
I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

author:Entertainment circle
I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Literary \ entertainment circle

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Lin Gengxin has been in a lot of trouble recently! Not to mention Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Roses", just the video of "Who is there in Beijing" pushed him onto the hot search list!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Cultural and tourism offices all over the country are holding this video like a baby, turning around, who knows that Xinjiang cultural tourism accidentally rubbed the popularity of Lin Gengxin, and it directly became popular all over the country! No matter how you look at it, I think this thing is a bit mysterious, Lin Gengxin may not be able to figure it out, why did he become a tourism ambassador? It's hilarious to the end!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

In the face of this sudden heat, Lin Gengxin couldn't cry or laugh. originally thought that this was just a temporary excitement, but who knew that more universities and official accounts would also join this "transition" army, making Lin Gengxin the focus of the whole network.

Lin Gengxin was really forced to "laugh". You see, he posted a Douyin video saying goodbye to Fang Xiewen's role, which was originally a serious matter, but was "spoofed" by netizens.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

A netizen said that "it's all the fault of the avatar", and he also gave a funny picture, which made Lin Gengxin laugh directly, "I'm not very convenient lately." This makes everyone laugh, I think he is "ridiculed" now!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

In normal times, Lin Gengxin would definitely have to fight back, but now that he is "named" by the official every day, he can't cause trouble, so he can only swallow his anger. After netizens finished reading it, the comment area was like a party with a mess of porridge, oops, laughing to death doesn't pay for it!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

You say, at this time, if Lin Gengxin can't be "grounded", wouldn't he "suffer"? After all, on social media now, if you can't "hold" your image, then it's really "unpalatable". But don't forget, netizens ridiculed him, which is also a kind of "attention", which can be regarded as "blessing" him.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Look at these netizens, they really "have a hand". ridiculing him is also a "kind of recognition" of him, after all, he can be "handled" by netizens into a hot topic, which can be regarded as a way to "be liked". If Lin Gengxin can turn these "negative energy" into "positive energy", it will be awesome! After all, in the entertainment industry, if you can turn "cannon fodder" into a "god of war", this is called a real "big guy"!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Lin Gengxin is really the "cannon" of the entertainment industry now, and the entire network is waiting to see what he will do next. He is simply a topic of conversation now, what Xinjiang cultural tourism, Beijing cultural tourism, all follow his popularity, how exciting it is to watch!

This little brother's fame is really unusual, and even the official accounts of major universities have begun to use his videos to promote, which is not too popular!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

You say, is he going to play himself as a "big hot search king"? His popularity is simply the "originator" of the Internet celebrity industry! Looking at him like this, I guess I can't even figure it out, how did he suddenly become a national "Internet celebrity"? But then again, it's no wonder that cultural tourism everywhere is "crazy about cheering", who made him so good at bringing goods?

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

He is so popular, netizens are about to "boil". The entire network was swiped by him, and he was a "high-energy" magnet, attracting a bunch of fans and "idlers" to frantically "watch" in the comment area. If you look at his fans, they are all high with his "Dream Rhapsody", and this "heat" is "soaring to the sky"!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

However, looking at his current situation, he is really "dumbfounded". I wanted to be an artist, but it turned out to be a national "topic center". He is now "forced" to become this "idol in the eyes of the public", "staring" every day, and he is simply not "free". However, looking at his humorous response, he can be regarded as "witty", and he may have accumulated more "positive energy" in "swallowing his anger".

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Finally, we have to admit that Lin Gengxin's experience this time really makes people see his "new side". In the face of the ridicule of netizens, he was able to "fight" with a humorous and tolerant attitude, which is really surprising, and I have to give him a thumbs up!

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Think about it, who is usually ridiculed, who doesn't directly "slap back"? But he didn't, but chose a "high EQ" and "generous" way to deal with these "dark tide" comments. This kind of "easy-going" attitude is simply a "stress reliever" on social media, which is like some celebrities, a little thing can "get angry", and the result is "chickens and dogs".

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

Seeing him like this, I can't help but feel a little more "good" towards him. After all, in this era of "black people", being able to use a "smile" to "resolve the crisis" is not only a "cultivation", but also a "superpower". His "superhero" mentality is simply a "source of positive energy" in society, making people feel that the world has a little more "harmony".

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

This also tells us a truth, in the face of the provocation of the "keyboard warrior", in fact, there is no need to be "excited", but to learn to "fight against the enemy" in a "polite and humorous" way, so that we can be "invincible". After all, there is no shortage of "negative energy" in the world, and what is needed is a "positive energy messenger" like Lin Gengxin to "exorcise evil and protect the law" for us.

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

I hope that everyone can be like Lin Gengxin, no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter, they can be "calm and calm" and use "smiles" to "solve the siege", which can not only make themselves more attractive, but also make the people around them feel "warm and kind". It is important to remember that the spread of positive energy starts from everyone's little by little, so that the whole society can be more "harmonious and beautiful".

I can't laugh anymore! Lin Gengxin said that he was not very convenient to be on the hot search recently, but I died laughing in the comment area

So, what do you think about Lin Gengxin's "inconvenience" this time? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and let us share our views and thoughts on this matter.

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