
Slightly Yang Affair | Luoyang County is a proposal for righteousness and courage

author:Slightly yang
Slightly Yang Affair | Luoyang County is a proposal for righteousness and courage

Luoyang County is a proposal for righteousness and courage

The county's organs, groups, enterprises and institutions, friends from all walks of life:

Acting bravely, punishing evil and promoting good, and helping the poor are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and an important part of cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism. In recent years, our county has taken the work of righteousness and courage as an important part of the construction of a higher level of peace and security, vigorously commended and rewarded the advanced models of righteousness and courage, and created a strong atmosphere of advocating heroes and righteousness and courage in the whole society, and a large number of heroes and advanced figures have emerged. At the critical moment, the heroes who were brave and brave in the face of danger stood up and composed a series of touching, singable and inspiring hymns with justice and conscience, blood and life!

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the act of righteousness and courage is glorious, the spirit of righteousness and courage is immortal, and the cause of righteousness and courage is noble. In order to inherit this noble spirit, maintain social harmony and stability, and build a higher level of peace and security, we should take active action to jointly promote the spirit of righteousness and courage. Here, we would like to advocate to people from all walks of life and the majority of county citizens who care about and support the cause of righteousness and courage:

Learn from heroes and models, and strive to be the inheritors of virtue for righteousness and courage. Continue to set off an upsurge of learning the heroic and exemplary deeds of righteousness and courage, learn from their spirit of sacrificing life and forgetting death, being willing to contribute, fearless in the face of danger, and boundless love, and constantly improve the sense of justice, responsibility and mission of all walks of life to "eliminate evil and save when you see danger", and strive to create a strong atmosphere in which everyone advocates righteousness and courage, everyone supports righteousness and courage, and everyone devotes themselves to righteousness and courage.

Promote social righteousness and strive to be a practitioner of the spirit of righteousness and courage. One person is good, and ten thousand people can be excited. Give full play to the power of role models, praise and publicize the heroic and exemplary deeds of righteousness and courage through multiple platforms, channels and methods, spread the good people and good deeds around you, promote truth, kindness and beauty, and transmit positive energy, so that the spirit of righteousness and courage will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the good deeds of mortals will become the fashion of the times.

Contribute to the warmth of the society and strive to be a hero protector of righteousness and courage. The spirit of righteousness and courage is selfless and priceless, and their dedication deserves the care, preferential care and kind treatment of the party committee, the government and all walks of life. In recent years, the county righteousness and courage foundation has raised funds with the help of social forces for rewards, rescues and condolences to those who have served righteously and bravely. It is hoped that the majority of party members and cadres, all walks of life and the masses will take active action, dedicate love, donate generously, sincerely care and enthusiastically help the righteous and courageous personnel, so that more good deeds and righteous deeds can be praised in a timely manner, solve the practical difficulties encountered by the righteous and brave people and their families, and make the land of Xingzhou a land of virtue and civilization.

Donation method: Online fundraising, long press or scan to identify the "Help Luoyang County Righteousness and Courage 2024" applet below, click "Donate" to participate in the donation, and the funds will be collected into the special account for righteousness and courage; Offline donations are made to "Hanzhong Righteousness and Courage Foundation", account 806060101429666666, opening bank, Chang'an Bank Co., Ltd. Hanzhong Zhongshan Street Branch.

Slightly Yang Affair | Luoyang County is a proposal for righteousness and courage

"Helping Luoyang County to See Righteousness and Courage 2024" online fundraising applet

Office of the Leading Group for the Safe Construction of the Luoyang County Committee of the Communist Party of China, June 2024

Source: Ping An Luoyang

Review / Tang Xiaoyan Edited / Li Yuhao

Submission email / [email protected] contact number / 0916-4823330

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Slightly Yang Affair | Luoyang County is a proposal for righteousness and courage