
3 points and two zeros in the whole game! The cancer foreign aid pitted Beikong and cut him Min Lulei to enter the playoffs

author:There is sunshine in the heart

Oh, my God! What's wrong with BEWG? Three games in a row have been deflated, which simply stunned the fans!

Fans and friends, can you imagine? Beijing Holdings, a team that used to be dominant, has now fallen to such a point! Tonight's game was simply a farce, losing 93-99 to Zhejiang, which made people can't help but ask: Did the Beijing Enterprises team collectively eat fake medicine?

Let's take a look at the culprits of this game! That's right, it's Mr. Riller, who is known as a little foreign aid. It is more appropriate to say that he is a little foreign aid, but it is better to say that he is a little fool! He only scored 3 points in the whole game and made 2 turnovers, which is even worse than the uncle who plays basketball on the street! Some netizens even joked: Did Lile secretly add all his skill points to 'mistakes'?

Looking back on the glorious history of Liller joining BEWG, it is simply a comedy! The 40 points in the debut were eye-catching, but the result was as if by magic, and the score was zero in two consecutive games! Did this guy forget his scoring ability in the locker room? What's even more ridiculous is that he has 12 games left in the single digits. With such a performance, I'm afraid I'm embarrassed to even show my hand in the amateur league, right?

Some fans said angrily: Lile is the CBA's biggest parallel foreign aid! His existence is a waste of BEWG's salary space! Another fan humorously said: "Riller's performance reminds me of how I play basketball, the only difference is that I don't get paid."

3 points and two zeros in the whole game! The cancer foreign aid pitted Beikong and cut him Min Lulei to enter the playoffs

But, friends, let's turn our attention to the overall performance of the BEWG team! Although you have lost three times in a row, have you found it? They're still in ninth place! It's like a fat guy who suddenly starts running a marathon and is in the top 10, it's incredible!

Although tonight's game was lost, the performance of the North Control team was eye-catching. In the face of last season's runner-up, when the two foreign aides fell off the chain, the local players of the Beijing Control team are like chicken blood! Their performance reminds people of the famous saying: It's not that African brothers can't do it, but that our Chinese players are too strong!

Special mention should be made of Zou Yuchen, this young man is simply the Dinghai Shenshen Needle of the Beijing Enterprises Team! The performance in the second half was like a hanging, and almost knocked the Zhejiang team to the ground! It's a pity that in the end, the physical strength was exhausted, and there were mistakes at critical moments. Some fans said distressedly: Looking at Zou Yuchen's desperate appearance, I want to rush into the field to hand him an energy drink!

So, what should the BEWG team do now? The answer is simple: cut off the negative foreign aid of Riller! This guy is like a ticking time bomb that could blow up the North Holding's playoff dreams at any moment! Some fans even joked: instead of letting Riller continue to play, it is better to let him be a cheerleader, at least it will not drag down the team.

3 points and two zeros in the whole game! The cancer foreign aid pitted Beikong and cut him Min Lulei to enter the playoffs

The current situation of the North Control team is like a fat man who is losing weight, who has seen hope, but is tempted by a piece of chocolate cake (Riller). All they need to do is decisively throw this cake away and focus on their goals!

Imagine what it would be like if the North Control team managed to make the playoffs? The fans cheered, the players burst into tears, and the coaching staff danced with excitement...... It's almost like a classic scene from a Hollywood inspirational blockbuster!

Interestingly, the last time the North Control team stood on the playoff stage was a few years ago. Now, once again, they stand at the threshold of hope. This reminds one of the famous saying: opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Are you ready?

3 points and two zeros in the whole game! The cancer foreign aid pitted Beikong and cut him Min Lulei to enter the playoffs

Friends, let's cheer for the BEWG team together! Their performance is like a wonderful TV series, with climaxes and gripping. We look forward to seeing them achieve great things on the field and write their own legends!

Finally, I would like to ask everyone: Do you think the North Control team can successfully enter the playoffs? Should Riller be cut? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and let's discuss this exciting topic together! Don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!