
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference

author:Shanghai Xuhui

On February 18, xuhui district 2021 annual investment promotion commendation conference was held in the West Bund International Convention Center. The leaders of the four sets of teams in Xuhui District, the main responsible persons of relevant committees and bureaus, streets and towns, group companies, and representatives of more than 100 outstanding enterprises attended the event.

Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference
Tiger power, go to the future together! Xuhui District held the 2021 Annual Investment Promotion Commendation Conference

At the meeting, the district leaders presented the "2021 Annual Economic Outstanding Contribution Award", "2021 Top 100 Enterprise Contribution Award", "2021 Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise Award", "2021 Outstanding Contribution Award for Foreign Enterprises" and "2021 Best Commercial Building Award" to the enterprises, commending outstanding enterprise representatives in related fields.

Representatives of SenseTime, Valeo and Mihayou made speeches. They sincerely thanked Xuhui for providing an excellent investment environment, efficient and high-quality services for the development of enterprises, and expressed their hope to continue to cultivate Xuhui, create more value for the society, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of "Excellent Xuhui".

In 2021, in the face of century-old changes and the century epidemic, Xuhui maintained a steady and progressive, stable and good development trend, the annual regional GDP increased by 8.1%, the district-level fiscal revenue increased by 11.33%, the four major industries of digital economy, life and health, cultural creativity and modern finance maintained double-digit growth rates, the regional headquarters of multinational companies reached 100, the headquarters economy and building economy continued to improve quality and efficiency, gathering a number of heavyweight platforms and projects, Xuhui Binjiang "one port, one valley, one city and one bay" Breakthroughs have been made in construction, and the first Shanghai International Financial Center Development Forum was successfully held.

The year 2022 of Dragon Leap has arrived! In the past January, the whole district completed the district-level fiscal revenue of 3.186 billion yuan, an increase of 10.81% year-on-year, the resilience of economic development continued to increase, the new mechanism of the "five major theaters" work began to show results, and the total tax revenue of each investment promotion sub-center district achieved a year-on-year increase of 75%, with the "beginning is sprint" rush posture, and strived to achieve the first month of economic "opening".

The clarion call for the comprehensive construction of "Excellent Xuhui" has been sounded! On the new journey, Xuhui will focus on the development pattern of "bipolar drive, east-west circulation, north-south linkage, and central upgrading", fight the four major battles of Xujiahui, Xuhui Binjiang, Cao Development, and Huajing, build a "5+4+X" industrial layout with the five-type economy and four major industries as the core, seize the new tracks such as the meta-universe and green and low-carbon, and continuously detonate new industries and new formats. At the same time, we will focus on creating a world-class business environment and a soft environment for talents to live comfortably, and provide more opportunities, better environment and better services for all enterprises and talents who choose Xuhui.

The Beijing Winter Olympics are in full swing. In the new year, Xuhui is willing to walk hand in hand with enterprises, strive for success, and take the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger and more united" as inspiration, bravely stand at the head of the tide, move forward with courage, and create new miracles in Xuhui, the hot land of investment, play the strongest sound, and move forward together to the future!

Contributed by: District Investment Promotion Office, Wang Xiao

Reporter: Wang Xiao

Photo: Liu Xiaojing

Edit: Mao Wenlu

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