
Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

author:Zhiyuan Global

#钢铁是怎样炼成的主人公是乌克兰人 #

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a military offensive against Ukraine, and in just one day Russian troops had already reached the Ukrainian capital. Although since the end of the conflict in Ukraine, the first hot search of the year has been the tension in Ukraine. As a result, once the situation in Ukraine has not appeared in front of people in recent years, it has become somewhat uncomfortable. But some people may not know much about Russia and Ukraine, which were already in dire straits long before the Soviet Union. However, in the end, these two are still in the same vein.

To speak of this same lineage is to speak of this ancient Slavs, and this Slavs refers to a people, which is actually of the Indo-European race. They are constantly migrating with the times, but many branches have emerged in the process of migration. Today's Russian and Belarusian ethnic groups, as well as Ukrainian ethnic groups, are actually the ancient Slavs, the Eastern Slavs who separated from the migration process.

Because after the emergence of the tribe, many people introduced the culture of the Eastern Slavs, thus forming these three tribes. Later developments in the Plains of Central and Eastern Europe appeared the earliest ancient civilizations, kievan rus and one of them. At that time, Kievan Rus' was the largest country in Europe. The country is inhabited by Ukrainians, Russians, belarusians and Varyags. But as feudal rule led to peasant uprisings, the country split.

Subsequently, the peoples who split up established their own principalities. But the founder of Kievan Rus' was Russia. And ukrainians at that time could only be called Little Russia. Both Russia and Ukraine acknowledge this history of origins. Therefore, Russians have always regarded Kievan Rus' as the beginning of Russia's history. Kiev is regarded as the "mother of the russian cities".

But Kiev City is the capital of Ukraine, and the relationship between Russia and Ukraine is really complicated. But one thing is easy to understand is that their roots are in Kievan Rus', but why did Ukraine stay in Kiev City in the end, but Russia did not?

At that time, after the division of the country, Kievan Rus still wanted to reunite the country, after all, no one wanted to divide his land. However, Kievan Rus' did not succeed, and soon after there was an invasion by Mongol troops. Kievan Rus' was occupied under Mongol occupation. Some Russians migrated north. The place where they arrived was Moscow, and they established a new kingdom in Moscow, the Principality of Moscow.

But Russians have always remembered Kievan Rus' as their origin. However, the Mongol Iron Horse did not stop after the capture of Kievan Rus' Subsequently they also occupied the Muscovite Principality. However, under Mongol rule, Kievan Rus ceased to exist, but the Muscovite Principality, because of its strong adaptability and the absorption of Mongolian culture, grew stronger and stronger, and rose under Mongol rule.

Later, after more than a century of Mongol occupation, the Muscovite Principality drove out the Mongols on its own. However, the Ukrainians here are in deep trouble, the east has been occupied by the Mongols for a long time, and the western part has been occupied by the Poles. As a result, they have been in a state of division. Not only that, but different ethnic languages, habits and folklore have emerged in these two regions. More important was the mongol-occupied east, which later integrated into the Cossacks.

Although the Cossacks are nominally Ukrainians, their traditions and culture are relatively close to those of the Russians. It is precisely because of this that the Ukrainians in the west are very hostile to the Cossacks in the east. The reason for this hostility is that it feels that it is the orthodox bloodline, after all, the West attaches great importance to the issue of bloodline. So they often tried their best to deal with the Cossacks in the east. But they forgot that they were also oppressed by Poland at this time.

Although Poland was not so strict about Ukraine at that time, as Poland developed, the demand for wheat increased, so polish nobles stepped into Ukrainian land. At this time, both the eastern and western regions were facing the pain of losing their land and becoming serfs. Not only that, but they are banned from using Ukrainian.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

But the Cossacks faced not only the lack of land, but also discrimination by Ukrainians in the western region. While the Ukrainian people were still "justifying their bloodlines," the Moscow Empire next door had risen and established the rudiments of the Russian Empire. However, the editor mentions here that Ukraine at this time did not have a state, and still belongs to a nation without its own country. So in 1654 the Cossacks finally couldn't bear it, and they rose up and fired the first sword against Poland.

But with their strength they could not compete with Poland at that time, so they went to find allies. All they could think of at this point was Tsarist Russia. Because of the problem of culture and customs, they are more pro-Russian. This coincided with the clash between Tsarist Russia and Poland over land issues. Ukraine's pleas for help allowed them to find a breakthrough against Poland. Thus in 1653 Tsarist Russia accepted ukraine's demand for union and signed the Treaty of Pereyaslav the following year.

The treaty meant that Ukraine would henceforth accept Russian rule, but would have its own autonomy politically, militarily, and diplomatically. Except for Polish and Turkish things. But it was natural for the Russians to do so, which would cause resentment among the Poles. Russia then went to war with Poland, after which Ukraine was divided in two, with russia in the eastern region and Kiev and Poland in the western region.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

But as time went on, Russia began to expand its lands, and the Ukrainian regions that remained in the hands of Poland under the constant war were recovered by Russia. But at this time, Tsarist Russia violated the Treaty of Pereyaslav signed with Ukraine. Beginning to control the internal affairs of Ukraine, ukraine at that time had a title called Getman, which is the title of the supreme chief of Ukraine, who was elected.

But after Russia seized all the land in Ukraine, it began to restrict Geitman's elections. During catherine II's reign, Getman's office and power were abolished. After this, ukrainians began their own "wandering and independence". Because they could not compete with any country at that time by their own strength, they could only resist by defecting to the enemy camp.

But such a method is undoubtedly to jump from this circle to that pit. Because during the time of Tsarist Russia, not only in Eastern Europe but also on the earth, whoever occupied this place belonged to whomever it belonged. Therefore, a nation like this that has not established a state naturally has no right to speak. Ukrainians lived this way, arguably, until after World War I. Even at the outbreak of World War I, their regions were controlled by Russia and Austria-Hungary.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

However, after the First World War, Russia's royal power gradually declined, and the Tsarist Empire faced a situation of disintegration. At this time, the Ukrainians realized that they wanted to establish their own state and sovereignty, so they formed their own congresses and organized their own armed forces and self-government work. After the outbreak of the October Revolution in Russia, the Ukrainian Congress took advantage of the chaos to proclaim the establishment of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Independence was then declared, but how could Soviet Russia at that time be willing, Ukraine was afraid that Soviet Russia would destroy the country it had so hard established. So after their founding, the first thing they started was diplomacy, and they signed contracts with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Ukraine provided them with food, and they provided Ukraine with troops to protect Ukraine. As soon as the contract was signed, 450,000 German troops entered The territory of Ukraine.

At that time, although Soviet Russia wanted to compete with the German army, its national strength did not allow it. In desperation, they signed the Brest Pact with Germany, which represented The Soviet Union's recognition of Ukraine's independence. But it didn't take long for World War II to break out and Germany was defeated, and Ukraine joined the Soviet Union. But some people in Ukraine during Germany were also influenced by the Nazis. Fortunately, after joining the Soviet Union, Ukraine finally lived a quieter life for a while and gained real geographical unity.

It was also during that period that Ukraine's culture and agriculture developed unprecedentedly, and during Lenin's time Ukraine was the most important food support for the Soviet Union and the main source of the agricultural economy. Moreover, Ukraine itself is a food power, just imagine the support of 450,000 troops who can exchange grain with Germany, And Ukraine's food is very important to them.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

But then the Soviet Union, in order to develop industry, chose to use agriculture to feed industry unconditionally, which led to a decline in grain production in Ukraine, because a series of policies promulgated by Stalin led to a great famine in Ukraine, resulting in the death of more than three million Ukrainians.

It is precisely for this reason that the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia have completely exploded, and as the number of Ukrainians has decreased, more Russians have entered Ukraine. There was originally a problem of discord between things, and now his "enemy" still lives in the house. This made Ukraine angry but helpless. But Ukraine forgets that its country's regional contradictions from ancient times to the present have nothing to do with anyone. And ukraine will always face the danger of dividing if this problem is not resolved.

However, during the Soviet Period, Khrushchev was slightly drunk, and divided Crimea, known as the "Key of the Black Sea", under the jurisdiction of Ukraine. It doesn't matter, Russia and Ukraine are about to be in a permanent struggle. Immediately after the end of the Soviet Union, Ukraine declared its independence. But Ukraine's position is awkward, because he is in the middle of Europe and Russia, and the feud between the United States and Russia is known to everyone.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

Neither side wants the other to stick their hands in front of their homes, but such a situation has led to the division of Ukraine, which is generally close to the West and half close to Russia. Two sides of a country are at odds with each other. Especially Crimea. Because there are nearly 70% Russians in Klimtia. No one is willing to face the hostility of the Ukrainians. So the two sides have not dealt with each other.

Moreover, Klimmya is very important to Russia. But the western Ukrainian powers always want to join Europe, and the eastern part wants to return to Russia. Naturally, Russia wants to return to Klimmia. This is paradoxical but another kind of balance. Because as long as Ukraine remains neutral, Russia naturally does not want the US military to infiltrate Ukraine, and the United States is the opposite. As long as the United States and Russia do not take Ukraine to each other and do things, Ukraine can survive the contradictions.

But in 2014, the conflict in Ukraine broke out and Pro-American forces in Ukraine staged a coup d'état, which led to the flight of Ukraine's pro-Russian president to Russia. Fortunately, the conflict was finally mediated, and it is worth saying that Crimea took advantage of this opportunity to submit an application for membership to Russia, which naturally accepted it. However, Ukraine was unwilling to do so, and further suppressed the pro-Russian eastern region in Ukraine, resulting in the eastern region increasingly wanting independence. What makes Russia even more unacceptable is Ukraine's blatant application to join NATO.

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, Ukraine and Russia were of the same origin a hundred years ago?

This is exactly the equivalent of the United States standing on russia's doorstep, and asking Russia how will it be willing? So the contradictions of the past three hundred years are on the verge of erupting, and Russia is now calculating the old accounts together. In fact, looking at the recent situation between the two sides, Ukraine's desire to fully Westernize to improve its development will not work, because their relations with their neighbor Russia have always been reluctant to be eased.

There is an old saying in China that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, but Ukraine's malice towards Russia is not only a factor of display, but also a lot of historical grievances, and at present, the two countries should go where to go and see their own development. Here is an interesting one, "How Steel is Made" by Ostrovsky, his nationality is Soviet, but he is Ukrainian. There are also a lot of Ukrainians who can shuttle back and forth between Ukrainians and Russians.

To be honest, the relationship between Russia and Ukraine is really mutually repulsive and cannot be separated. What else do you know about the story of Ukraine and Russia? Feel free to tell us in the comments section.

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