
If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Hello, everyone, I am biu fashion, I am very happy to share star fashion and collocation skills with you again! I hope that my article will make you more interested in fashion, so that you who look good in yourself will be more attractive!

In daily life, there are many different clothing images, but in order to make their clothing image look more full of distinctive fashion, or full of personal trend atmosphere, then you can add some more shining sequin elements to the choice.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

The image created by this sequin element can be said to be very eye-catching, and it is precisely because he has so many fashion items that he is in the entertainment industry. Many women will choose to use such a clothing image to match, but also because such a clothing image itself is more difficult to control, so even if the female star likes.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

There are also very few people who will match a feeling of quite arrogance. However, in the entertainment industry, Tang Yixin's fashion collocation is very worth learning, her inner collocation is still relatively strong, let's take a look at it together. Her sequins are a fashion choice.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Where is the fashion of sequins used

Apply to coats

When choosing this sequin element, the most important thing to pay attention to is the sequin element, what kind of clothing should be used. If I don't want my outfit to look so formal, I can combine sequin elements with some tops or coats.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

In this way, it will make your fashion sense more attractive, and it is enough to make your image more attractive when you match it every day. Add to that the form of this coat itself, and there are some street punk fashion effects.

Therefore, through the combination of this neutral element and some mysterious elements, the mixed and matched body can also give people a bright feeling, but such clothing will look more shining under the light.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Apply to the skirt

Then there is the choice of using sequined skirts to match yourself, whether it is a sequined skirt in life, or a sequin choice of some dresses. When this sequin is planned with a variety of dresses, it can give the masses a more dramatic fashion effect.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Whether it is a princess dress in a dress or some noble and elegant queen skirts, as long as this sequin element is added, it will make its image look more prominent, and it can show its own hip charm. This is also the design of many luxury brands, which is often seen.

The size of the sequin is selected

Selection of large sequins

Then when choosing this sequin collocation, there is another detail that should be paid attention to, that is, the size of the sequins is chosen, if you want to make this sequin look like a mermaid effect, then when choosing sequins, you can use large sequins to imitate the fashion created by this mermaid.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Although the large sequins will look a little flashy in the world, if combined with some tight elements, the fashion presented will be more advanced, and this large fashion sequin, the overall fashion degree is also relatively high, when the light is on, it can more effectively show the woman's figure.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Selection of small sequins

If you don't like large sequins, there are some small sequins to choose, but this small sequin will generally recommend the use of some low-density collocation modes, through this more relaxed and loose collocation effect to make their own sequin image.

It doesn't look that crowded. For women with dense phobias, this is a good fashion collocation detail, which can make their charm more casual and simple, and it is easy for people to remember.

If I can have Tang Yixin's face, I can also wear clothes when I go out, which is too grounded

Sequin matching small details

1: The most important thing is that when using sequins, we must decide to use some relatively sexy clothing, because only sexy will be more perfectly integrated with this sequin, so that fashion looks no longer monotonous. 2: There is also love to choose the form of this clothing, you can also directly use some pure colors, because the pure color system itself is more versatile. 3: In addition, the sequins themselves are also a little brighter, so the fashion sense created after combining the solid color sequins can also make their fashionable and easy to accept.

Well, that's it for this issue. Remember to follow biu fashion to learn more fashion matching tips. If you have more views on the content of this issue, please feel free to share with biu fashion in the comment area. If this issue provides you with practical inspiration for wearing, don't forget to like and collect Oh, we will see you in the next issue!

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