
In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

Uremia is the final end-stage manifestation of renal failure, at which point the patient's kidney function has declined irreversibly.

The endocrine function of the kidneys is dysfunctional, resulting in a large number of metabolites and some toxic substances in the body, and each system will be affected accordingly, resulting in a series of lesions.

If left untreated, it is likely to lead to death from organ failure. So many people want to know what are the specific symptoms of the body in the early stages of uremia.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

What are the early symptoms of uremia?

First, the appetite is reduced

In the early stage of uremia, when the patient's kidney function has been abnormal, a large number of metabolites and toxic substances cannot be excreted in time, which will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

And caused by water electrolytes and acid-base balance disorders, then patients will have an inexplicable decrease in appetite.

Even if you particularly like to eat food, you don't have any appetite. And after proper eating, there will be slow digestion, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

Second, the body edema

In addition to the loss of appetite in early uremia patients, the body will also develop edema, especially in the feet, legs and facial edema is more serious.

This is a phenomenon caused by the decrease in kidney function, so that a large amount of water cannot be excreted in time and accumulates in the body. If the condition is severe, the patient will develop edema all over the body.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

Third, excessive fatigue

Due to the excessive toxic substances in the patient's body, digestion, metabolism, detoxification and other functions are reduced.

And because the erythropoietin in the patient's body will be deficient, the patient will appear anemia.

Then the patient's body will be in a state of excessive fatigue without any labor and exercise.

Even with normal walking, patients can present with breathlessness. In addition, there will be a lack of energy and drowsiness all day long.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

4. Skin abnormalities

Due to a series of digestive tract problems in patients, there is a lack of nutrients entering the body. And because there are too many toxins in the body, it will also affect the skin system, and the patient's facial skin will become very dry.

And there will be some pigmentation, the whole is very dark, and the skin of the whole body is very likely to have abnormal itching.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

It can be seen that once suffering from uremia, in the early stages, patients will have a variety of discomfort.

Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job of maintaining the kidneys. In addition, the causes of uremia are related to a number of other factors, in addition to abnormal renal function.

What factors contribute to the appearance of uremia?

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

1. Excessive medication

Even in healthy people, if there is a long-term indiscriminate overdosing in daily life, it will cause great damage to the kidneys.

It is easy to cause acute and chronic kidney failure, which can induce the appearance of uremia. In addition to some Western medicines, the pharmacological components in Traditional Chinese medicines and health care drugs can also cause immeasurable damage to the kidneys.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

Second, chronic diseases of the whole body

If a serious infection occurs for a long time, or if there is a long-term urinary tract obstruction, heart failure, liver failure, hypercalcemia;

And if you have high blood pressure that cannot be well controlled, it will affect the normal blood supply of the kidneys, and the damage caused to the kidneys will be very large.

In the early stage of uremia, the body may have 4 symptoms, which need to be carefully observed and not ignored

All in all, once suffering from uremia, patients will have the above 4 more obvious symptoms in the early stage. In addition, there are also patients who will show abnormal bleeding, or panic and chest tightness, ammonia in the mouth, and easy thirst, abnormal urination and other problems.

The cause of uremia is generally related to some primary or secondary kidney disease. Once the drug is used indiscriminately for a long time, or if the chronic disease of the whole body cannot be better treated, it will also induce the emergence of uremia.

Therefore, in daily life, if there are symptoms of uremia, it must be treated as soon as possible. For healthy people, it is more necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of all aspects of life in order to minimize the incidence of uremia.

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