
Really play big! Tesla CEO Musk wants to bring the Steam game to the in-car entertainment system

Tesla tesla models have an oversized infotainment in-car system, which can display navigation and basic information of the car, and add support for the TikTok app, Sonic Kid and Sudoku games after the update at the end of 2021.

Really play big! Tesla CEO Musk wants to bring the Steam game to the in-car entertainment system

However, the game alone can not meet the car fans and game fans, the well-known game site IGN reporter Ryan McCaffrey asked Tesla CEO Elon Musk Musk whether the "Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpunk 2077" such a 3A blockbuster will be on the Tesla vehicle platform in the future, Musk once again drugged and revealed that he hopes to move the Steam game platform directly to Tesla Tesla.

Really play big! Tesla CEO Musk wants to bring the Steam game to the in-car entertainment system

Ryan McCaffrey asked Musk on Twitter when the new Model S and Model X will usher in the Cyberpunk game, and Musk responded that although he did not specify the time, he said that Tesla intends to port the entire Steam game platform to Tesla, which is more in line with long-term benefits.

Really play big! Tesla CEO Musk wants to bring the Steam game to the in-car entertainment system

Although Musk did not reply to players about what can play the 3A game in tesla model S/X, the Tesla car entertainment system is designed based on the Linux operating system, so it is feasible to put the Steam platform and games into the Tesla Tesla in-car entertainment system, and Tesla's goal is to make Steam games perform in Tesla models, without the developer's specific modification or adjustment.

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