
DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

How mighty was Astros? The powerful entry damage made countless people bend their waists, but by the end of the version, this set of Ozma Fusion Epic Equipment had lost its advantage, and the auction house had collapsed! Players who still hoard Astros in their hands are full of "sadness" in their hearts, blaming themselves for not shooting early.

700W a design drawing! Astros collapsed

The group's "weekly auction items" refreshed, Astros appeared again, the production was relatively large, this time it was even more "worse", the auction house design drawings continued to flow, forming a situation where supply exceeded demand. Following the law of market development, when the number of a thing becomes more and players do not need it much, the price will fall sharply.

DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

In the auction houses of individual regions, Asteros equipped with design drawings, there was a "diving" plunge, as long as 700W gold coins! The original low price is equivalent to Rochebach and Berias, and I did not expect that Astros would one day become such a situation, which surprised the player.

DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

In terms of damage analysis, Asteros fusion epic equipment won the first place, stronger than Taimat. But why is the damage high, but not valued by the player? It comes down to typing! To know the Astros equipment, brushing needs to be typed to perfectly show damage. In contrast, the Taimat epic, the entries are simple and rough, eliminating the cumbersome steps of typing.

DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

The late-edition typing sleeve Astros, in terms of popularity, was far inferior to Thatmat. Coupled with the many appearances of "weekly auction items", the price of the auction house has fallen, which is also reasonable! But some of the players who hoarded Astros were uneasy in their hearts, and the 700W piece could not come back, and they lost a lot of gold coins at once.

The plan was questioned again! Hoarded the Taimat design drawings

The Taimat Fusion Epic Equipment was loved by players at the end of the version because it didn't need to type, and damage could burst out. And the Taimart design drawings in the "Weekly Auction Items" only came out once or twice, making its price soar. In view of the fact that so many times did not come out of the Taimat design, some players began to question that the "insiders" were fired!

DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

The planning was deliberate, after all, the points and times of the Taimat auction appeared, if it was a coincidence, the slightly clearer head did not believe it. A Taimat design drawing was carried on 200 million gold coins, and if the plan was to hoard goods privately, it would be absolutely full of pots.

DNF: High damage but not taken seriously? A design drawing of 700W gold coins, Asteros collapsed

On the surface, the "weekly auction item" is random, but since the system came out, Tai Mart has only been 2 times, and it is still 2 consecutive weeks, why is this so? Perhaps for 2 consecutive weeks, the price of Taimat will be suppressed and lowered, and the plan will take the opportunity to hoard goods and pave the way for the subsequent price increase!

In fact, buying 200 million gold coins design drawings is really not cost-effective, the version has entered the end, and the level 110 equipment is completely eliminated. The 5 sets of Fusion Epic Equipment of Taimat, Astros, Roshibach, Redmayne, and Belias all start from the same starting point for the next version, becoming the material for "feeding" experience points.

Personal summary

I think that Ozma was just open, how beautiful Asteros was, but because of the shortcomings of typing, he fell off the altar. The Tamat entry was simple and not cumbersome, and it stomped Astros under his feet. Today's Ozma Tuanben, the jars are cheaper than the design drawings, 200 million gold coins to buy Taimat, purely to pay the "IQ tax", and even may not be successful.

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