
What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


That day, I don't know what kind of ancient idol drama it was. The actors in it are basically unknown, but the drama staged is very familiar. The male protagonist likes female number one and female number two, and this female number one and female number two are still close friends for many years.

The cousin in front of the TV set muttered, "Aren't this male and female protagonist official?" Can official personnel also be forcibly demolished? Bite off more than one can chew. In fact, the heroine and the male protagonist finally got married and had children. Female number two, sadly urged out.

The cousin also said: "I finally understand that this is fireproof and anti-theft and anti-girlfriend." That must be snatched back, snatched back to break up or good. "I fought a cold war, and the really fast and accurate role is right in front of me." (Text/Drifting Yu tong)

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


I tentatively asked, "If this person has nothing to do with you." She also came over and grabbed a boyfriend with you, what would you do? "Based on the conversation just now, I think my cousin should not hesitate to fight to the end."

As everyone knows, she thought about it a little and said, "Then I will give it to her, and the man chooses who to say again." "You're so confident?" I studied the vicissitudes of my cousin's face.

"He's good enough and he knows who to choose." He was confused enough, then there was no point in me fighting over. Jean, his choices determined my attitude. This key point is still in the man's body, shouldn't he solve this problem himself? ”

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


Wow, isn't this the emotional world of "mantis catching cicadas, yellow finches behind"?

This reminds me of the female star Zhu Zhu, that is, the Zhu Zhu who has good acting skills and a good figure. In an interview, she was asked, "What if someone robs you of a man?" ”

Zhu Zhu didn't want to give an answer: "Let her!" Some netizens were very powerful, replying: "Three-legged toads are not easy to find, and two-legged men run all over the street." "Just like my cousin said, if you can take it away, it is not your own, and why should you pay attention to so much if you can't take it away?"

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


If someone grabs a boyfriend with you, the most important thing you need to do is be calm. One cry, two troubles, three hangings, this trick has been outdated for a long time. Unless you don't care about the boyfriend, "letting" is giving the other person the last option. On the one hand, this is the best time to test your boyfriend. There is no wind and no waves, and you can spend the full moon as much as you want.

But once something moves, then you have to pay attention to the other party silently. Time is the fairest old man, he will let all the good and bad appear one by one in the long river of time. This is not abandonment, but a higher level of selection.

At the same time, it's also a "rare" opportunity for your boyfriend to see your attitude.

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


It's best that there's no such thing as dog blood happening, but there are fewer and fewer good men. Either get privatized early on, or say nothing will belong to you. However, he is such a good person next to you. Meeting is fate, and at the same time he may also meet rotten peach blossoms.

Such a broken thing happens, which is not only a test for you but also a test for him. Anyway, this is inevitable, it is better to face it positively.

"Letting" is not giving up, but letting the other party choose for themselves. At the same time, it is also a symbol of self-confidence. I'm just better than the other person, and I don't worry about my boyfriend "changing the track" halfway through.

Of course, many women must be extremely entangled. And, in this matter, we will not rest. Please, the posture should be good-looking!

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that


If it is only, maybe it will not be able to calm down very well in the end. Please, don't say stupid things and do stupid things.

After all, it is yours or yours, not your stay can not be retained, feelings are like this, and do and cherish it!

What if someone robs your boyfriend? Really smart women, usually do that

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