
Once the Russo-Ukrainian war breaks out, if the United States and the West dare to intervene militarily, Putin will just calculate the old and new accounts together

author:Zero-distance attention

Verbally supporting me the most, inciting the situation to keep busy. The Russian army deployed "war day", and the soles of the feet were greased first!

Recently, the situation in Ukraine has become more and more serious, and the NATO group headed by the United States has shown its indignation and looked like it wants to support Ukraine to the end, but when the US side really said that there might be a war, the United States took the lead in slipping away. The reason why the United States has behaved so speechlessly is that in the final analysis, they know that if the Russo-Ukrainian War really broke out, the Consequences for the West that dared to intervene would be unimaginable.

Once the Russo-Ukrainian war breaks out, if the United States and the West dare to intervene militarily, Putin will just calculate the old and new accounts together

Recently, Russia and Ukraine have been deeply involved in the cloud of doubts about the start of war. It is worth noting that it is not the Russian army that claims to be going to war in the border area, but the United States that has forcibly intervened. First, US National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan said that the Russian military has made all-out war deployments, and then some US President Biden even opened his mouth to say that the Russian army will march west on February 16 and directly attack Kiev.

Now that the 16th has passed, we have not seen the start of the war, but the news of the continuous deployment of the US military has emerged in an endless stream, but this deployment has made Ukraine feel cold. It turned out that all the deployment of the US military was basically not in the Mediterranean, or in Poland, Romania and other NATO countries, and Ukraine did not see it at all. Even the US military not only did not provide direct military support to Ukraine, but only provided a little material support, but also allowed the relevant US personnel in Ukraine to withdraw from Ukraine urgently, and even the 160 US soldiers sent to Ukraine in November 2021 for training missions were also transferred. Such an operation by the United States has also seriously intensified the situation in Ukraine, causing a large number of Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians to flee Ukraine urgently, and Ukraine has suffered heavy losses, which can be described as bitter, in this regard, Ukrainian President Zelensky had to stand up on the 14th and forcibly demand that the departing oligarchs and politicians return home immediately.

As we all know, the Biden administration has always been a staunch supporter of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and has had many conversations with Russia for this purpose, and the US side is also very tough and confident, saying that it can make Russia pay a heavy price. Why is it that at the most critical moment, the United States instead greases the soles of its feet and pats its butts on the slippery slopes?

Once the Russo-Ukrainian war breaks out, if the United States and the West dare to intervene militarily, Putin will just calculate the old and new accounts together

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that once a war breaks out, the United States and even the entire West really intervenes, and the consequences are unbearable for the United States. Although Russia's economic, technological, and industrial richness is not as good as the West, Russia has three advantages: army, missiles and nuclear weapons. Needless to say, Russia's nuclear warhead reserves are enough to destroy mankind, and even the United States admits that nuclear war cannot defeat Russia. And Russia's army, missiles can guarantee that once the war starts, at least the problem of taking Ukraine is not big, if NATO dares to intervene, then it is also possible to take the Baltic states and Poland, so that the United States will fall into an unprecedented crisis, this battle will not only not kill Russia, but also help Russia restore the territory of the soviet union in the past, which does not mean that Russia not only successfully avenged this round of Ukrainian situation, but even the old account of collapsing the Soviet Union was cleared?

Not long ago, the new US ambassador to Japan also spoke out to support Japan's exercise of sovereignty over the South Kuril Islands, and on February 12, it also sent a "Virginia"-class attack nuclear submarine to sneak into the waters of the South Kuril Islands in an attempt to create trouble for Russia from the direction of the western Pacific Ocean. But how can this kind of thing be difficult to overthrow Putin? Putin already knew that the United States would calculate its rear, so in December 2021, two new nuclear submarines were deployed to the Russian Pacific Fleet - including a strategic nuclear submarine that can throw nuclear warheads to the Japanese mainland, and by the way, he also tested a missile pointedly, and even used a depth charge to scare away the US nuclear submarines, so that Japan, even if it is bold, does not dare to make a second attempt.

Once the Russo-Ukrainian war breaks out, if the United States and the West dare to intervene militarily, Putin will just calculate the old and new accounts together

Now, the West, led by the United States, must face a choice: whether to risk losing the entire European continent to go to war with Russia and let Russia's new hatred and old hatred be counted together, or to break the wrist of the hero and abandon Ukraine? I believe that any mature politician knows which is the more reasonable choice, so now the style of the United States' first rat, we can understand.