
The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.

author:Mei Wen she mentioned

Isn't this really a joke? The owner had not been to his rough house for many years and found that the door could not be opened, so he had to call a locksmith. This is unbelievable, it has changed from a rough room to a hardcover room! This can be a bad thing for the owner, not to mention that his house has become a hardcover house, and there is still a family living in it!


I remember that there was also a report before, saying that the crew of a drama was filming in it without the owner's knowledge, making a mess of the owner's house, not to mention blasting the owner out?

Isn't this a problem with the property company? With so many property fees paid every year, this kind of oolong will actually happen. You can see how inactive the property company is!!


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.

‬这人是怎么住进去的啊? Is there a key? Then, doesn't real-name authentication be required when deducting water and electricity?

The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.


The vacant rough house has been turned into a hardcover room, and there is a family living in it.

In short, everyone's idle house is either rented out or sold, although this kind of thing is not very common, but once it happens, it is extremely troublesome and very energy-consuming.

If netizens have different opinions on this matter, let's talk about it in the comment area.