
DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

In the Chinese New Year version, what is the most anticipated day for players? I'm afraid it's the weekend! Due to the fact that the New Year version has not expanded by 110 levels, and there is no substantive content added, players can only wait for the opening of the Underworld Space-time of the Golden God Chart and the reset of Tuanben Hijrock/Ozma. The Underworld Time and Space is a very suitable map for touching gold on the weekend, and the reward box obtained has a chance to open to the Artifact Card Book, and open to a variety of 15 strong cards, even if the worst 15 fire strength is drawn, it can also be sold for 600W gold coins, which is simply beautiful.

2.26 List of group reset items

DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

Tuanben resets the orbs, design drawings, transformers, and miscellaneous objects every week, and the 4 kinds of props are random mode, and the reward quality is not the same, the 4 kinds of props reset by the Sherlock tuanben this week are the +70 four-dimensional Sealed Demon Sauron Orb, the Luxe Design, the Lodos Transformer, and the Desperate Ore Gift Box. The quality of Luxy's design drawings is better, it is a graduation design drawing, but the 70 four-dimensional orb is inevitably too bad, it is the worst attribute of the Sherlock orb, and it is 100 times better than this to give a 70 three-attack/40 four-dimensional orb.

DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

The items on the shelves of Ozma's auction are the +100 four-dimensional left slot Kazan Orb of the God of Destruction, the Horror: Astros Design, the Rochebach Chapter Equipment Transformer, and the Time Guide Gift Box. Like Shelock, the 100 four-dimensional card is also one of Ozma's worst orbs, so many strong/three-attack orbs do not appear, but four-dimensional, the debris time guidance gift box is the player's most disdainful gift box, most of the players have graduated from the abyss equipment, the demand is very low, not as good as the purple ying petal gift box.

DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

Originally, this week will finally launch the Tamart design, but what is unexpected is that last week was the Astros design, and this week was followed by another, it has been 2 consecutive weeks. Due to the increasing production of the Asteros design, the price has also plummeted, and the original belt price was still 2500W on Week 5, and it fell directly to 1900W after the reset on Week 6, losing 600W gold coins. And from the perspective of increasing production, it is still a trend of continuous price reduction, and it is estimated that it will fall to about 1700W in these two days.

DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

And with the launch of the Asteros design this week, the Price of Taimat, which has not been launched for 4 consecutive weeks, has also taken off again! Principle of the initial price of 2800W head and shoulders design diagram, across 6 hours after a week to 5000W, after two weeks rose to 8000W, after three weeks rose to 1.4E, after four weeks can not rise to 2E can not, but in the cheapest across 1 price increase is not large, still around 9000W, but in the cross-5 ~ cross-6 these cross-region, the price has been invincible, 2E started, and there is still a return to the local tycoon willing to buy.

DNF: 2.26 Regiment Reset At a Glance! Rewarding the worst 1 week, Ozma designed the Tula crotch

【Personal Summary】

In general, the auction rewards of This week's Shylock and Tuanben are not satisfactory, and it is not too much to say that it is the worst week's auction rewards! The orbs are all added four dimensions, not to mention, Ozma design drawings are still Astros, a loss of 600W gold coins, which is undoubtedly a heavy loss for players who hoard design drawings, instantly losing the interest of playing the group. However, if it is not sold, it will not lose, if next week is not the Asteros design, then it is estimated that how it will rise to about 3000W, continue to hoard or sell I believe everyone understands.

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