Blue Bridge.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

New Year's Eve

Wang Jiangtao

The dragon on the curved bank is brightly lit, and the sleeves of the willow weaving are all fragrant.

The most joyful young Hua Tingyue, happy and carefree wanhu sheng.

Celebrate Spring On New Year's Eve

Wang Jinming

Neon flashes, fireworks flow, and the moon is full. Dragon lanterns dance vigorously, songs are slowly twisted, and gongs and drums are vibrating and noisy.

Tourists are weaving, and the long night street scenery is colorful. The spring breeze blows, the hometown dreams, and the heavens and the earth are cherished together.

New Year's Eve feelings

Zheng Keqiang

It's the night of the Lantern Again, looking for beautiful people in front of the lamp.

Visit the garden in full swing, guess the mystery of the dream.

The association recruits the essence, and invites friends to take Yi Chun.

If it is difficult to fulfill your wish, look at the moon and sue the cause.

Birth Cha Zi New Year's Eve climbing the stairs has a mail


Dou Bing refers to the Lantern Festival, and Tianhan ascends the tower to overlook. The lights are good, and the shadows are still shining.

The moon is missing and the moon can be round, and the sideburns are difficult to be young. People came and went in the cabinet, but Xi Chunguang smiled.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

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【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility
【Poetry Sea Pearl】Lantern, lamp moon long bright, joy and tranquility

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