
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive


In the hit TV series "The Story of Rose",

Zhu Zhu plays the owner of an art exhibition company, Tina,

Considered by the audience to be an excellent boss who supports his subordinates,

The character is independent and sober, and at the same time has a great sense of contrast,

Netizens jokingly called

"My grumpy and lovely,

A beautiful boss who also likes to study horoscopes. ”

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

A still from "The Story of the Rose".

Image source: Internet

In the play, Tina curates the Sino-French cooperation exhibition,

Loan works from international collectors and hold charity art exhibitions.

In the year 2001, where the story takes place,

curators and curatorial firms,

are all emerging professions and fields.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu was interviewed by an art strip

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Every wall of Zhu Zhu's home is covered with a collection of artworks

This character's love of art,

It is very similar to Zhu Zhu in real life.

Zhu Zhu began to pay attention to and collect art more than ten years ago.

On social media,

From time to time, you can see her sending out her collection of artworks,

I went to the exhibition with my husband and children and visited the artist's studio.

"At this stage of motherhood,

When you are young, there is less and less of that hormonal stimulation.

Art plays a very important role in this.

It has brought me a lot of inspiration and healing.

It makes me feel like I'm alive. ”

In May, we met Zhu Zhu in Beijing.

Chatted with her about her collection and life.

Statement: Zhu Zhu

Author: Zhu Yuru

Editor-in-charge: Deng Kailei

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

The combination of contemporary artwork and Chinese furniture in Zhu Zhu's home

The decoration of my home is very simple, there are almost no complicated decorations, because I am afraid that I may not like it after a while. I prefer to decorate my home with old Chinese furniture and beautiful contemporary art.

Every artwork in the house tells my attitude, my life, my aesthetics, and it is completely integrated with my life.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

餐厅里,我选了一件Tracey Emin的“It’s a crime to live with the person you don’t love(跟不爱的人生活在一起是一种犯罪)”。 Don’t先划掉了,又给加回去,那种矛盾的感觉,虽然追求真爱很难,但是要坚持。

It was like a kind of beating at the moment, and it resolutely showed my attitude: I can't choose marriage for any reason, choose to be a mother, I must have love, I must feel in love, and I will do something.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

On the wall of the corridor hangs Wang Jian's tribute to Balthus. A girl is reading a book, and another figure is looking out the window at the Florentine landscape. I think it is very lively, and the whole tone and artistic conception have a touch of beauty and tranquility, which is very suitable for family life now.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

I also recently acquired a work by Ye Linghan, which is also an artist that I have been following for a long time. I think his work is very disco, there is something that jumps out of the everyday dimension, and can sublimate the atmosphere of the home.

The one I chose was outlined in a faint pink color, and I don't like the color clash too much, which may also have something to do with my personality. It's a little bit like two people, a little romantic, a little intimate, a little passionate.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

In the children's room, I also chose a tempera pony by Sarah Bogner in a similar tone, hoping that these cute little animals will always be with my baby.

Last year, it was a year for me on the stage, from the drama at the beginning of the year to Sister Lang, and after Sister Lang ended, she made three TV series and two movies.

At the end of the year, I gave myself a gift as Alex Katz's dancer, which I think is quite representative of me at this moment, as an artist who is still trying to perform and work.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu on the stage of Sister Lang (top) and Alex Katz dancer (bottom)

A girl dressed in pink, very elegantly and confidently standing in the center, but the background is pitch black. You don't know how much she has been through behind her, how many events have happened, constantly honing, constantly collapsing and rebuilding psychologically, all of which I think is in the black background.

I've always admired Alex Katz's depiction of the characters, which are very detailed and stylish. I really spent a lot of time and effort waiting for one of his works, and it just happened that this pair arrived, just when I wanted to celebrate my performance this year, the right time and place.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu visits Chen Ke

The work of Chen Ke that I finally received recently is also the same. Originally, I wanted to buy a Marilyn Monroe, she leaned against the window, a little sad, but missed.

Later, I bought a Bauhaus girl, which I saw when I went to Chen Ke's studio, shortly after I gave birth. At first, I thought those colors were far away from me, and I would never dye my hair in lotus and wear orange lipstick.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Recently purchased Chen Ke's "Bauhaus Girl" series

But looking back, while it gives me a sense of distance, it also makes me feel very yearning, a very light, detached, free, and very rational feeling. I think I might appreciate Bauhaus girls more now, and that's what I want to be in the future.

A strong sense of beauty, this is the first step, and in the end art is an expression of thought, it is very important whether it is connected to my heart, my experience, and my vision.

The attraction of a work at first sight, the connection between you and its soul, and whether you are destined to bring it home or not, these things can be combined to complete a collection, and I think this is the charm of collecting.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Look at Zhu Zhu in the exhibition

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

A recent collection of works by Zheng Mengqiang

And then some of the more practical objective parameters are also within the scope of my consideration, and I myself may pay more and more attention to some of the blue-chip artists that I can afford.

If I'm a newcomer, I'll probably choose some of the better galleries, such as the one that recently acquired the work of the artist Zheng Mengqiang. His subjects are all family members, as well as the environment in which he grew up, which gives me a dream-like sense of comfort, very down-to-earth, and very personal.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu at work and Zhu Zhu at home

I was particularly impressed that when the child was very young and only a few months old, I hugged her to Wang Jiajia's "Bingo", and she looked at that and laughed at the same time.

She reacted to the Alex Katz dancer and kept asking me, "Mom, is she dancing ballet?" I also want to dance ballet. ”

Some people will ask me if I go out of my way to educate children about art, but I don't really think much about it, I just think I just be myself. She might be influenced by me, and then it's fine if she likes it, and it's okay if she doesn't.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu's family of three visited the studio of artist Wang Jiajia

Some of the places that our family of three often go to now are actually my husband's hobbies. For example, we often go to the horse farm to watch my husband ride horses and race; I also go to galleries or art galleries to see some art exhibitions, and go to delicious restaurants to eat......

We don't just take her to do what kids do, we don't go to the amusement park every day. I still hope that she can be integrated into our lives, and not because one child turns our lives into the lives of three-year-olds.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Now that I've made a family, I feel more at ease and relaxed. There is a concern and a cornerstone there, and when you do a lot of things by yourself, you can really let go and do it.

For example, I have always wanted to go to study, but I didn't find a suitable opportunity. When I was filming in Shenzhen, because the crew had been suspended for a long time due to the epidemic, I couldn't go out in that hotel, so I decided to apply for the cultural management project of the French high-tech businessman, and my family was also very supportive.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Childhood items sorted out in the warehouse

Recently, I held a second-hand market in the 798 Art Park, which is also one of the things I have always wanted to do. Because I have been visiting Panjiayuan with my father since I was a child, I am especially fond of old things.

For this market, I opened the door of my family's warehouse, which contained hundreds of boxes of goods. In addition to clothes, shoes and bags, there are also a large number of audio and video products, Barbie dolls when I was a child, homework books, monthly passes for Yutan Lake Park, and physics notes......

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

There was a cassette with the words "Zhu Zhu recited Tang poems when he was two years old" written in pencil. My husband specially bought a walkman with a cassette on the Internet for me, and found that the front was the Tang poem I memorized, and the back was actually a pop song I sang when I was two or three years old. There was even a song I didn't know what the name was, and I asked on Moments, and finally my friend told me that it was Liu Wenzheng's "Late".

There's also a tape, probably when I was in the fifth or sixth grade of elementary school, with a picture of me combing my athletic hair, wearing a colorful T-shirt and listening to my carry-on homework, with "Happy Star Bandstand" written next to it. Inside, I was DJ myself, introducing and playing my own songs. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm going to be an MTV host in the future, but before that I completely forgot about it.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Song Dong's "Make the Most of It" exhibition view

I personally wiped and looked at everything by myself, and the whole process made me feel very similar to Mr. Song Dong's project of "making the best use of things". In the first 30 years of my life, how many things I bought, how many things I had, and how many things I did were actually exhibited in front of my eyes in the process.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive
Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

When I like a work of art, I wonder what the creator is like, in what state, and what he wants to express. Contemporary art, I think the person behind it is very important, so I like to communicate with artists when I have the opportunity.

For example, I recently visited Mr. Wang Guangle's studio and saw how the representative series of "Shou Lacquer", "Terrazzo" and "Untitled" were developed, and I also saw some of his rare three-dimensional works, and discussed space from another perspective.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu visited Wang Guangle's studio

One of his latest creations, which I particularly like, is derived from "Red Phosphorus 2007" - the "phosphorus" material of a matchbox is painted on a canvas, and everyone comes and uses the match to make a mark on the canvas. I said at the time that I especially wanted to buy it for my husband, because he had a baby at home, and he always had to hide in the elevator or the kitchen to smoke, so he wanted to have his own artwork there.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu and Hiroshi Sugimoto

Recently, I met with Hiroshi Sugimoto at the UCCA exhibition in Beijing. As an actor, his theatre series gives me an energy. I told him that I had a hard time choosing between the two theaters, and he told me the story behind the shoot and was happy that he thought I should choose the same thing as I had in mind.

The busyness of the whole year last year has basically hollowed me out. So in the first half of this year, I deliberately set aside time to do a lot of art-related things.

Zhu Zhu: When hormones are reduced, art makes me feel like I'm alive

Zhu Zhu is in Beijing 798 Park

I think it enriches the cultural life of the public, and also shortens the distance between the public and art. Art is inseparable from people, and people are inseparable from art, it can be walked into life, and I hope more people can experience it.

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