
What are the long-standing Lantern culture and customs in Xiamen?

[News Page-Taiwan Straits Network]

What are the long-standing Lantern culture and customs in Xiamen?

Put on a lotus lamp and feel the festive atmosphere.

What are the long-standing Lantern culture and customs in Xiamen?

Jacquard lanterns, participate in the Hanfu Parade.

According to the Xiamen Evening News, yesterday, Xiamen Island was filled with a festive and peaceful festival atmosphere, and the special folk activities were wonderful, and in the laughter, the citizens spent the Lantern Festival together.

Baolong one city

Wear Hanfu and put a lotus lamp to imitate the ancients to spend the Lantern Festival

Yesterday, the reporter came to Xiamen Baolong City Shopping Mall and participated in a "Shangyuan Lantern Festival" that traveled through time and space. There are activities such as guessing lantern riddles, painting flower lamps, and putting lotus lamps. The "Shangyuan Lantern Festival" in Baolong City has been held for many years, and it is specially named after the ancient name of the Lantern Festival, "Shangyuan Festival", which is intended to allow citizens to experience the traditional customs of the ancient Lantern Festival.

Citizen Li Wanyue is a Hanfu enthusiast, and yesterday she bought tiger flower lanterns early and came to the scene to participate in the 100-person Hanfu Parade. "I began to make up and do antique style styling from early in the morning, and I also made a special appointment with a photographer to shoot a set of Lantern Antique blockbusters for myself. Wearing Hanfu to guess the riddle of the lantern and eat the Lantern, you can experience the feeling of the ancients passing the Lantern. Maybe you can meet your other half at the lantern party. Li Wanyue said happily.

At the scene of guessing the riddle, three rows of lanterns were surrounded by crowds, and a note was written with various types of riddles. "Gentle words of persuasion, play a stationery." "I know! It's a compass! "Citizen Ms. Xu took her first-grade son to guess the riddle together, and she was particularly happy after guessing. Ms. Xu said: "Bringing children to participate in the lantern festival is to experience the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, and second, to increase children's knowledge, learn while playing, and broaden their horizons."

Sandpotail Community

Guess the riddle of the lantern to eat Tangyuan Xiamen Hong Kong dollar supper taste is strong

Yesterday, Shapowei Community, Xiagang Street, Siming District, held the "Lantern Festival Joy to Amuse" activity, attracting many children and parents to participate. Guess the landmark comic riddle of shapo tail, write your wishes on the wish board, and have a chance to exchange them for gifts. On the rooftop, people can also taste the tangyuan cooked by the merchants for free, as well as the Taiwanese special snack platters made by some Taiwanese and Qingdao merchants.

"I put a little fish on the lantern!" Yiming, a second-grade student at Yanwu Primary School, proudly carried the flower lanterns he had made and followed his parents to the West District of Shapowei Art to admire the flower lanterns. "It's the child himself, and the decoration steps are done by himself, which makes more sense than buying it." Yiming's parents said, "We come here every year to admire the lights, the activities here are very rich, there are guessing lantern riddles and tangyuan to eat, the festival atmosphere is very strong." ”

Ms. Cao, who lives in Liansaka, went to Shapowei to admire the lanterns, and she and her daughter's family walked back and forth around the night market, feeling that they had not seen enough, she said: "Here is the Lantern Festival flavor with Xiamen characteristics, and this year's Lantern Festival is really happy."

Inner officer community

"Loading Ou" has been passed down for a hundred years This year, there are more than 60 "Meat Mountains"

What are the long-standing Lantern culture and customs in Xiamen?

■ The folklore of the "Loading Ou" of the Neiguan community. Photo by Dai Shujing

Yesterday, in the Neiguan Community of Min'an Street in Xiang'an District, the annual traditional folk activity of "Loading Ou" was held as scheduled, and chickens, ducks, sheep, pork, etc. were arranged into more than 60 "meat mountains". The "Meat Mountain" is stacked in the Inner Guan Community Ancestral Hall, each of which is nearly two meters high, and is filled with various flowers and lanterns, like a Christmas tree.

"This year's Ou is the most in recent years, reaching more than 60." Chen Zhenxiang, president of the community elderly association, said that in previous years, it was generally 30 or 40, but this year it has suddenly increased by 20 or 30, "which indirectly shows that our community has been prosperous in recent years." ”

According to reports, the custom of "loading Ou" has been circulating in the Neiguan community for hundreds of years, but it was only interrupted for a few years in the 1960s and 1970s. According to custom, the newly married and Tim Ting families of the previous year were to go to the ancestral hall to place a "meat mountain" to worship the ancestors and express their gratitude.

Chen Zhenxiang said that after the event, everyone will tear down the "meat mountain" one by one, pick it up and make it into a delicacy, and invite relatives and friends to come to the house to eat and share the joy on the day.

Bell Hill Community

Drilling lamp feet to pray for peace The folk custom of sending lamps has characteristics

Last night, the Haicang Zhongshan community held the Lantern Drill Lantern Foot Folk Custom that is popular in the Fujian-Taiwan area. According to historical records, this folk custom began during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and has a history of more than two hundred years.

At more than 7 o'clock last night, at the Cai Family Temple in Zhongshan Community, hundreds of families received "Fu" lamps and "Wang" lamps, and then, gongs and drums opened the road and the dragon heads led the way, and the families who received lanterns paraded in the community. Resident Cai Shicai said that in the Zhongshan community, as long as there is a new male family in the previous year, on the day of the Lantern Festival, they will come here to pray for blessings, and the family temple will send a "blessing" lamp to wish the newborn health, wisdom and peace. At the same time, the newly married daughter-in-law will also come here, drill the lamp foot under the "lit" lamp, and take a "Wang" lamp from the ancestral hall, hoping that the family will prosper.

According to the staff of Songyu Street, the "lighting" in the past was the privilege of men, but with the promotion of the special rectification work of changing customs and customs and the establishment of a new style of civilization, the "lighting" of the Zhongshan community has become a wish for the happiness of newborns, and there is no gender distinction. (Text/Reporter Lan Yunsi, Dai Shujing, Li Xiaohui Photo/Chen Jiaxin)


Xiamen also has these Lantern customs

According to the Xiamen Evening News, in addition to "Ding Ou" and "drilling lamp feet", what other long-established Lantern Cultural Customs in Xiamen have?

Zi Ri, a collector of original old photos in Xiamen, collected an old photo from 1996, photographed by Peng Erwan, showing the dragon dance on Xiahe Road during the Lantern Festival. Peng Yiwan, honorary guide of the Fujian Minnan Cultural Research Association and an expert in Xiamen literature and history, introduced that the Lantern Festival chinese folk have the traditional custom of playing with dragon lanterns, and playing dragon lanterns is also called "dragon dance" and "dragon lantern dance", which has been quite common in Chinese Han Dynasty folk. There are two kinds of performances of "Playing dragon lanterns", "single dragon play beads" and "double dragon play beads". In terms of juggling, the styles of each place are different and have their own characteristics.

Peng Yiwan said that in the past, on the day of the Lantern Festival, in addition to lighting lamps and eating tangyuan, there were also street tours in Xiamen, people with lanterns lined up in strings, walking around on the road, the street was lively, also called the River of Lanterns. When swimming in the River of Lights, there are various folk performances on the street, such as singing nanyin and guessing lantern riddles.

Wu Weidong, vice president of the Xiamen Minnan Cultural Research Association, collects the stamps used by the folk of Xiamen in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, with the turtle seal on the top and the cake stamp on the bottom, which are used to make the turtle and cake stamps respectively.

Peng Yiwan introduced that the turtle has been a symbol of auspiciousness in traditional Chinese culture since ancient times, and the Lantern "Begging Turtle" is one of the main manifestations of Fujian-Taiwan folklore, and Xiamen also has the custom of the Lantern Festival "Begging Turtle", which is related to the turtle. "Begging turtle" means begging the divine turtle for blessings, and the people will "beg" to go home and eat it, which means "sipping peace". (Reporter Gong Xiaoguan)

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You are invited to take a pleasant dip in the lake

What are the long-standing Lantern culture and customs in Xiamen?

■ Kids are playing snare games.

According to the Xiamen Evening News on February 16, yesterday, the "Happy Lantern Festival, Twelve Hours of Joyful Tour in the Lake" all-media conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Wuyuanwan, Xiamen, and the activity took "Twelve Hours of Joyful Tour in the Lake" as the main line, connecting the characteristic elements of Huli District and leading the holiday trend of "Spring Joyful Travel Life in the Lake".

During the same period, the carnival also carried out cloud travel purchase explosion broadcasting activities. From 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on February 19, the live broadcast of "12 o'clock in the lake" will be carried out, and the anchor will lead everyone to "cross" the landmarks in Huli District to punch in, and there will be exquisite gifts distributed during the live broadcast.

The person in charge of the activity said that Huli District will continue to innovate and carry out colorful and unique cultural tourism activities, implement various preferential policies and measures to benefit the people, and provide citizens and tourists with more diverse products, deeper experiences and better services. (Reporter Liu Jiaying)

Gulangyu Island Garden Party

Visitors are invited to participate

According to the Xiamen Evening News on February 16, the interactive areas such as lantern riddles, pot throwing, hoops, marbles, and shuttlecocks are lively and lively, and there are also tangyuan to eat for free. Yesterday, Gulangyu Cultural Tourism Center held a Lantern Festival in the small square of Piano Pier, inviting tourists to spend the Lantern Festival with the public.

The red lantern combined with the atmosphere of the riddle makes the island instantly infected with a festive atmosphere. On the spot, you can not only guess the riddles of the lanterns, taste the tangyuan, but also participate in the garden activities for free with the tickets for the core attractions of Gulangyu Island purchased on the same day. Mr. Ho, who lives on the island, took his family to a garden party yesterday. He said: "Gulangyu Island is not only beautiful in scenery, but also very meaningful in the activities it holds."

Yesterday at the Gulangyu Foreign Cultural Relics Museum of the Forbidden City, the public welfare society teaching class was presented together with the art poetry meeting of Kaichun to relive traditional culture. Citizens and tourists entered the culture of the Forbidden City and learned about the history of the Lantern Festival through experience projects such as guessing the Lantern Puzzle and making palace lamps. (Text/Photo Reporter Lin Xiaoyun Correspondent Huang Xinyue)

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