
One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

Yesterday, I mentioned the issue of One Piece's "final chapter" to everyone, talked about the slogan of the official magazine and Oda's hint of the "final chapter" in SBS, and unfolded worldwide! The biggest battle in OP history.

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

When talking about this issue, I see that many fans have mentioned the topic of "Giant Clan", that is, "Elbaf".

One Piece's giants all point to a clear location, which is "Elbaf", which is the giant kingdom in the New World, known as the world's first power. So far we have seen too many Giant warriors, but most of them come from the warrior village of Elbav, just a village, and the Giant Nation is divided into towns and villages.

This is the impression left on us, so why are sea fans so obsessed with having such a chapter? This is a really good question.

One: Usopp's declaration!

The most direct "factor" is Usopp's original declaration, in episode 128, before the Straw Hat gang left, Usopp said to the "master": "Master! I! Someday! I'm going to the village of Albav."

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

The words have been released, how can it not go? Going to Elbav was in a sense Usopp's "dream", the flags were buried, and Oda could not let Usopp punch him in the face.

Second: frequent "appearances"

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

In fact, the direct reason why fans think that The Elbaf chapter will definitely be related to the frequent appearance of the "Giant Clan". Small gardens of East Leigh and Brockie, Cayce and Oymo of the Isle of Justice, And herding in Dressrosa.

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

There were a bunch of Giant Admirals in the Navy, Joe Gunter, Rakoval, Loontz, Hagwaroo. D. Saron and so on. And later Aruru and Yoruru, you can see that basically every chapter will appear as a shadow of the "Giants" from time to time.

From the "Shandia people" in the sky to the "fish people" in the deep sea, there are their own appearances, and the small human race "Tongtata people" have all, will there be fewer "races" that appear so frequently by the giant tribe? Definitely not.

Third: there are many doubts

The most appetizing thing is the "mystery", which is also an important reason why sea fans hope to appear "Elbaf".

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

Aunt and Mother Carmelite were once in Elbav, the land of giants, why did the nuns disappear? At the same time, The Great Aunt gained the ability of a nun. And the political marriage and grudge between the big mother and the "giant clan", why they cling to the strong strength of the giant clan.

Because of the breakdown of the relationship with the Giant Clan, Big Mama turned her head to the technology of making the organism huge, and these barbarian overlords who appeared later in the Country of Peace, can even be said to be closely related to the "Giant Clan".

These three points are the core reasons why "sea fans" are obsessed with having a "giant" chapter.

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

Of course, behind what Norse mythology "name" borrowing, human settings, story mining I will not say more, because using these things to dig into the comics my personal senses are a little too tired, affecting me to see "One Piece" is the original intention of "entertainment" for the purpose, watch anime I still like to tend to the surface.

"Giants" chapter

So the core question is, will there be a chapter of the Giants? I have the same view as everyone, and there is a high probability that there will be, because whether it is Usopp's declaration, or the frequent appearances of the Giants, and the mystery of the appetite, they all confirm the possibility of the existence of this chapter.

At present, the red historical text is on Zowu Island, a piece of big mom here, a piece of Kaido here, so what about the last piece? Originally on Fishman Island, but later the whereabouts are unknown, I even have reason to suspect that this last piece of historical text is here in "Elbaf".

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

The Giants are a necessary chapter, even an indispensable one. But this chapter will not be a single big chapter, why?

Because Oda's previous statement that it will be finished in five years, as well as the hints of the official magazine, indicate that the last chapter is the "final chapter", and this final chapter will have the existence of the "Giant Chapter".

For example, the Waso kuni chapter that we are familiar with now, do you think that the peace country chapter began with Luffy marching into the peace country? No, but it has been laying the groundwork for the Kingdom of Peace since the time punk Hassard Kinemon appeared and introduced the concept of "artificial demon fruit".

Punk Hassad, Dressrosa, Zou, The Nations, and the Kingdom of Harmony, these chapters are actually a closed loop, you can understand as a large chapter, which contains these chapters, if you have to collectively call it "the road to overthrow the Four Emperors".

One Piece "Giant", why are sea fans so obsessed with giants? The final chapter will have answers

The same is true of the final chapter, the official final chapter and Oda's hint of the final chapter, which also contains some small chapters, such as the "Elbaf chapter" and the like, which is my current view of the final chapter.

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