
This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

author:Cheng Ge's view of history

Whether it is ancient or modern, longevity has always been the yearning of people. Everyone wants to enjoy the beauty of the world more, talk and laugh with friends, and have fun with their families, but people's life expectancy is limited after all. Some people may die at birth, some may die in an accident, some may die without the torment of illness, and some may die heroically for the sake of righteousness.

Either way, their lives are short after all, so everyone living in the world begins to actively seek the law of longevity. For example, many emperors were obsessed with elixirs; many began to focus on health and so on. Later, as the popularity of this topic continues to increase, many media also began to pay attention to health, longevity, in order to collect more information, they visited some long-lived elderly people and interviewed them, hoping to get some effective methods about longevity.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

Speaking of the longevity old man, we have to say that Misao Okawa, who has been certified by Guinness, is a Japanese. In fact, in the world, there are many long-lived elderly people, such as China has a 133-year-old Hui elderly, so Okawa Misaru may not be the real world's longest-lived elderly, but for various reasons, so that many long-lived elderly people have not been recognized by guinness world records, so from the guinness record that has been certified, Okawa misashi is still the longest-lived old man.

In 1898, Misao Okawa was born in Japan under the eager expectations of her family. The main source of income for the family is the kimono business, after the continuous efforts of the family, the family's economic situation is not bad, plus Okawa Misao has been loved by her family since she was a child, so she not only lives a carefree life, but also develops an optimistic and cheerful personality. It is precisely because of her personality that she has made a lot of friends, and when she grows up, she has been favored by many people.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

Later, when it came to the age of talking about marriage, she was also fortunate to meet the love of her life, after a period of interaction, the two entered the palace of marriage together, officially married, after marriage, the two had three sons and lived a happy life that made others envious.

But no one expected that such a happy life would be shattered by an accident. When Misao Okawa was 34 years old, her husband died, which made her very sad. But at this point, there was nothing she could do, not to mention that life would go on, she still had three children, and she couldn't just fall. Therefore, for the healthy growth of the children, she can only shoulder the burden of a family. Although she did not have her husband's booing and greeting warmth, she had three children by her side, so that she would not be too lonely.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

Later, under the meticulous care of Misao Okawa, her children also grew up slowly, and then they established a family and had their own heirs, so that she could enjoy the pleasure of teasing her grandson, and what made her even happier was that she also had six grandchildren. In the company of so many people, she felt very happy.

Later, as time went on, Misao Okawa grew older. Although she has always been relatively tough and rarely gets sick, the family decided to send her to a nursing home after her 100th birthday out of consideration for her body, and a special person took care of her. Originally, they were worried that Misao Okawa would not adapt to life there, so they often went to the nursing home to see her, but later learned that she lived well there and gradually relaxed her mind.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

Because Okawa Misao is a long-lived old man, so it has been valued by many people and the media, after that, the media went to visit her and asked her a question that everyone is very concerned about, that is, what is the secret of her longevity, Okawa Misao listened, after listening, was silent for a moment, and replied, "I don't know." Although this answer has disappointed many people, perhaps after understanding the living habits and mentality of Misao Okawa, we can also get a little inspiration from it.

First of all, she has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, even if she has encountered many tribulations in life, she will not often put the words of complaint on her lips, but face the difficulties and take the initiative to seek solutions.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

Secondly, in life, she has been actively working, can do more activities, and will not stay still all the time.

In addition, for the diet, she also chooses a healthy diet as much as possible, and there will be no overeating.

Of course, the above is just some speculation, the real longevity secret we can not verify, but maintaining good eating habits, moderate physical exercise and positive and optimistic attitude is beneficial to human health, plus these have always been the doctors advocate things, so if people have been insisting on doing it, I believe that it is also very beneficial to people's bodies.

This Japanese person is recognized by Guinness as the world's longest-lived elderly person, and the way to longevity is very simple

However, no matter how to maintain health, it can not resist the passage of time. Death is something that everyone has to face, and Misao Okawa is no exception. In 2015, at the age of 117, Misao Okawa passed away, and although her life has experienced twists and turns, she has survived tenaciously, not only raising her children, but also becoming the world's longest-lived elderly. Her optimistic and positive attitude towards life is worth learning.

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