
The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

A few days ago, in order to cooperate with the Football Association's regulations on salary cuts in the Chinese Super League, Guangzhou Football Club issued a notice on the "Football Club Players' Quota and Salary Standards". This notice can be described as the opening of a "new era" of salary cuts in China's football industry.

Because, according to the criteria of this notice, the club can only have a maximum of three main players with a pre-tax salary of 600,000. The specific situation of the club is: Guangzhou Football Club has nearly 100 players in the first team, reserve team, echelon team and women's football team, of which the first team is also divided into four levels: excellent main force, main force, main substitute and substitute. The basic salary of players in these four levels is 60,000, but the maximum salary of excellent main players can reach 600,000, and there are three places. The reserve team, echelon and women's football team have a basic salary of 36,000 yuan, the women's football team has a maximum salary of only 300,000 yuan, and the main team team has only a maximum salary of 144,000 yuan.

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

When the notice of "Football Club Players And Salary Standards" was issued, it quickly spread throughout the Internet and caused a lot of controversy.

The first is the comparison of salary limits.

Because evergrande's "salary restriction order" is much more stringent than that of the Football Association. The Football Association stipulates that the maximum monthly salary of local players in the Chinese Super League shall not exceed 250,000 yuan, while Evergrande's annual salary this time is only 600,000 yuan at most, and the average monthly salary is only about 50,000 yuan, and this is still pre-tax income. It is equivalent to reducing the maximum monthly salary by 5 times!

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

The second is the game between players and fans.

For players, especially outstanding internationals, the previous annual salary of more than 20 million is just a common thing. Even if they fail to help the national team play well, their contract will not be affected, as long as their personal data and performance are not too off the chain. But this time directly "cut" more than 19 million yuan of income, which directly affected their enthusiasm and professionalism.

For the fans, these players are not as good as a one, and it is acceptable to lose to opponents such as Japan, but they can't even play with teams such as Vietnam now. What's more, these players have a high salary, but they have no fighting spirit, and even from top to bottom, they are flaunting how "not easy" they and the team are, which is simply absurd.

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

Therefore, looking at the salary reduction and salary reduction measures from different angles, there will be different views. However, most fans are still very happy about the national football team's move to cut salaries. After all, their income is too high, and the huge contract makes the players less scrappy and worried. There is even a sense of superiority that "you are tired of scolding, and you have to get up early to squeeze the subway"!

However, a well-known sports blogger is not happy.

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored
The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

The sports blogger quoted another blogger as saying that Evergrande's salary cut limits the monthly salary of players to between 5,000 and 50,000, which is actually destroying Chinese football!

Then, in another dynamic, he also said that Evergrande's salary reduction system and Wuhan Club's encouragement of players to "take the initiative" to reduce salaries themselves are actually moving Chinese football from one extreme to the other, which is an extremely out-of-control and comical state, and the rights and interests of Chinese players are ignored!

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

What's more interesting is that the blogger also posted a news of the courier's monthly income of 80,000, satirizing the current national football salary reduction measures: when the courier earns more, he is not scolded!

In fact, couriers are an indispensable type of work in the current social division of labor. They shuttle through the streets of the city rain or shine every day, and sometimes face the helplessness of being fined by complaints from customers and merchants. Being able to earn 80,000 yuan a month is what they have exchanged for their physical health. And there are only a few couriers who can earn 80,000 a month.

However, the players who earn 80,000 a month have grabbed a big handful! Not only are they "free" to travel around the country and around the world, but they can also stay in five-star hotels for free, with big fish and meat for meals, and all kinds of benefits and allowances. Didn't kick out the results, can't you still be scolded?

The most stringent salary reduction system in the Chinese Super League has caused controversy! The well-known Bo main player supports the national football team: the rights and interests of players are ignored

From another point of view, if the national football team is not lost to the point of not being able to find another opponent, but can dominate in Asia, and even reach the top 12 of the World Cup to be "taught" by a strong team, then how can our fans rejoice in their salary cuts and salary restrictions?

Look at our women's football girls, there is no attention of the men's football team, no men's football salary, no men's football equipment and conditions, but they can still reverse the victory over Japan and South Korea under difficult circumstances, and return to the top of Asia after 16 years.

If the men's football team can do this, it is estimated that fans will spontaneously donate money to them for rewards, right?

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