
6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

This Winter Olympics because of the farce of South Korea, the food problem of the Winter Olympics on fire, did not expect that this topic also brought fire to several athletes whose attention was not so high, such as the Maltese athlete Janice Spitey who ate 6 bean sandbags a day, she was also known as the bean sandbag sister because of the bean sandbag fire, this topic also brought happiness to many netizens, seeing the mainland's food affirmed by foreign friends, every chinese person is very happy, but to understand Janice Spitay only after knowing, The story behind her is also difficult.

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

First of all, let's talk about her story of being out of the circle, not long ago after the snowboard women's U-shaped track skill qualifier, the reporter met Janice Spitery, she said in the interview that she couldn't eat anything in the morning, she put the bean bag in her pocket, and finally she could eat it after the game, and then she said: "I love to eat bean buns, the taste is great, Chinese food is my favorite, I can eat 6 bean sandbags a day, and I have to eat two for a meal!" ”

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

This interview was instantly on fire after being seen by everyone, Janice Spitery was also on fire, the major media interviewed her, CCTV also did an interview for her, in the CCTV interview she revealed a point, that is, bean paste bun is actually not her favorite Chinese snack, her favorite is hemp dough.

"Do you know that kind of sesame ball?" Fried, with sesame seeds on the outside, very chewy. She introduced her favorite snack, "I can eat 100 a day." ”

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

This made her on the hot search again, it is worth mentioning that CCTV also hung the photo of Janice eating bean bags on the program for up to a minute, netizens saw it and directly said: Laughing crazy, since the Maltese athletes who made 6 bean sandbags a day came out of the circle. CCTV interviewed her again, and also hung up the cover of her photo of her bun for more than a minute.

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

But it is this cute player, her back is not easy, even can be said to be difficult. Her country, Mar, is a very small country, and even many people don't know about this country, Janice Spitery said that she came to the Winter Olympics in the hope that more people would know and pay attention to her homeland, she wanted to tell everyone that her motherland is a very beautiful country, welcome everyone to travel and taste their food.

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

Janice Spitery is Mal's first and only athlete to participate in the Winter Olympics, which was originally a one-man Winter Olympics, but because of her Chinese friends and enthusiastic netizens, her trip to the Winter Olympics was very lively. She actually began to touch skateboarding at the age of 18, but she trained very hard, and it was also with this strength that she knocked on the door of the Winter Olympics, she said: "I want people to see that no matter how old they are and what conditions they are in, as long as they work hard, anyone can achieve their dreams." ”

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

In fact, her trip to the Winter Olympics was not very smooth, in order to raise money she went to the crew to run the dragon set, in order to save money she saved money to live in the car, until 17 days before the start of the Winter Olympics she did not qualify, when she walked into the bird's nest, she said that there was a feeling of out-of-body experience.

6 bean paste buns a day, eat 100 mochi balls? Eat bun photos on CCTV! Her story is hard

But this is not her first time to come to China, in 2018 she came to China to participate in the competition, she said that it is also because of that time, he learned about Chinese culture, liked China, that time also climbed the Great Wall, this time because of the epidemic reasons can not go out to see, some regrets, hope that the future opportunity to further understand China.

After Janice was on fire, she was a friend of our country, hoping that she would learn more about Chinese culture and see more beautiful scenery of the mainland in her future life

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