
Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!


When Saint A Blake was leaving, he couldn't bear to let the Sails encounter disasters on its voyage, so he opened the "Eternal Night Chronicle", but found a shocking secret!

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

It turned out that the Demon Realm had already reopened, and his words did not make the Ten Thousand Demon Heavenly Lords completely give up the idea of infecting the universe, but their Mech Battle Alliance could not help again, so he made a decision that he had never made before, tearing up the page about the Demon World in the "Eternal Night Chronicle" and breaking the inhibition on that page.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Thus, The Most Familiar with the Demon Realm was born, everything in the Demon Realm was incomparably familiar to him, and he knew everything about the Four Great Demon Gods and the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, but he was too weak, he was afraid that he only understood, but he was powerless to change anything.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

However, after lifting the confinement for thousands of years, it was a very happy thing for him, so he took the crew of the Purcell to the Demon Domain happily, even if he encountered a powerful enemy, he knew that he still had a hole card in his hand, but that bottom card, and he did not dare to use it now.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Thunderstorm Lista

In the face of the pressure of the Destruction Demon Slaughter, watching his friends fall down beside him. wrath! A great rage roared through Lista's body. Giant waves surged out from his side, and dark purple thunder fell from the sky. The lightning of the wild dragon split the flames of the demon world, and the wind surrounded Lista's surroundings!

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Lista - Thunderstorm Lista reborn in lightning!

"Destroy the Devil, today I want you to die here, and you have to pay for your actions!"

- The Year of eternal night

First, the Lista Elf summary

Genie Get: Shadow Purple Electricity! The Savior's pet Lista Ray moves! The demon world is open, and the danger is imminent. The embodiment of the fragments of the Eternal Night, the ultimate hole card left by Scarab Blake to the Sails. Complete the Main Quest on April 8 to receive Elven Lil. Initial forms are still available, but advanced forms are not.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Attributes: Since ancient times, there is no rookie, although there are very few types of elves in this attribute. However, the 6 elves out of the 6 elves have left their names in the history of the Sail, such as Hades who pioneered attributes, 2017 civilian pioneers Yongcylan Niga, S-class positioning elves, S-class positioning elves, Saray Lone Shadow River Grandpa, 2020 Peak Warrior Saiya, each with its own gameplay and mechanism.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

1. Lista (super-evolution)

As a super-evolved near-white elf in 2016, this intensity is really good in terms of super-evolution.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Soul Seal 45% of the face first 2, giving him the ability to first hand out attributes to strengthen the active control (Electric Spirit Soul: make its own special attack +2, speed +1, defense +1, special defense +1; after 90% of the opponent paralyzed; 4 rounds of each turn to restore 1/2 of the maximum HP), civilian players can be formed in one turn of low-end innings civil war.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Then first 3 strong has a 4-turn 70% dodge, 150 abnormal state power doubled and eliminate defense enhancement, additional 200 powder. Big move elimination round cut PP, 2 turns attack look at face control. In general, the strength of the elf may be a little weak, but for an elf who has not fully evolved, this strength is good.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

2. Thunderstorm Lista (complete body)

Fully opened after two weeks of intervals, it is also a pure welfare elf, because the entry threshold is low. During the current event, completing three activities will earn the evolutionary condition. Among them, the first [Heart of Thunder and Lightning] is sent after the main line is done, and then the activity is directly passed, which is quite welfare.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Then the other two activities are not too difficult, the Shadow Core may be difficult for some players to play, but it is easy to fight with the Eight Commandments of the Pig. You can then redeem the Shadow Core by obtaining 10 Shadow Shards, and 30 Full Strength Shards for full power, and you can completely pass this level.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!
Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

Soul Seal [Ming] has a 50% chance to make itself an extra +2 at the beginning of each turn, and when it strikes first, it makes the opponent's RANDOM 1 skill PP value zero

On the basis of the original soul seal, the trigger probability was increased by 5%, and it was completely turned into a face-looking trigger. But to be honest, this face-watching system first, let how many Lista start to control the field and then complete the push team. Compensated for the clearing of a first-hand PP effect, it is still quite powerful, and the interference and consumption capacity is still not said.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

The skill group has been significantly strengthened, the first 3 have changed from eliminating strength to absorbing strength, and the dodge effect has also increased to 80%, which shows how much the strength of the elves has increased in 2016. And it is just an active elf, this elf in 2015 if it does not sell at a minimum of 598, it is definitely a blood loss taomi.

The super-evolved bullet control is a short board, and the complete body makes up for it (immunity and rebound abnormal state within 4 rounds; immunity decreases within 4 rounds; 50% of the damage taken per turn in 5 rounds is fed back to the opponent), because of the soul seal effect, so the attack body brush method is quite suitable for Lista, and the rebound effect of the bullet control can also be exerted.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

【Lightning World】Full attribute +1, if the current stamina is higher than the opponent, the effect is doubled; each turn of the return to 1/2 of their maximum stamina, less than 1/2 of their own stamina is attached to the same amount of fixed damage; after hitting, the opponent is 90% paralyzed

The speed body and attack body brush method can exert the strengthening to the extreme, the endurance is also super strong, and the low body also feedback the powder injury effect. However, what players should pay attention to here is that its endurance is a turn effect, and the condition powder damage can be triggered at the same time, the powder injury is the turn to see the powder, and the endurance is turn-based. Up to 90% of the property control this is not explained, too strong.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

The 150 and fifth skills have probability and amplitude gains on the basis of the original, and the effect of complete body enhancement is still obvious.

3. Genie reviews

Although The elf of Lista came out early and left the scene early, his appearance can be said to promote the development of the plot of the demon world. Although the Demon Realm Elves, the Water Elf King, the Fighting Heaven Martial God Riles, etc. all had a lot of strong people at that time, for civilian players, elves of the strength of Lista were very suitable for low-end players to cultivate.

Sail: It is an elf of the Eternal Night Chronicle Fragments, and premature fullness is the greatest damage!

The mechanism is impeccable, and the only pity is that it is still early to be completely. Originally, this elf could have completely followed the super-evolution, but the result was that the plan had to give you a complete body. Now it is good, because of the reason of complete body, resulting in evolution scheduling, and then advanced will definitely require plot, activities and other aspects to promote evolution.

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