
People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

People with poor kidney function usually have weakness and weakness, weak waist and legs, and even symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination, which not only affect normal life, but also affect sexual function, and severe damage to kidney function may also cause kidney failure;

Therefore, by understanding the specific manifestations of poor kidney function in advance, we can prevent the occurrence of diseases, or intervene in time when the disease appears.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

So, what do most people with poor kidney function feel?

1. Weakness and weakness of the whole body

Kidney is an important metabolic organ of the human body, if the kidney function is not good, the body's metabolic waste can not be smoothly excreted through the urine, accumulated in the body, it will cause mental weakness, weakness, easy to sleep and other symptoms.

In addition, when there is a problem with kidney function, nutrients such as proteins may also be excreted into the body through urine, and the loss of nutrients in the body will naturally cause symptoms of weakness and weakness throughout the body.

Therefore, if you often feel weak and weak, do not take it lightly, thinking that it is caused by overwork or lack of sleep, but should be vigilant that there may be a problem with kidney function.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

2. Abnormal urine

Kidney function problems, part of the protein in the body fluids will penetrate into the urine through the kidneys, so the excreted urine will appear a lot of foam, unlike the normal urine impact of the splash foam, the amount of protein urine foam is relatively large, and it takes a long time to be able to dissipate.

If you find that there is occult blood in the urine when urinating, it also means that there may be a problem with the kidneys, and you should go to the hospital in time to do a urine routine examination to determine whether there is a health problem.

Poor kidney function must be highly valued, otherwise it will cause anemia problems, because the kidneys are not only organs that excrete waste, but also have the function of regulating endocrine and can secrete hematopoietic hormones, so if the kidney function is impaired, it will also lead to anemia and cause other diseases.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

3. Abnormal urination

Generally speaking, healthy people urinate 4 to 6 times a day, and the single urine volume is between 800 and 2000 ml, so if the number of urination is too much, or the single urine volume is too small, each time the urine is over, it feels like it is not exhausted, or the amount of urine is not large, but there will also be a very strong sense of urgency, and you should be vigilant that the kidneys may have problems, and you should go to the hospital in time to receive professional diagnosis and treatment.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

4. Easy to edema

If you take too much water, especially if you drink too much water before going to bed, or sleep too long, or have the problem of excessive obesity, then every morning when you wake up, the face, hands and feet may have mild symptoms of edema, which is normal and usually resolves naturally after a period of time.

However, if the body has been in a state of puffiness, and the white marks formed by pressing the puffy site have not dissipated for a long time, then you should pay attention to whether it is edema caused by poor kidney function.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

5, anorexia

It should be noted that the appetite is low, there is no hunger, and you will even feel nauseous and want to vomit when you see greasy food, in addition to the gastrointestinal problems, it may also be a symptom of poor kidney function.

Therefore, when you feel uncomfortable, do not blindly self-examination, according to past experience to prescribe yourself, you must accept professional diagnosis and treatment, in order to prescribe the right medicine.

People with poor kidney function, the body usually has 5 commonalities, if you have, you need to intervene in time

Most people with poor kidney function have symptoms of general weakness and weakness, abnormal urine, abnormal urination, easy edema, and loss of appetite.

People with decreased kidney function must develop good living habits in daily life, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, control the intake of fat and sugar, water intake should also be properly controlled, and also strengthen exercise and strengthen physical functions.

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