
In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

In the Immortal Sword Game series, when you mention the Demon Lord, the first thing that comes to mind is the heavy building of the invincible hand in the Six Realms.

The word "Demon Zun" represents a kind of momentum and great strength. As a direct descendant of Shennong's bloodline, the title of Demon Zun seems to have been tailored for Zhonglou.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

However, the powerful people in the Demon Realm are like clouds, in addition to the heavy building, who among them can be worthy of the title of "Demon Lord"?

Here we have to mention "Paladin Legend 2", players familiar with the plot may remember that there is also a demon in the game.

The official setting of the Immortal Sword says that he is a descendant of the combination of the Heavenly Immortals and the Luocha. His daughter and son-in-law were Yue Rouxia and Jiang Qing, a disciple of the Shushan Sect, respectively, and his granddaughter was Jiang Wan'er, the leader of the Xianxia Sect.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

This demon leader with the name of the Demon Lord was not small, he integrated the forces of the entire demon world and divided them into three groups, namely yin, yang, and ghost. Of course, this is the setting of the xianjian's early world view, and it has disappeared at present.

At the beginning of the game "Legend of the Paladin Sword 2", this former generation overlord had been sealed in Wuhua Mountain by the disciples of the Shushan Sect. The Demon Realm Banner under his command made Kong Xuan always deliberately want to collect three magic weapons to rescue him.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Unfortunately, it was not easy to break the Tiangang Sword Array, and as soon as the Demon Zun was resurrected, he was killed by Li Xiaoyao with the Tiangang Sword Array, and he fell to the end of being destroyed.

The hall "Demon Zun", almost the whole time lying corpse, was finally killed by Li Xiaoyao, such a crotch-pulling performance, it is no wonder that it was ridiculed by countless players in later generations. His existence really insulted the title of "Demon Lord", and Zhonglou saw that he wanted to hit people.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Compared with this non-existent "Demon Lord", his Subordinate Kong Xuan was obviously more worthy of this title.

As soon as Kong Xuan appeared on the scene, he used the fake Zhao Ling'er to trap Li Xiaoyao in the world in the painting, and when he was in the capital, he waited for the opportunity to plot against the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and later fought against Xianxia Wuqi alone in the Liuli Mine Cave, and seized the opportunity to kill four of them.

Such a diligent and practical villain BOSS is also relatively rare in the immortal sword of the past.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

He tried all kinds of means to obtain the three magic weapons, but unfortunately his boss was really powerless, and in the end, he fell short.

Kong Xuan's final battle is one of the most bloody battle scenes in the whole "Legend of paladin 2", which is also the only four-man battle in the whole game, and our protagonists are all in the battle, which can also be regarded as a send-off for this dedicated old opponent.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

From the perspective of the Demon World, Kong Xuan, a generation of tyrants, was still barely worthy of the title of Demon Lord.

Next, the eyes shifted to "Paladin V" and "Paladin V Prequel", these two magic worlds are the highlights, so a large number of demon characters appear.

Jiang Shili, Mo Feng, Long You, Long Min, Jiang Yunfan, and Li Yan are all familiar names.

So who among these "demons" can be worthy of the title of Demon Lord?

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

The first thing that can be ruled out is Jiang Yunfan, although he is pregnant with the bloodline of Xuan you, he has never really regarded himself as a member of the Demon Clan, and his dealings with people have nothing to do with the Demon Clan.

The second is Li Yan, although his strength should not be underestimated, he is only a thug at most, and he has not yet reached the level of a realm of dignity.

Moreover, Long You can be excluded, at this time, his qualifications are still shallow, and his means of dealing with people have not reached the realm of his brother, and he still needs to continue to be tempered.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Then the remaining quota can be born from the three places of Mo Feng, Jiang Shili and Long Min.

Mo Feng, as the regent of the Night Fork Kingdom, has done his best to solve the problem of the water source of the Demon Realm. He incarnated as the DeadWood Venerable lurking in the human world, inducing Jiang Cheng to transform step by step into Jiang Shili, and was the mastermind behind all the conspiracies.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Although everything he did was for the entire Night Fork Clan, his actions also caused countless tragedies. Looking at what Mo Feng did, most of the time he was plotting and calculating behind his back, lacking the momentum of a realm of honor and self-sacrifice, and less than Kong Xuan's posture of a bully.

In short, Mo Feng is more like a conspirator, an admirable pillar of the country, but there is still a distance from the "Demon Lord".

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

As the Night Fork King of the Demon Realm, Long Min chose a completely different path from the Demon Dragon in order to save his people.

He was calm-headed, knew how to make trade-offs, and went to the human world alone for the safety of the Night Fork Clan, not hesitating to bear the insult of betraying his friends, and even finally sacrificed himself.

Compared with the title of "Demon Lord", it is clear that the word "Wang" is more suitable for Long Ming, who is an awe-inspiring Demon King.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Then it was Jiang Shili's turn, and after being a xuanyou, he was called the "Demon King" by the world. In order to protect the demon clans that were exiled to the human world, he established the Pure Heaven Sect and took revenge on the Shushan Sect and the four major families.

As an important role throughout the five generations and the prequel, Jiang Shili is undoubtedly the ceiling of the two works of force, and its strength is beyond doubt, and it requires the combined efforts of the Seven Saints of Shushan to seal it.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

When attacking the Lock Demon Tower, the Demon King's momentum was unbeatable, and at that moment he seemed to see the shadow of the former heavy building on his body. Jiang Shili also possessed the strength and aura of the Demon Realm, and also shouldered his own responsibilities. As the owner of the bloodline of Xuanyu, he deserves the name of "Demon Lord".

The time was pushed back to the "Legend of the Paladin Sword Seven", and the power of this generation of demons was further expanded, in addition to our old acquaintances, there was also a new demon world group called the Heavenly Demon Crowd.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

They were once members of the Divine Clan, and because they were dissatisfied with the style of the Celestial Realm, they eventually defected to the Demon Realm en masse under the leadership of the female god of war, Kuiyu, and became the Celestial Demon Multitude.

Although the Number of Heavenly Demons was small, they were all elite, especially the Heavenly Demon Woman Kuiyu, who had few opponents in the Six Realms with a spear in her hand.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

Her charm is not only reflected in her super strength, but also in her noble character. She was not willing to go along with the scum of the Divine Realm like Ao Xu Tianzun, and even if she fell into the Demon Dao, she was still like a lotus flower in the mud, which made people feel revered.

At the end of the game, the Nine Heavenly Goddess invites her to return to the Celestial Realm, but she categorically refuses. Since he had chosen the Nether, he had no intention of going back. Such a strong and fierce woman is extremely rare in the demon world.

In the Immortal Sword Game series, besides the heavy building, who else can deserve the title of Demon Lord?

If you want to say who in "The Legend of the Paladin Seven" deserves the title of Demon Lord, the Heavenly Demon Girl Is the only choice.

In summary, although the Demons in the Immortal Sword series can be born, the only ones who can really afford the name of "Demon Zun" are, in addition to The Heavy Building, I am afraid that there are only three of them: Kong Xuan, Jiang Shili, and Kui Yu.

So in everyone's mind, is there any other candidate? Or is it that no one else can deserve the word Demon Zun except for the heavy building?

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