
Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

author:Peach pears white
Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

Wen 丨 Wu Qian Figure 丨 comes from the Network

Recently, there are some dramas that can be watched without eyes, such as "The Legend of Mi Yue". Compared with "The Biography of Zhen Huan", this drama is a street fight: from Liu Tao to Sun Li, the actors are too strong, the picture is not sophisticated enough, the plot is also very white lotus, in short, can not let people watch it in one breath, but everyone can listen to it while doing something else.

Some dramas can be "watched" in the circle of friends, and every day from morning to night, there are various friends who keep sending screenshots, launch pictures, and posters... You can't pay attention to it, for example, "The Promotion of the Crown Princess".

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

Both plays were broadcast around the same time, and both were court-themed. The former is a large-scale production of two hundred million, and the latter is like "three no products": no big coffee actors, no big production, no huge pre-publicity.

It is said that the crew of "Princess Princess" is "poor" to this point: the art and props cost a total of 900,000. The most expensive expense was clothing, which cost 100,000. However, it seems that it has not been compared to the "epic giant" "The Legend of Mi Yue", for example, the shape of the protagonist is not LOW, and there is a sense of design.

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

The actor's appearance has also triggered a large-scale licking of the screen.

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"
Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"
Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

Even some small partners have analyzed that the composition of this so-called "thunder drama" is very exquisite.

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"
Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

Therefore, sometimes, big directors + big producers + big coffee actors do not necessarily mean that the work is good. Treat the audience as an audience and polish the work with sincerity in order to get everyone's sincere recognition.

But do you know who is behind "The Princess"? Yes, the director who only spent 900,000 yuan on a play. His name is Lu Hao Ji Ji Ji, and he used to look like this (the reason why it is "once upon a time" is because the things that happened to him later have made him change greatly from his name to his appearance)

Lu Hao Jiji, whose original name was Lang Xiao, was both a "rich second generation" and a "star second generation", because his father was a famous writer + gold medal screenwriter and successful businessman haiyan (formerly known as lang haiyan). It is said that when naming his son, the naturally romantic Haiyan said: "Let's call it Lu Zhen, the child is an angel sent down from heaven; and the sound of the zhen is beautiful and beautiful, just like the sound of heaven, and the harmonic sound of '箫' is 'laughter', which means that the son brings us the laughter of the angel." ”

He used to be an actor, using his original name, Ling Xiao. In the TV series "Six Groups of Serious Cases", he played a policeman named Chang Baole. However, this drama is not a "sea rock drama".

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

The name Haiyan may be slightly unfamiliar to the post-90s, but for the post-70s and post-80s audiences, it is a golden signboard for domestic TV dramas. Many of the popular TV series of that year were adapted from his works. Sun Li and Tong Dawei's famous work "Jade Guanyin" is a representative work of "Haiyan Drama", which is also the debut work that made Niangniang Sun Li famous for the first time.

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

"Old Fresh Meat" Lu Yi's most deeply rooted masterpiece so far is still Xiao Tong in "Never Look Away", and "Never Look Away" is also a Haiyan drama.

Actors such as Lu Yi, Tong Dawei, and Zhou Zhouwei are also known as "Rock Boys" by the industry for starring in Haiyan dramas. At the beginning of this century, this is a very high recognition and affirmation for the actor, and it also means a very high popularity. Haiyan looks at people very old and spicy, and is a star-making master who has won a new vote.

In addition to being a screenwriter, he is also very rich. As early as 2007, there were media reports: in the unit, Haiyan's annual salary is more than 500,000 yuan; and his novels and scripts are the "sought-after goods" of major publishing houses and producers, and the royalties of each book manuscript are nearly 1 million yuan. Some friends joked that Haiyan is a "printing machine" that rotates day and night.

Such a cow father, but never opened the back door for Aiko, and Haiyan, who was popular with many "rock boys", never let his son participate in his own TV series. The only time he was allowed to participate in the Haiyan drama was after he was disfigured.

One year, Lu Hao Ji ji went on vacation to the Maldives, because he wanted to have dark skin like Gu Tianle, and sunbathing for a day, but it caused a first-degree sunburn. He hoped for cosmetic surgery to remedy it, but his face was twice as swollen after the operation as before the sunburn, the original dimples were gone, and his plastic surgery failed completely.

After that, he changed his name from Lu Xiao to Lu Haozhe, and finally split the word "Zhe" into "Ji Ji", not knowing whether he had the meaning of hoping for all the great luck in the future.

Together with the original name and original appearance, Lu Hao Jiji has almost disappeared in the entertainment industry. Reappearing in entertainment news, he has changed his identity. From actor to photographer.

At that time, the shooting site chose the helipad on the top floor of the Kunlun Hotel, and Lu Haojiji said that the reason why he chose it was because it was rare, "Almost no one has ever gone up to shoot." "And the filming also combined zhang Xinyi's role in "What New to Save You And My Lover."" Luo Jingjing, played by Xinyi, is a model, and behind the Kunlun Hotel is the CBD, which is just the feeling of the city. "The film is like this —

Seven years ago, such a strong personal style of blockbusters was made, which is understandable why "The Promotion of the Princess" can do its best in the art in a limited budget.

However, many people may not know that because of the failure of plastic surgery, Lu Hao Jiji was used as a negative teaching material for plastic surgery by TV programs, and he also had suicidal thoughts. In 2008, Lu Hao Jiji published a blog post titled "I'm Calm..." (now deleted), revealing that he had tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists, but eventually rushed to the hospital emergency room for help.

The self-media "Star Capital" restored the narration of Lu Hao Jiji: "Kneeling next to the toilet and placing the blade on my left wrist, the blood quickly gushed out from the knife edge, and I watched quietly, fantasizing about the way my life was about to leave." "In the process of waiting, he regretted it." Life will continue, I suddenly feel that people are not living for themselves, you impulsively leave this world, and the living people are the most painful. ”

Lu Hao Jiji said that now that he thinks about this, he feels that he is too stupid. If they had left at that time, the audience today would not have had the opportunity to see this "Princess Promotion".

When falling to the bottom, people will have two reactions, one is to completely annihilate themselves and give up on themselves; the other is to hit the bottom and rebound to the full realization, and Lu Hao Jiji is fortunate to belong to the latter. It wasn't until the tipping point of life and death that he felt how much pain the people who were still alive would suffer if he left.

Since then, the entertainment industry has lost an actor named Lu Xiao, and the photography industry has added a photographer named Lu Hao Jiji. Perhaps the script written by Heaven for him was destined to make a disaster come to his nirvana, and also allowed him to display his talents in another field. Look at the customers who cooperate, they are all big names in Ming Huang (Source: Lu Hao Ji Ji Personal Blog)

The style of the work of the emerging photographer at that time was very sharp

Lu Hao Jiji's working status at the filming site is sauce aunt's, I have to say... It's also pretty hard

In 2010, Lu Hao Jiji began to follow Zhao Baogang as an executive director, such as Zhao's "Man Gang" and "Beijing Youth" and other dramas. In 2012, Lu Hao jiji and Zhao Baogang co-directed the urban emotional topic drama "Old And Dependent". The reason why he decided to cross the border at that time was that "there was a relative's child learning photography, and I gave him all the equipment." Previously, he had also taken stills for Zhao Dao's "Marriage Defense War" and other scenes, which was considered to have had business dealings. More importantly, Zhao Baogang is still a regular visitor to his own family, and his father Haiyan and Zhao Baogang are even more friendly, and all this can be regarded as a natural success.

Previously, as an executive director, Lu Hao Jiji was still quite angry with Zhao Baogang, after all, Zhao Baogang's working style was very strict. Throughout the filming of "The Man Gang," he said he had done it entirely in tension, trepidation, and helplessness. And when it comes to "Old Nobody", although Director Zhao has not directly praised him, he will tell the editor: These scenes are filmed well.

The talent and talent for visual beauty, coupled with the experience accumulated as a director, these add up to today's "Princess Promotion". It is not only a promotion of the crown princess, but also a "metamorphosis" in the life of Lu Hao Jiji.

Can't be an actor, just do something else, in the face of plastic surgery failure, although I once thought of suicide, but in the end I still practiced photography hard, starting from the basics, and Zhao Baogang learned a little bit. Finally coming up with such a good work, such a life, is really inspiring.

In the words of Lu Hao Jiji himself, because he is an Aries, he cannot do several things at the same time, so he will try to do everything he is doing well. When filming "Dancer", he got up every day to jump rope 1,000 times, and then danced 1,000 times at six or seven o'clock in the evening, basically did not eat a meal for 20 days, only ate tomatoes and cucumbers, and went to the gym to run, losing 20 pounds in 10 days. During my time as a photographer, from the camera, lens to the lighting, blower are the top ones, invested hundreds of thousands of yuan, and even want to rent a place in the office building to make a shed. In the process of filming "The Princess", in addition to participating in the design of costumes, he also had continuous injuries, so serious that he even had to find someone to carry him to the toilet...

Of course, it is not easy to usher in the peak of the career, and it is inevitable that there will be many people who are popular. In addition to being accused of being "spelling daddy", Lu Hao Jiji also had such news:

This is somewhat of a conspiracy theory. In the eyes of some people, actresses who have played good roles have slept with the director, and in the same way, the male actors who have played good roles also have a basic relationship with the director. Not to mention what kind of emotions are worth blessing, when others are in pain and low tide, they don't even have the opportunity to appear in the news, others are red, they take the news to the explosive points to put on people, some people feel a little sad.

Previously, Wang Kai had also encountered a similar incident, which was also a small student who had struggled for many years because of several good plays that quickly became popular. Are we forever only able to treat them with these wind-catching news? Lu Hao Ji ji did not respond to this, how could people who had even experienced life and death care about these noises?

Because they have experienced the trough, they must know that what can resist the low tide of fate is never the eyes and evaluation of others, and compared with these over-the-top gossip, talent is more worthy of respect. All criticism will flow with time, but only your own efforts will not fail you. Just like compared with the appearance of the past, the ultimate ability is something that will accompany you for life and will not be lost.


About the author

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

Wu Qian, known as "Uncle Qian", a Taurus man, a senior journalist who has not changed his original intention, believes that the most important thing in life is to grasp time and live in the present.

Plastic surgery failed, once committed suicide, and the life of Hao Jiji, the son of Haiyan, was "Metamorphosed"

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