
DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

In recent years, dnf can be said to be "all the people are businessmen", after all, it has been pit by businessmen for so many years, what materials can rise, and there are points in my heart! Take the Title of the New Year, who doesn't know that out-of-print prices will increase? Ordinary players who generally have gold coins in the warehouse will choose to hoard several titles, and after the adjustment of the 3-cow Ozma reward, the warriors gradually know how to maximize the value of the "Ozma SS design", especially the sky-high Taimart SS, which makes the 3-cow C taste the sweetness! But "Astros" cried a bunch of Main C's.

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

"Astros" rose 30% in 1 day!

The main thing is that "Asteros SS" is very abnormal, and the design drawings have plummeted after the suspension of production! Because the price of each region is different, take the cross-3B, when the 2200W shooting, the 2 weeks after the temporary out-of-print fell to 1800W, and under the collective decline of the warriors, all the way to the 1400W, the rest of the cross-district is also a similar situation.

But just when the players were desperate, thinking that Ozma equipment was no longer needed, in the short period of 1 day from 3.27 to 3.28, "Astros" began to fight back, without warning, directly taking off!

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

For example, the necklace part has changed from 1440W to 1950W, and the head and shoulders part has also risen from about 1700W to 2400W, a rough calculation, the SS design of the 5 parts of "Astros" staged a Jedi turnover! It will rise by about 30% in 1 day, and even 50% can be reached.

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

Could it be that the plan is sweeping the goods?

What the hell is going on? I believe this is the answer that many warriors want to know! Because this is a full service to rise together, Xiaobian compared the prices of three popular regions such as 1, 5, and 6, and also rose by 30% collectively, if this is equipment that can be traded indefinitely, it is not surprising, because the ability of dnf merchants to control prices should not be underestimated. But this is only 1 transaction of Ozma SS design diagram ah, why crashed for nearly 1 month, suddenly in 1 day to achieve a reversal, I really can't think of any reason! Are the local tycoons getting stronger in the same day? This is even more nonsense.

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

Some warriors may say: Taimat SS out of print to choose "Astros SS", in fact, the auction house's Taimat SS has long been out of stock for 3 weeks... The end of the "free ticket activity" is also difficult to explain, how can long-term activities have such a great effect in a few days, and the impact of the transfer book is greater than that of the "free ticket activity".

At present, the most reasonable explanation is 1, but it is also the most mysterious! The output of the "Astros SS" seems to be wrong? Out of print for a few weeks, the number of auction houses has not decreased, but has increased, because someone has posted questions before! But the bug was recently plotted to fix, so the "Astros SS" is back on track.

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

3 Cow C wanted to cry even more

Whether it is planning to sweep goods or rise normally, the "Astros" recovery has become a fact! But those pit 3 bull C players at this time more want to cry without tears, because of the plunge for several consecutive weeks, at least more than 80% of the warriors have long lost money on the shelves, Xiaobian is also one of them, 1 card about 800W loss, but the result is now warming? The words of Master "Old Lin" are really not wrong: if you don't sell, you won't lose... If "Astros" doesn't rise, it's better, and now that it's up, who should I cry!

DNF: Planning to sweep goods? "Astros" rose 30% in 1 day, and 3 cow C wanted to cry even more

【Summary】:The recent "Astros SS design" is indeed very abnormal! From the plunge to the recovery, all without warning and difficult to explain, then the soul torture comes: the warriors who hoarded the "Astros SS", did they survive? Or did he become a receiver and get on the shelves at a loss?

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