
Harry Potter Magic Awakening: Duel Arena Fantasy Genre Award, which belongs to the romance of players from all regions

In the NetEase mobile game "Harry Potter: Magical Awakening" (hereinafter referred to as "Harry Potter Mobile Game"), there is such a group of players, they love the dueling arena, but they are not attached to the upper score, and like to use some hunting card sets in the dueling arena. Since the effect of some card decks is related to "weather", there are also many players who set the "weather" cards related to their hometowns as their core cards, come and see, how many of these strange card deck genres have you encountered?

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: Duel Arena Fantasy Genre Award, which belongs to the romance of players from all regions

The romance of the coastal wizard

Every summer, many coastal people have to experience several typhoons, strong winds, heavy rains, I believe this weather must be firmly engraved in the DNA of every coastal player. Therefore, after some players have been exposed to the Harry Potter mobile game, the entire live card deck takes the "Hurricane Charm" as the core card, with hermione echo and low-cost spell cards, forming a "fast turn blowing wind". Although this genre is a bit worse than the current popular "Fast Turn Lightning" and "Fast Turn Water Prison", the control effect and control time of the Hurricane Charm are very impressive. Some players just want to live at the beginning, who knows that in the end they can win a winning streak by relying on this deck, which is definitely a distraction for coastal players to be happy!

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: Duel Arena Fantasy Genre Award, which belongs to the romance of players from all regions

The romance of the wizards of the North

The happiness that many southern friends absolutely cannot imagine is that when the snow falls in the winter, they ask a few friends to go outdoors to have a snowball fight. But this entertainment is definitely very common for friends in the north. Knee-high snow, sandbags of snowballs, a fight can be an afternoon, snow lovers can only say that the north is really paradise. In the Harry Potter mobile game, although the scene at Hogwarts will change due to the change of seasons, the joy of snowball fighting must be personally mastered. Therefore, some players have specially developed a set of "Snowball Charms", Flashback Charms and various control cards in the Duel Arena based on the Halica deck, the partner card with Dumbledore, can play 3 snowballs at a time, in order to ensure the hit rate, the Transformation Charm, the Inflatable Charm, and the Speed Trap are all arranged. I believe that seeing 3 snowballs rushing at themselves, who has to panic when they see it? However, in actual combat, some players will specially save money for "snowball fights", Dumbledore's enhanced 3 snowballs + Hermione's copied 1 snowball + Flashback Spell 1 snowball, a total of 5 snowballs, it is not too much to say that it is the devil!

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: Duel Arena Fantasy Genre Award, which belongs to the romance of players from all regions

Looking at the whole live card deck of these players in various regions, I don't know what everyone thinks about these ideas? If you had to choose a card in front of the screen to represent your hometown, which card would you choose?

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