
"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

author:Entertainment circle
"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

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Lin Gengxin, a master in the domestic entertainment industry! With his unique humorous style and unafraid of authority, this intimidating prince quickly won the unanimous love of netizens and was known as "the first person in domestic entertainment to fight black".

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Starting from the scumbag role Fang Xiewen he played in "The Story of Rose", his scaring skills can be described as uncontrollable, just like a kung fu master who has practiced "anti-black skills".

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin not only played the scumbag alive in the play, but also was not afraid of power in real life, and used sharp language and witty counterattacks to reply to those funny public opinions. His intimidating skills are really no one, just like a master in the glory of kings, easily against any headwind situation, he can always be in the limelight and no one can beat him.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin, the god known for his unique humor genes and precise skills in the Northeast! He is like a member of the "Thousands of Troops", with his sharpness and wit, he has left a deep mark on the domestic entertainment circle and netizens.

Whether it is facing the attacks of netizens or domestic entertainment peers, he can always use those golden sentences that make people laugh and easily turn attacks into jokes, and he is simply the top master in the human world.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin is not a vegetarian, and his counterattack is simply a must. In the face of those netizens who scolded him for his scumbag image, he not only had better skills, but also repeatedly counterattacked in the storm of public opinion. He is like a master in the game, and he seems to be about to lose, but he fights back with one move, counterattacks in an instant, and scares the opponent to the ground, and the scene is even more lively than the e-sports of the competition!

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Moreover, his golden sentences are simply classics among classics. When you don't know how to fight back, you have to look at his intimidating skills. His words were like a fatal blow falling from the sky, which caught people off guard and made their stomachs hurt with laughter. He can not only turn intimidation into an art, but also use humor and wisdom to ignite positive energy, so that people can feel the joy and warmth of life in laughter.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin's intimidating style is definitely "Wen can block, Wu can block", and no one can stop his edge. His humor and wit are not just to pass the time, but also an expression of social responsibility. He practiced fairness and justice with his words and deeds, and appealed to the conscience and rationality of the society in a scaring way, allowing us to see the responsibility and strength of an artist.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin, the actor who debuted for 13 years, never seems to be swayed by the voices of the outside world. His social media accounts have become a battlefield for him to interact with fans, and he responds to every controversy and question in his own unique way. His replies are always full of wisdom and humor, and people can't help but praise his wit while being scolded.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin, a master of the internal entertainment industry, not only relied on a sharp skill to break through the rivers and lakes, but also won the love and support of countless fans because of his unabashedly self-deprecation and self-blackening.

Imagine that he was scolded and hacked in public, and he could always accept it with a smile, as if to say: "Whatever you say about me, I laugh faster than you!" This kind of frank attitude is simply "the dream of 900 million girls"!

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Not only is he a fish in water in his intimidating skills, but he has also proven his talent as an actor. Although netizens often criticize and write, no one has ever questioned his acting skills.

On the contrary, every new drama can cause a sensation, not only because of his fame, but also because of his sincere love and tireless pursuit of acting career.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

What Lin Gengxin shows in front of and behind the screen is an attitude, an attitude that is not afraid of criticism and questioning. He used his actions to show us that being true to ourselves is more important than anything else. His self-denialism is not to belittle himself, but a humorous expression, which makes people feel the firmness and confidence in his heart in the laughter.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Moreover, his acting skills are really speechless. From emotional dramas to comedic roles, he is at ease, and every performance makes the audience's eyes shine. His existence is not only for performance, but also to convey a positive energy, so that everyone understands that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they are treated sincerely, they will always usher in a better version of themselves.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Lin Gengxin's charm lies in his extraordinary sense of humor and acting skills, but also in his perseverance and courage to face himself.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

In his own way, he interprets a positive attitude towards life, allowing us to learn how to face life's challenges calmly while having fun. So, don't just look at the surface, Lin Gengxin is not only a master of scaring people, but also an idol who transmits positive energy!

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

In this entertainment industry that is increasingly lacking in personality, Lin Gengxin's existence is undoubtedly a clear stream. His humor and intelligence make people think in laughter, and his authenticity and confidence make people feel warm in communication.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

Perhaps, this is the reason why Lin Gengxin was able to stand out among many stars. In his own way, he proves that he is a true self, which is more heart-warming than any well-crafted image.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

In the world of Lin Gengxin, every controversy is an opportunity to communicate with the audience, and every reply is a stage to show his personality.

"The new scumbag in internal entertainment": He has a handsome face and a poisonous mouth

On this stage, Lin Gengxin has won the love of countless audiences with his unique charm. Perhaps, this is what a real "living star" should look like in the domestic entertainment circle.