
【Yushe Literary Village】 Keeping roots (Hao Yafeng)

【Yushe Literary Village】 Keeping roots (Hao Yafeng)

Editor's Note

Yujiagou is a peach paradise in the depths of Lanyu. The "Yujiagou Village Chronicle" edited by Wang Youwen, a Yujiagou person, records the history of the development of Yujiagou villages, and readers can learn about the rural culture of Yushe from this village chronicle. Yushe people who are far away from home will also comfort the wanderers when they read it. The village chronicle contains some literary works written about the Yujiagou culture, which will be pushed successively on the Yushe literary platform and shared with everyone, so that friends who like this book can be happy first and sincerely look forward to the early publication of the village chronicle.

In this issue, I share Hao Yafeng's preface to this book, "Keep the Roots", please leave a message to teach.

【Yushe Literary Village】 Keeping roots (Hao Yafeng)

Keep the roots

Hao Yafeng

Mr. Wang Youwen, whose ancestral home is Yujiagou Village in Lanyu Township, sent me the "Yujiagou Village Chronicle" that had just been compiled to read it, and invited me to write a preface.

Mr. Wang Youwen is an old leader who is respected by the villagers, and Yujiagou Village was once a small village of outstanding spirit in the former Lanyu Township, but in the process of poverty alleviation and hat removal in Yushe County, the largest relocation of poverty alleviation since the founding of the People's Republic of China was carried out, the entire village was relocated. In accordance with the requirements of "living in new houses and demolishing old houses", Yujiagou, a former small mountain village, packed up his bags and moved into the ever-changing county with a vision of a new life, returning to nature the village where his ancestors had lived for many generations.

The terrain of the original Lanyu Township is mainly in the form of "three major ditches", which are used to be called Lidaozhuang Ditch, Lanyu Ditch and Niulan Ditch, and Yujia Ditch is located in the deepest part of Lanyu Ditch. I can't remember when I first went to Yujiagou, but I clearly remember that from Lanyu along a very unobstructed country road at that time, all the way to the east, after passing through the former fire village and the back fire village, when the terrain was slightly wider, it arrived at the location of Yujiagou. Yujiagou is built on a mountain, and most of the villagers' houses are located on the sunny slopes. Following the road into the village, it is a small open space that can only accommodate two cars to make a U-turn, and the three low red brick houses next to it are the village committee.

At that time, the Yujiagou Party organization belonged to the former Huozhuang United Branch. In 2017, in view of the reality of Lanyu Township, the township established the "three three three" poverty alleviation development strategy of "developing three industries, implementing three major projects, and achieving three major goals". Committed to the construction of Lanyu civilization and beautiful Lanyu, the development of stupid chicken breeding quality and efficiency as the leading ecological breeding industry, walnut economic forestry as the leading role of dried fruit industry, small grain optimization and efficiency improvement as the leading characteristic planting industry "three industries"; the implementation of road network construction as the main content of the infrastructure improvement project, the main scope of the central village construction project with Dayan and Tun village as the main scope of the "three major projects" relocation project with less than 200 people as the main object of the relocation project Strive to build an ecological fruit, grain, meat and egg base rich in Lanyu characteristics, a simple and beautiful countryside and a demonstration township for poverty alleviation and migration. Under the guidance of the "three-three-three" strategy, the road from Lanyu to Dayao, which must pass into Yujiagou, was widened and reconstructed, and 5 small villages, including Yujiagou and Qianhuozhuang around Dayao, were integrated to form the General Branch of the Party of Dayan and began the construction of the central village. However, just when it was about to be fully launched, a new round of relocation for poverty alleviation suddenly arrived, and the People of Yujiagou turned their attention to the relocation of migrants to the county towns farther away. The wheel of history rolls forward, the past is vividly remembered, in the blink of an eye, not only Yujiagou has changed from a village name to a place name, but even the former Lanyu Township has become a page of history in the process of withdrawing the township and merging the town.

In those years, the director of the village committee of Yujiagou was Wang Meizhen, and Wang Meizhen was also the first hero to implement the work deployment of the county and township party committees and governments and lead the relocation of the entire village in Yujiagou. There are many people like Wang Meizhen in Yujiagou who are thick and simple, but who understand great righteousness. For example, Wang Youen, the former director of the village committee, was also a paired help household when I was serving in the township, there were many children in the family, and the pressure of life was great, but the dark face was always a smile, and the difficulty of asking for help was always with twelve points of embarrassment and twelve points of gratitude. My paired support family also has two bachelor brothers Zhang Zhijiang and Zhang Nianjiang who have been dependent on each other for decades. I visited them many times, but almost every time they rarely spoke, and they always remembered me as silent and buried in their work. There is also Zhang Yuewen, a veteran, who always remembers the kindness of the party and the government, and has never taken the dedication and dedication of that year as the capital to bargain with the government.

Among the Yujiagou people I know well are Wang Yanru, Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Yingjie, and Mr. Wang Youwen, who compiled this book, who is the pride of Yujiagou, but their roots are left in Yujiagou. I think this is also the complex where Mr. Wang Youwen compiled this book. This also reminds me of the first village chronicle I witnessed in Lanyu, "Lanyu Village Chronicle", which was also compiled by a Lanyu wanderer who had been away for many years, his name was Wang Lingshu. At that time, Mr. Wang Lingshu invited mr. Wang Lingshu to include one of my clumsy works "Lanyu Records" when compiling the "Lanyu Village Chronicle". The two old mr. Wang came out of the village, but no matter how far they went out and how long they went out, the hometown of the homeland was always a love that they could not give up. The two old gentlemen worked tirelessly and even at their own expense to compile the village chronicle, which is also derived from this attachment, wanting to leave a local root for their wandering souls in their lifetimes and for generations of people.

This can't help but remind me of the title of a book by Mr. Fei Xiaotong, "Native China", and I am ashamed that although I have always been fascinated by this big book, I have not read it in detail. But I'm willing to just think of something out of the ordinary from the title. Because of these conjectures, I have always firmly believed that the reason why Chinese civilization has been continuous for thousands of years, as the only ancient civilization that has lasted to this day, and has preserved a relatively complete form of the country from beginning to end, the secret is that Chinese civilization has condensed the feelings of home and country into the blood and infiltrated the countryside from the beginning. Therefore, in Yujiagou, a small mountain village in the former Lanyu Township, it is also easy to find the shadow of native China and the genes of home and country feelings. Mr. Wang Youwen presented the inheritance of this root in Yujiagou in the form of village records.

Keep the roots! Where there is a root, there is a future!

I wish the new life of the Yujiagou people in the new homeland a good day every day, and I wish the fathers and fellow villagers of the simple and kind Lanyu Township a good tomorrow.

is the preamble.

Written in December 2021

About the Author

【Yushe Literary Village】 Keeping roots (Hao Yafeng)

Hao Yafeng, a native of Yushe County, was the former Party Secretary of Lanyu Township and the director of the Yushe County Poverty Alleviation Office from July 2015 to March 2020. He is currently the director of the Yushe County Government Office.

【Yushe Literary Village】 Keeping roots (Hao Yafeng)

Yushe Literature WeChat public account platform

Organizer: Yushe County Writers Association

Editor-in-Chief Final Review: Mercury Moon

Editor-in-Chief of this issue: Mercury Moon

Main members: Mercury Moon Water of the Waves

Breeze Maple let out a light sigh


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