
If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

I believe that everyone has heard of kidney deficiency and kidney failure, and the importance of the kidney is also understood.

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the "innate foundation", the main essence, the main water, the main gasification, the main bone marrow, which has a major role in our growth and development and reproductive system.

The kidneys in Western medicine are part of the urinary system and are closely related to the reproductive system. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, they attach great importance to the kidneys.

Generally speaking, if there are always the following four abnormalities in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, which may be a kidney disease.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

1. Abnormal urine characteristics such as urine volume, proteinuria and hematuria

Kidneys have a filtering effect on urine, if you find that you have recently urinated a lot, the daily amount of urine is more than 2500ml, the amount of diet and water is similar to the past, you must be vigilant about whether you are a kidney problem, resulting in polyuria.

In addition to polyuria, pay attention to oliguria, if the average hourly urine output is less than 17 ml, or 24 hours less than 400 ml, it is oliguria.

If the 24-hour urine output is less than 100 ml, or the 12-hour nouria is very critical, it may be renal failure or shock, and it is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

In addition to abnormal urine output, pay attention to urine traits, such as whether there is foamy urine and hematuria.

Hematuria is divided into gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria, in general, 1 ml of blood in a liter of urine will appear as gross hematuria, possibly with kidney stones.

Proteinuria is mainly manifested by foam or white sediment in the urine. If the above situation occurs, be vigilant.

In particular, hematuria is a warning of serious lesions of the kidneys, even if it is a small amount of hematuria, it is necessary to be vigilant and timely investigation.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

2. Pain

Kidney pain is usually colic, which may be in the waist or lower abdomen. Generally, there will be very obvious pain when kidney stones appear, or when there is kidney trauma or kidney inflammation.

Among them, inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis are manifested by pain in the ribular area of the affected side. Glomerulonephritis pain is not pronounced and may be dull pain in the lower back.

If there is frequent low back pain, or a sudden increase in low back pain at a certain time, with or without gross hematuria, it is necessary to be vigilant, it may be that stones have appeared.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

3. Edema

Kidney main water, main excretion, if the kidney lesions, there may be a decrease in excretion, there may be a variety of edema symptoms.

Human edema mainly has the following manifestations, the first is weight gain, of which weight gain of more than 5 kg of edema, called severe edema; weight gain of more than 3 kg of edema, is mild edema; within 3 to 5 kg, it belongs to moderate edema.

In addition to weight gain, edema may also have symptoms such as local skin shininess, local tightening, and pressure depression.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

Pathologically, edema caused by kidney disease includes nephritic edema and nephrotic edema. Nephrotic edema is mainly caused by diseases such as glomerulonephritis that causes a decrease in the filtration rate of the kidneys, and edema caused by water and sodium retention.

Edema is mainly more pronounced in places where adipose tissue such as the eyelids are looser, and is often accompanied by hypertension.

The second is nephrotic edema, mainly excessive protein excretion, resulting in a decrease in the colloidal osmolality of the plasma, resulting in edema. This type of edema is more likely to occur in low-hanging areas of the body, such as the feet.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

4. Yellow face, weakness non-specific symptoms

The kidneys are the main Tibetan scriptures, and Western medicine believes that the kidneys are the secretion place of erythropoietin, so Chinese and Western medicine believe that the kidneys have a certain relationship with qi and blood.

Therefore, many people with kidney lesions may have some manifestations of insufficient blood gas, such as yellowing of the skin and anemia.

Some patients with kidney failure also experience itchy skin due to the passage of toxins through the skin.

If the body has these 4 conditions in the near future, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the kidney function may have problems

In addition, some patients also have medical treatment due to fatigue, unexplained amenorrhea, hematemesis, melaena and other related symptoms.

The kidney belongs to the essence of Tibet, the innate essence, and is extremely important in the structure of the human body. If you have recently had symptoms such as polyurine, oligouria, hematuria, proteinuria, etc.;

Or there is pain in the kidney area; skin eyelids or lower limb edema; or long-term yellow face, fatigue and other symptoms, must be vigilant, it may be their kidney disease. Kidney is related to physical health, daily maintenance, such as eating more black sesame seeds, black beans and other black foods;

Regular work and rest, do not stay up late, do not let yourself be overworked; in the diet should also avoid spicy, irritating, excessively greasy food, while making oxalic acid food not with calcium to eat, in order to ensure kidney health.

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