
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times

Car companies mixed into the story of bankruptcy, everyone should not have heard less about it. But a brand that has been named a "national cultural heritage" has experienced N bankruptcies in its lifetime, have you ever seen this?

It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times
It is probably the most bleak brand in the car scene: it has been declared a "national cultural heritage" but has been bankrupt many times


[1] Rose Finishing. Spyker Rolls-Royce of continental Europe[J].Chinese World, 2006(11):4

ZHOU Jing. Royal Model Centennial Marquis[J]. Automotive and Safety, 2007(12):6

WANG He. SPYKER acquires GM's Saab Automobile for US$400 million[J]. Automotive Electrical Appliances, 2010(3):1

[4] Anon. Spyker-MF1 team made a stunning debut[J]. Car World, 2006(11):1

[5] Spyker: A century-old exotic car

[6] Spyker's official website


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Ray ray had something to say

Spyker's most recent bankruptcy would have been avoided. At that time, when Saab was losing more and more, and Spyker was about to be unable to sustain itself, it put Saab on the shelf and wanted to exchange cash to stabilize its brand, and several Chinese car companies expressed their willingness to take over.

However, because when Spyker took over Saab from GM, GM still retained some of Saab's preferred shares and owned Saab's core intellectual property rights, GM had the right to decide on the issue of Saab's sale.

GM did everything possible to block Saab's sale to Chinese car companies, and also put forward various harsh conditions, and finally Saab could not withstand the toss and directly went bankrupt, which also led to a huge loss at Spyker.

After Saab went bankrupt, Spyker could not swallow this breath, turned around and took GM to court, claiming $3 billion from GM, but in the end, Spyker still lost the case, and it was not long after, Spyker was completely unable to resist.

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