
KPL Spring Tournament February 24 highlights: Late autumn return to the wild, "double nothing" disintegration, TTG for bilateral

The third week of the first round of the KPL Spring Games has begun, and today (February 24) there will be three wonderful matches in three categories. Shanghai RNGM in Group B vs. Suzhou KSG, Jinan RW Hero in Group A vs. Hangzhou LGD Big Goose, and Guangzhou TTG vs. Changsha in Group S. All three games are quite interesting, with RNGM returning to the wild in late autumn, RW Man's "double no combination" disintegrating, and TTG rotating bilaterally.

KPL Spring Tournament February 24 highlights: Late autumn return to the wild, "double nothing" disintegration, TTG for bilateral

In the first two weeks of the game, RNGM suffered four consecutive defeats and only won two small sets, and has long been determined to remain in Group B in the second round. During this period, Xiao Soft tried different combinations of personnel, but the results never improved. Against KSG they put Late Autumn back into the field, but the assistant was still Zero, and 6:6 was still a substitute. KSG is currently in third place in Group B with 3 wins and 1 loss, and their net wins are high, and they are very likely to impact Group A, and RNGM is their goal.

KPL Spring Tournament February 24 highlights: Late autumn return to the wild, "double nothing" disintegration, TTG for bilateral

The second match will be played by Hangzhou LGD Geese, who ranked fourth in Group A, against Jinan RW Man who is fifth. Both teams are currently 1-2, with LGD only having 1 more goal difference than the RW Man, so both sides have to fight for victory in this game because the winner has the hope of staying in Group A in the second round. It is worth mentioning that in this campaign, RW Xia made adjustments to the starting lineup, the middle road was inadvertently replaced by Beigang, and the auxiliary Wuming continued to start, and the "double no combination" was dissolved.

KPL Spring Tournament February 24 highlights: Late autumn return to the wild, "double nothing" disintegration, TTG for bilateral

Today's highlight is the final Group S contest, TTG vs. Thump. Both sides have suffered three consecutive defeats in Group S in the first two weeks, and even the goal difference is exactly the same (-7 points), and whoever wins this game has the hope of staying in Group S. TTG, which was one of sirius last season, has played an aberration this season, and consecutive losses have greatly reduced the state of the players. The match against The battle against The TTG was finally rotated, no longer neatly aligned, and the confrontation lu Yinan replaced Qingqing's starting lineup, and the development of Lu Shijiu also replaced The City. In fact, the other three starters of the TTG are not in good shape, but all of a sudden rotation estimates that the coach Xiaofeng does not dare to bear the consequences, so he can only take the local rotation to find out the problem.

KPL Spring Tournament February 24 highlights: Late autumn return to the wild, "double nothing" disintegration, TTG for bilateral

The first round of the Spring Tournament is nearing completion, so every game or even every small innings has the potential to affect the final ranking of each group, and it is also related to the promotion and demotion of many teams. I hope that all teams can meet the arrival of the game in the best condition, and give everyone a wonderful performance while also seizing the best promotion opportunities, after all, there is no card slot competition at the end of the first round, otherwise it will be too difficult to break through in the second round.

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