
Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

3C Poison Exclusive: This can be the news that makes everyone feel excited after Huawei has been silent for a long time. Some media have exposed Huawei's new patented technology, and at the same time, the appearance of Huawei's Mate50 Pro has also been exposed according to the patented technology. The design of Huawei's Mate50Pro can be said to have left flagship phones such as the iPhone13 far behind, and the main research direction of Huawei Mate50Pro has also undergone great changes.

It can be said that this time Huawei's new patent has once again exploded!

Huawei's new 3D camera patent exposed

Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen
Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

On July 16, 2021, Huawei applied to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for a patent for an invention called a method for appearance analysis and electronic devices. As can be seen from this patent, this device is equipped with three camera lenses and a circular screen, and through the combination of three lenses, the skin of the photographed person can be scored, thus helping the user to give timely suggestions and opinions on skin care in daily life.

In fact, Huawei's patent prototype has appeared on the Huawei P50Pocket, but there are slight differences in appearance.

Huawei P50Pocket took the lead in testing the waters

Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

Huawei's invention patent has actually taken the lead in testing the waters on the Huawei P50Pocket, such as the combination of the circular secondary screen and three cameras on the Huawei P50Pocket, is not very similar to Huawei's invention patent, but in the arrangement, the camera lens and the second screen are not designed according to the layout of the invention patent.

Although Huawei P50Pocket has supported the test of human face skin, there is still a difference between the lens layout and huawei invention patent, because the three camera lenses in the Huawei invention patent are arranged according to the upper, left and right directions, targeting the left and right cheek and forehead areas of the character, so huawei P50Pocket has not fully exerted the full effect of Huawei's invention patent in the layout.

Huawei's Mate50Pro is expected to be equipped with a 3D camera and a large secondary screen

Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

In the design drawing of Huawei Mate50Pro exposed by foreign media, the patented technology of Huawei's 3D camera is perfectly presented, such as three camera lenses are designed in the ring lens module, which is laid out in the upper, left and right positions, and the ring camera lens also contains a larger circular second screen, which can be photographed when the portrait is taken, and can also display the score of the human skin according to the photo evaluation of the three camera lenses.

The Huawei Mate50Pro is capable of testing facial details

Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

The Huawei Mate50Pro is equipped with these three camera lenses capable of capturing 3D models and being able to identify people and animals. In addition, the Huawei Mate50Pro can accurately identify the pores, wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, pigmentation, red areas, black eyes, the number of blackheads around the nose and other related information on the face of the subject through these three camera lenses, and can also measure the information of nasal folds and crow's feet.

Through these measurements, the Huawei Mate50Pro can accurately analyze the results, and will give professional advice and give evaluation scores for the current situation.

The Huawei Mate50Pro has other plans

Huawei exploded again! Huawei Mate50Pro exposure, equipped with 3D camera patent and large second screen

However, from the design drawing of Huawei's invention patent application, Huawei Mate50Pro obviously has other design solutions, such as three camera lenses lined up in a row, punched screen with two lenses that retract left and right, and three telescopic lenses, although the design of Huawei Mate50Pro is full of unknowns and uncertainties, but the layout of the screen and three surround cameras is unchanged. However, from the perspective of the design patent drawing, Huawei's Mate50Pro is equipped with a circular camera module and a circular second screen is the best design solution.

Editor's comments

The invention patent news of Huawei Mate50Pro and Huawei may be an exciting news after Huawei mobile phones have been silent for a long time. And Huawei P50Pocket has been equipped with test ultraviolet and other functions, perhaps Huawei's invention patent first to test the water, and the real big move will be used on the Huawei Mate50Pro.

Huawei Mate50Pro with this new invention patent, Huawei really wants to blow up the factory this time!

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