
DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

As a regional service that launches activities earlier than the official service, the experience service has always been a server that players don't care much about! But in fact, the experience suit contains a total of 3 areas, namely the Celestial Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Gran Forest Costume. Celestial Realm is the official test suit, and generally more professional people can enter it, such as the white-faced chief and pig man. The Demon World Suit is a player test suit, which requires more senior players to enter, and it is necessary to work. Gran's Forest Service is a "formal service test suit", which can be qualified through the official forum lottery, experience service recruitment network registration, and transaction website purchase.

The experience suit also has its own ecological circle

DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

The latest content of the Gran Forest service online is generally 2 days in advance, the large version is 7 days in advance, where the players are all kinds, all kinds of cattle and horses, and the national service also has its own "ecosystem", the main test leek players can not buy it, if the test has no opinion, there is a good chance that the official service will be launched.

However, since some players exposed the chaos of the Gran Forest experience service, the major post bar, forum players are also blowing up the pot, have denounced the planning of inaction, and even suspect that the official power for personal gain, Gran Zhisen is specially set for people "Tianlong suit", in this regard, many players want to apply for experience service accounts, give up the official service account.

Experience the chaos of the service

DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

Many players may not know that the experience suit and the formal suit also have merchants and ace pilots! In the trading website can search for 12 increase coupons, contradictions and other props, and are clearly marked prices, even the account can sell thousands of yuan, because the experience service does not have TP, so the aircraft party is unscrupulous, relying on GM can not be blocked at all.

The most disgusting thing is that the experience service has not been deleted for 4 years, that is to say, the players of the experience service can not only enjoy the latest game content in advance, spend less money to buy props, and do not have to worry about the devaluation of the account they have created, which has undoubtedly become the "back garden" of some players.

Station C will collect feedback on the problem for official processing

DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

Since you can enjoy the latest game content in advance without deleting the file, what is the difference between the experience service and the "official private server"? In the face of the setting of the experience suit affected the rights and interests of the formal players, many players in the C station forum collective outbreak, basically 5 of the ten posts are about the experience service, and in the face of everyone's confusion about the experience suit chaos, the forum sister also collected 2 points of content to synchronize to the official processing, one is what problems exist in the current experience service? Second, how do you want the experience service to be improved?

Experience service main problems & 5 major improvement suggestions

DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

As far as the current phenomenon of experience services is concerned, the main problem is that Gran Zhisen does not return to the file, there is no TP setting, plus it is more like the content is earlier than the national service, it looks like the official operation of the private server or called "Xinyue Server" is not exaggerated.

In terms of improvement, I personally believe that the main content of the change has 5 points, one is to delete the file regularly, and what experience service is not deleted? Two copy the official service role, the official service does not play, then what ghost BUG is tested, three to the official operation, the outsourced GM gives itself the whole red 23, and then say a sentence There is still room? The fourth is to open up the application qualifications, so that more players with test intentions can join, rather than relying on thousands of dollars to buy an account, and the fifth is to regularly release account tasks, and if the task cycle cannot be completed, it is regarded as giving up qualifications and reducing moths.

DNF: 4 years of undeleted experience service to be revised! 2 recommendations will be sought, with 5 improvements being key

【Personal Summary】

In general, the experience service can allow players to enjoy the game content in advance due to the non-deletion of files and good benefits, and it also invisibly affects the rights and interests of the formal service, so that many players are uneven for themselves, want to calm this incident, in fact, as long as the 5 major improvements are on the line, if the planning is really unable to do so many, regular deletion of files is also OK, at least to protect the rights and interests of the formal service, or just like Hanbok, during the opening of the experience service, any player can enter, afraid that the national service server can not stand up.

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