
Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

author:When the plum is green, it is good to drink
Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

When Yue Fei was a teenager, he had two masters, namely Zhou Tong and Chen Guang.

Zhou Tong was a master of archery, and Yue Fei followed him to learn riding and archery, and was able to open the bow left and right; Chen Guang is a master of spearmanship, Yue Fei followed him to learn the art of spear and spear fighting, and after learning it, he was invincible in a county.

There is not much explanation for Yue Fei's two masters in the history books. Chen Guang has long been submerged in the vast clouds of history, but Zhou Tong was turned into the iron arm of Shaanxi by the Ming and Qing Dynasty commentators, and performed many wonderful stories.

According to the Water Margin, Yue Jiajiang and other related romance commentaries, Zhou Tong accepted a group of disciples. Among these apprentices are Lu Junyi, Shi Wengong, Lin Chong, and Wu Song in the Water Margin world, and Yue Fei, Wang Gui, Zhang Xian, Tang Huai, etc., who are generals of the Yue family, all of whom are fierce generals for a while.

So, who is the strongest descendant of Zhou Dong? How should strength be ranked?

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

8-10, Wang Gui, Tang Huai, Zhang Xian

Wang Gui, Tang Huai, and Zhang Xian are Yue Fei's hairies, and they are the veteran-level generals of Yue's army.

These three people were originally the sons of Qilin Village, and they were stubborn when they were young. After Zhou Tong came to Qilin Village, at the invitation of his friend Wang Mingzhi, he accepted the three as apprentices, and taught different skills according to the preferences of the three. Tang Huaide passed on a set of marksmanship, and he was good at using a bad silver gun; Zhang Xian was taught a set of hook and sickle techniques, and he was good at using a hook and sickle gun.

Since Yue Fei was a teenager, Wang Gui, Tang Huai, and Zhang Xian have been following him. After Yue Fei took charge of the army, the three of them followed him to fight in all directions, fighting the Jin army, suppressing thieves, and making great contributions. However, due to the limitations of qualifications, Wang Gui, Tang Huai, and Zhang Xian are not strong generals, and they are only second-rate generals in the Yue family's army, and there is a big gap compared to Yue Fei, Yu Hualong, Yang Zaixing and others.

Therefore, among Zhou Dong's descendants, Wang Gui, Tang Huai, and Zhang Xian are the three people with the lowest level.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

7, Zhou Yunqing

Zhou Yunqing is the only son of Zhou Dong and is from "The Legend of Zhou Dong with the Iron Arm Golden Knife".

Because his parents are both masters of stunts, Zhou Yunqing has also practiced martial arts since he was a child. At the age of eighteen, Zhou Yunqing was already proficient in all kinds of fist and foot kung fu, and his body was extremely flexible. Moreover, when Zhou Tong was living at home, he fused the marksmanship of his predecessors to create a set of powerful Hundred Birds Chaofeng Gun, which was difficult to distinguish between true and false, which was difficult to prevent, and he also knew the power very well, so he only taught it to his son Zhou Yunqing.

Zhou Yunqing had good skills when he was young, and Zhou Tong also had high expectations for him, thinking of teaching him martial arts. It's just that at that time, the Western Xia army committed a border, Zhou Tong was ordered to serve as the first general to go on the expedition, and Zhou Yunqing also served as a deputy general to go with his father. Zhou Yunqing was brave and brave, repeatedly charging forward, slashing and winning the pass, which made Zhou Tong feel that there was a successor to the old Zhou family.

This expedition to Western Xia was originally very smooth. However, the Song Dynasty was not at ease with the generals, and when it set out on the expedition, it also arranged for Cai Jing, a minister of the Qin Mission, who went out on behalf of the emperor, holding a gold medal and a sword from Shang Fang to control the three armies. Cai Jing disagreed with Zhou Tong, harmed him several times, and framed him for colluding with the Western Xia Army while leading the troops outside, and placed Zhou Yunqing under house arrest.

Later, when the Western Xia army besieged the city, Cai Jing asked Zhou Yunqing to lose the gold medal and transfer Zhou Dong back to the division to rescue. Zhou Yunqing didn't believe that his father had joined the enemy, so he single-handedly kicked the camp away, killing scars in tens of thousands of troops, and relying on his will to support him to Taoyuan Mountain. In the end, when Zhou Yunqing saw his father who came down the mountain in the chaos, he held a gold medal and shouted for him to return to the division, but he had fallen off his horse and died.

When Zhou Yunqing was fighting at the northwest border pass, Lin Chong was also a military general under Zhou Tong, but he was far inferior to Zhou Yunqing. It's a pity that Zhou Yunqing died young, otherwise he is definitely the most powerful of Zhou Dong's descendants.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

6, Takematsu

Wu Song is a tiger fighter in the Water Margin world, and he is the 14th ranked Heavenly Wound Star in Liangshan.

According to "The Biography of Zhou Dong with the Iron Arm Golden Knife", Wu Song followed Zhou Dong to learn art for a month. This is after Zhou Tong accepted Shi Wengong, Lin Chong, and Lu Junyi, he met Wu Song and taught martial arts.

At that time, Wu Song fought the tiger through Jingyanggang and became the capital of Yanggu County, and went to Bianliang on a business trip. By chance, Wu Song happened to meet Zhou Dong, who was dancing on a moonlit night, and wanted to worship him as a teacher. Zhou Tong also heard of the reputation of fighting Tiger Wusong, and he intended to fulfill this young man, so he accepted him as an apprentice.

Because Wu Song only had a one-month business trip, he planned to follow Zhou Dong to learn a set of dragon rolling knife techniques. Fortunately, Wu Song is also talented and intelligent, and he learned Zhou Dong's stunt dragon rolling knife technique in half a month. Zhou Tong was overjoyed, and passed Wu Song's double knife and fist, kick and leg technique.

Compared with knife skills, Wu Song is more talented in fists and feet. In addition to inheriting the tricks taught by his master, Wu Song was able to comprehend some stunts on his own. Zhou Tong appreciated this even more, and passed on all the fists and feet at the bottom of the box to Wu Song, making him a master of punches and feet.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

When he first came to Yanggang to fight the tiger, Wu Song only had divine power, but he had no rules. After learning martial arts with Zhou Tong, Wu Song's martial arts already had routines, and when he drunkenly beat Jiang Menshen, he performed the trick "Yuhuan Step Mandarin Duck Foot", and when he made a fuss about Feiyunpu, he flew and kicked down tolerance, etc., all of which showed exquisite fist and foot kung fu.

Compared with fist and foot kung fu, Wu Song's snowflake iron ring knife has also shown its might. During the expedition to Liao, Wu Song once plundered Yelude's heavy horse's head with a sword, and took his life; During the conquest of Fang La, Wu Song once killed Fang Maung with a knife, and also caught Pei Yingkui's gun and dragged him off the horse.

There is no doubt that Wu Erlang Wu Song's combat power is extremely outstanding. However, Wu Song suffered a loss as a step general, and it was not advantageous to face Lin Chong, Lu Junyi and others on horseback. Even if it is a foot battle, Lu Junyi and Lin Chong's attainments on the stick are also called the Water Margin World, and they are only stronger than Wu Song. There is only a single fist and foot kung fu, and Wu Song is the first person in the Water Margin.

This is according to the normal state, if he is in a desperate state, Wu Song's combat strength will be improved a lot.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

5, Yu Hualong

Yu Hualong is a fierce general of the Yue family's army, and he is good at using a tiger head gun and a golden dart.

In the commentary "Ten Generals of the Dragon Gate War", Yu Hualong is also set as Zhou Dong's apprentice. If you compare it according to "Saying Yue", Yu Hualong's martial arts are of the same grade as Yue Fei.

At the beginning, Yu Hualong was the marshal of Kanglang Mountain, and Yue Fei was ordered to conquer. Yu Hualong fought Yue Fei three times, the first time was forty rounds without a win, the second time was a day of fighting without a win, and the third time only fought seven or eight rounds.

From a frontal comparison, Yu Hualong's marksmanship is the same as Yue Fei's, but the golden dart skillfully beats the golden bell and loses. There is no reason why Yue Fei did not go all out to collect Yu Hualong, it is clear in the book that the opponent will meet a good talent, and Yue Fei also praised Yu Hualong's marksmanship very well.

If you look at it from the side, Yu Hualong is even stronger than Yue Fei. Previously, Yu Hualong had defeated Niu Gao in a few shots, which was better than Yue Fei's seven or eight rounds against Shi Quan, and better than Yang Zaixing's twelve or thirteen rounds of defeating Niu Gao. Compared here, Yu Hualong is even stronger than Yue Fei and Yang Zaixing.

It's just that Yu Hualong was defeated by Yue Fei after all, and Yue Fei's upper limit was also higher.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

4, Yue Fei

Yue Fei was Zhou Dong's closed disciple and his last disciple.

When he was in Qilin Village, Hebei, Zhou Tong met the young but highly qualified Yue Fei and adopted him as his adopted son. Because Lu Junyi and Lin Chong had passed away at this time, Zhou Tong passed on all the literary and martial arts to Yue Fei in order to inherit the mantle.

Zhou Dong's teaching method is exquisite, and in a few years, Yue Fei has been trained into a civil and military all-rounder. According to the evaluation in the book, Yue Fei is both civil and military, higher than Lu Junyi and Lin Chong.

Yue Fei's ability to use troops naturally far surpasses that of Lu Junyi and Lin Chong. However, in terms of martial arts, compared to Yue and Water Margin, Yue Fei may not be stronger than Lin Chong.

During the Battle of Aihua Mountain, Yue Fei fought against the Golden Vultures. After seventy or eighty rounds of fighting between the two, the golden vulture couldn't resist, and Yue Fei used the Liquan spear to hook the golden finch axe, and then pulled out the silver mace and hit it. And Hu Yanzhuo was in Haiyan County Jin Wushu, although Hu Yanzhuo was hacked to death by Jin Wushu, but Hu Yanzhuo was a veteran at this time, and when the two fought for thirty rounds, Jin Wushu had secretly thought that he was not an opponent when he was a teenager. Therefore, Yue Fei's force was roughly equivalent to Hu Yanzhuo's prime, while Hu Yanzhuo was inferior to Lin Chong.

In fact, Yue Fei is a bit similar to Lin Chong, and has the characteristics of being strong when it is strong. Through the comparison of Niu Gao, Yu Hualong is stronger than Yang Zaixing; Through the comparison of Wanyan Jin's bullets, He Yuanqing is stronger than Yu Hualong, but Yue Fei has a draw with the three of them, which can only be said to be stronger when it is strong.

More importantly, Yue Fei is the commander of the Yue family's army. Due to the fatigue of military affairs, Yue Fei had little time to practice martial arts; Moreover, there are many fierce generals in the Yue family's army, and there is no need for the commander to go out of the battle, but Yu Hualong, Yang Zaixing and others are more expressive in the later stage.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

3, Lin Chong

Lin Chong is the sixth-ranked Tianxiong Star in Liangshan and the second among the Five Tigers of the Ma Army.

In "Saying Yue" and "The Legend of Zhou Dong with an Iron Arm Golden Knife", it is mentioned that Lin Chong is Zhou Dong's apprentice. At the beginning, Lin Chong was a partial general under Zhou Dong, who was good at spears, and also made meritorious contributions to the expedition to the west. Later, after returning to Beijing, Lin Chong worshipped Zhou Tong as his teacher, learned the art of guns and sticks from him, and married Zhou Yunqing's widow Zhang Xuelian, who was half of Zhou Dong's son. Therefore, Zhou Tong also taught Lin Chong, and he became the head of the 800,000 forbidden army in Tokyo with his martial arts.

Judging from Lin Chong's performance, he is a master of wisdom. When the stick hit the head of the Hong Sect, Lin Chong first set up a momentum of pulling the grass to find the snake, and then retreated to avoid the edge of the head of the Hong Sect, and then took advantage of his chaotic steps to knock down with a stick. This is a combat skill to find flaws in the enemy, and it can be seen that Lin Chong is also a good hand in foot combat, after all, he is the head of the gun and stick.

Lin Chong is even more powerful to make a spear immediately, known as Xiao Zhang Fei. During the battle of Zhujiazhuang, Lin Chong fought against Hu Sanniang for less than ten rounds, put her knife and cut in, and used a snake spear to force the double knife to obliquely, and then stepped forward to lightly relax the ape arm, twisted the wolf's waist, and captured Hu Sanniang alive. Here is another clever trick, which shows that Lin Chong also has skills in horse fighting.

In the follow-up battle, Lin Chong stabbed to death Ma Wanli, Bao Misheng, He Jie, Wu Su, Ni Lin, Gu Kai, Zhang Shou, Liu Yuan, Du Jingchen, Leng Gong and others. In terms of the number of generals, Lin Chong called the crown water margin world.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

2. Shi Wen Kyo

Shi Wengong is the head of Zengtou City, and he is good at drawing halberds and Zhu Ying's guns.

In "The Legend of Zhou Dong with the Iron Arm Golden Knife", Shi Wengong is Zhou Dong's first apprentice. At that time, Shi Wengong was also a general under Zhou Dong, and he went to Helan Mountain to learn art, and he was good at drawing halberds with Fang Tian, and his skills were good.

When Zhou Dong fought against the Western Xia army, he was trapped in Taoyuan Mountain after defeat and needed someone to go down the mountain to move rescue troops. At this time, Zhou Tong was injured again, and Shi Wengong envied Zhou Tong's martial arts and worshipped him as a teacher, so Zhou Tong passed him a hundred birds and a phoenix gun and a complete set of knife skills, marksmanship, dart skills, and boxing skills, and asked him to go down the mountain to move the rescuers.

After Shi Wen Gong was taught by Zhou Tong, he was enough to break into the camp and move the soldiers. However, Shi Wengong knew that Zhou Tong also had a housekeeping stunt, Bai Lian Zijin Hammer, and asked him to teach him before going down the mountain. Zhou Tong put righteousness first, so he passed it to Shi Wengong. At this time, Shi Wengong basically learned several of Zhou Dong's stunts, and his force was strong. However, Shi Wengong had a bad character, and was threatened by Cai Jing and framed Zhou Dong three times and twice, becoming an outcast of Zhou Tong.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

Although Shi Wengong is an outcast of Zhou Dong, his skills are indeed extraordinary. During the battle of Zengtou City, Shi Wengong unleashed his marksmanship, and Qin Mingli retreated timidly in twenty rounds. Shi Wengong rushed forward bravely again, and stabbed Qin Ming in the leg with a shot and stabbed him off the horse. Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Ma Lin, and Deng Fei stepped forward to stop Shi Wengong and saved Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is one of the five tigers of the Ma Army, he is definitely not a "rookie", but a tiger general. Moreover, compared with other people in the green forest of Liangshan, Qin Ming was originally the head of the Qingzhou Command Department and was a high-ranking regular general. Even if Lu Junyi played, he might not be able to defeat Qin Ming in twenty rounds, but Shi Wengong did it.

As for the follow-up Lu Junyi stabbing down Shi Wengong, it was an unfair battle. At that time, Zengtou City was broken, Shi Wengong left in the wilderness, and was entangled by the soul of Chao Gai from all directions, and he was already frightened. When Shi Wengong was walking around, he met Lu Junyi who was waiting, only to be hit by his leg with a knife, and he fell off the horse.

If it is normal, even if Shi Wengong is not as good as Lu Junyi, the battle between him and Lu Junyi is definitely the strongest battle in the Water Margin.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

1, Lu Junyi

Jade Qilin Lu Junyi is the second-ranked Tiangang Star in Liangshan, the first in the Ma Bu Army, and the invincible opponent of the second steel gun.

In "The Legend of Zhou Dong with the Iron Arm Golden Knife", Lu Junyi is Zhou Tong's apprentice after accepting Lin Chong. Lu Junyi was born in a wealthy family, and he likes guns and sticks since he was a child, but he is not a famous teacher, and he plays all good-looking tricks, and he can't go into battle, but he has developed a strong body.

After worshipping Zhou Dong as his teacher, Lu Junyi followed him to learn art for three years and re-learned eighteen martial arts.

Lu Junyi is also gifted and intelligent, and quickly learned the subtleties of the eighteen martial arts. Zhou Tong saw that Lu Junyi especially liked to use sticks, and carefully taught him stick skills. Therefore, Lu Junyi's stick is unparalleled in the world, and there is a hymn for him: accustomed to using a stick, the talisman dragon is incoherent.

There is a saying among the people: Lin Chong immediately, Wu Song under the horse. In fact, the foot battles and horse battles in the Water Margin are all respected by Lu Junyi.

When Lu Junyi first crossed Liangshan, it was a foot battle. This time, Lu Junyi used a Pu knife, first Li Kui fought for less than three rounds and retreated, and then Lu Zhishen and Wu Song fought for less than three rounds and left. Then Liu Tang fought for three rounds, Mu Hong came up and fought Lu Junyi with Liu Tang for less than three rounds, plus Li Ying surrounded Lu Junyi and besieged him together, but Lu Junyi became more and more courageous, and the three of them retreated. Later, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng came up and fought Lu Junyi for three rounds. In this battle, Lu Junyi fought alone against eight Liangshan leaders, and the level of foot combat was very high.

Who is the strongest among Zhou Dong's top ten descendants, and how should Yue Fei, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, and Wu Song be ranked?

If there is a horse battle again, Lu Junyi is even better. When Liangshan was fighting Tongguan, Lu Junyi captured Zhu Tong's beauty in less than a few rounds; During the conquest of Fang La, Lu Junyi killed Li Tianyan in 30 rounds, and killed Fang Yuan with one sword, both of which were extremely brave. However, the one that can best show Lu Junyi's super strength is the battle against the four Yelu brothers during the conquest of Liao:

Lu Junyi rode a horse and a gun, and he was able to defeat four generals, and he was not afraid at all. After fighting for about an hour, Lu Junyi had to sell a flaw, Yelu Zonglin cut the knife in, and was shouted by Lu Junyi, who was caught off guard and stabbed off the horse with a shot. The three little generals were all taken aback, they were all afraid, and they had no intention of fighting, so they slapped their horses and went.

These four youngsters are not vulgar players, they are all first-class brave generals. In the previous battle, Yelu Zongyun fought against Guan Sheng, Yelu Zonglin fought against Hu Yanzhuo, Yelu Zongdian and Yelu Zonglei fought against Xu Ning and Suo Chao, and the battle was won or lost for a long time. However, Lu Junyi was able to single-handedly fight four people for an hour, and stabbed one person to death, showing his incomparably strong strength. This is not all, after Lu Junyi finished the battle, he met a group of Liao troops of more than 1,000 people, and he entered it again, killing the Liao army and running around.

Lu Junyi's battle is the strongest display of the Water Margin's force, and he is worthy of being the first person in the Water Margin's combat power. Among Zhou Dong's descendants, Lu Junyi can also be called the strongest.



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